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CALPUFF 模式應用相關論文

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Evaluations of CALPUFF

Greater Athens Area, Greece(2005)

This study has been carried out in order to evaluate the performance of CALPUFF modelling system in an area of complex topography. For this reason a comparison was performed between numerical results produced by this modelling system and those derived by two Eulerian models (UAM-V and REMSAD), together with experimental measurements. The meteorological input parameters, produced by the meteorological model CALMET are also examined through comparison with observations and to MM5 model results. Emphasis is given to the mixing height calculation, due to its importance in the prediction of pollutant concentrations. It was found that the overall performance of the CALPUFF is satisfactory and the results derived are compatible with these produced by the Eulerian models, especially under unstable atmospheric conditions. The CALPUFF model’s performance is improved significantly when vertical meteorological profiles produced by MM5 are additionally employed. 

  • Protonotariou, Anna & Bossioli, Elizabeth & Athanasopoulou, Eleni & Dandou, Aggeliki & Tombrou, Maria & Flocas, Helena & Helmis, C & Assimakopoulos, V.D.. (2005). Evaluation of CALPUFF modelling system performance: An application over the Greater Athens Area, Greece. International Journal of Environment and Pollution - INT J ENVIRON POLLUTION. 24. 10.1504/IJEP.2005.007382.

    Orman Refinery Plant (2010)

    Oil Refineries surrounding the gulf are the largest source of environmental pollution in the region. Air dispersion models are powerful tools for assessing the consequences of environmental air pollutant concentrations. This study was carried out to investigate the transport and dispersion patterns of SO2 originating from Mina Al-Fahal refinery, in the Sultanate Oman by employing California Puff (CALPUFF) dispersion modeling system.

The major goal of this study is to make a comparison of the results produced by this modeling system with a previous study which was conducted for the same area using Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) model. In order to obtain the meteorological fields of the study area the CALPUFF modeling system was coupled with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), a prognostic meteorological model.

The results indicated that the performance of the CALPUFF was better than that of ISCST; however, a difference in magnitudes of predicted and measured concentrations of SO2 was found. This difference can be reduced using high-resolution terrain elevation data, site-specific observational meteorological data and buoy data. The complex geography and variable wind regimes played an important role in distribution of SO2 in and around the refinery. The land–sea interaction also influenced the predicted results.

NSW, Australia (2011)

Ulsan, Korea (2014)

Maptaphut industrial area in Thailand(2015)

AERMOD and CALPUFF air dispersion models were evaluated for their performance in predicting nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Maptaphut industrial area in Thailand. Emission data were obtained from 292 point sources in the study domain. Modeled results were compared with those measured data from 10 receptor sites. Evaluation of model performance was carried out by using statistical analysis. Overall results revealed that AERMOD provided more accurate results than CALPUFF model for both NO2 and SO2 predictions. As for the highest value, results from robust highest concentration analysis indicated that AERMOD had better performance in predicting extreme high-end concentration than CALPUFF.

  • Nattawut Jittra, Nattaporn Pinthong, Sarawut Thepanondh, Performance Evaluation of AERMOD and CALPUFF Air Dispersion Models in Industrial Complex Area, Air, Soil and Water Research Journal Indexing & Metrics, December 17, 2015
    • Nattawut Jittra
      1. Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thail and.
      2. Centre of Excellence on Environmental Health and Toxicology (EHT), Bangkok, Thailand.

Kocaeli, Turkey (2017)

This study addresses the odor problem at a waste and residue treatment incineration and utilization plant located within the borders the Alikahya district of the Kocaeli province in Turkey. In the first stage of the study, odor measurements were made at designated sampling points, while in the second stage, odor concentrations were determined at the receptor points through dispersion modelling using a USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) certified long-range (>50 km) CALPUFF lagrangian puff model. In the final stage, an analysis of the predicted and observed values was carried out using such statistical methods as geometric mean bias (MG), geometric variance (VG) and fractions of predictions within a factor of two observations (FAC2).

During the modelling study, the highest one-hour concentration level was found to be 1868.10 OU (Odor Units), and the 24-hour concentration level was found to be 1316 OU, representing a decrease of approximately 30 percent. According to the measurement made, the maximum concentration value was 2455 OU.

Odor measurements were carried out at 13 points within the area in order to assess the prediction results. When the results were assessed using the MG, VG and FAC2 statistical methods, it was observed that an acceptable model performance was not achieved for the whole sampling point. When the reason for this was investigated, it was concluded that the observed values were lower than the predicted values due to the fact on the measurement days, the odor was dispersed by wind. It was further concluded that the observed values were higher than the predicted values as a result of odors emitted by other plants in the area.

When the measurements in residential areas were examined to identify the effect of the odors, it was determined that although the primary density of settlement is to the southwest of the plant, it was not this area that was affected most, but rather the area to the northeast, where there is a lower settlement density.

中國遼寧省本溪市 (2017)

Baghdad- Iraq (2019)

In order to evaluate the accuracy of CALPUFF model for prediction of the pollutants concentration in ambient air at the study area, a comparison conducted between the predicted re-sults of this model and the observed results, which measured by Gzar, (1998) in August 1997. The hourly concentration re-sults of CALPUFF were compared with measured ones at two Cases. The first Case on 23 August was better correlation than the second Case on 25 August 1997, however, it showed good agreement for SO2, CO, and NO2, but for PM2.5 was less agree-ment.

Figure 11 illustrates the site of the measured point for the observation pollutants in 1997 and the simulation point pro-cessed by CALPUFF model. The distance between these two points is about 510 meters to the east.

In order to perform the comparison with the measured point which lay on the 475 m only from the borders of the refin-ery, a new grid settings in the model were prepared after check-ing for many times the probability of the best grid setting for the study domain to get the nearest simulated point (receptor) to the measured point, and also this modeled point should be covered all the (9) point sources in the refinery similar to that in measured point which was depended on the August 1997, and also at the same meteorological conditions. Table 4 Shows the new domain settings to perform the comparison process. Figures 12 to 15 show the comparison between observed and simulated data for the four pollutants at the two Cases (Case 1 at 23 August and Case 2 at 25 August 1997).

In Figure 12, Case (1) showed good agreement between model and observation results than in Case (2). Figure 13 illus-trates that Case (1) shows better agreement than Case (2). In Figure 14, the predicted and observed data in Case (1) had good agreement than Case (2). The two Cases (1) and (2) in Figure 15 had less agreement compared with other cases. CALPUFF model simulation for pollutant gases SO2, CO, and NO2 had a better correlation than particulate matter PM2.5 at the two Cases. In general, the CALPUFF model results overestimated for SO2, CO, and NO2, but underestimated for PM2.5.

The poor model performance for PM2.5 in Figure 14 may be a result of high natural background concentration of PM2.5 derived from wind-driven suspension of soil. The wind speed was recorded on 23 and 25 August 1997 were around 4 ~ 8.5 m/sec and 3.5 ~ 11 m/sec, respectively.

Port area of Naples (2020)

The assessment of the impact of ship emissions is generally realised by a network of receptors at ground level inside the port area or in the nearby urban canopy. Another possibility is the use of dispersion models capable of providing maps of concentrations to the ground taking into account ship emissions and weather conditions.

In this work traffic data of passengers ships in the port of Naples were used to estimate pollutant emissions starting from EMEP/EEA (European Environment Agency/European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) methodology and real data of power engines. In this way, a hourly file of emission rates was produced and input to CALPUFF together with meteorological data. Then SO2 concentrations at different heights (0–60 m) in correspondence of selected points within the port area were evaluated.

Results are compared with data measured at ground level in monitoring campaigns showing how is possible to better identify and quantify the air pollution from ships in port by positioning the receptors inside the port area at different heights from ground-level. The results obtained give useful information for designing an optimum on-site air quality monitoring network able to quantify the emissions of pollutants due to naval traffic and to individuate the contribution of single ships or ships’ categories.

Overall Critical Review (2020)

中國京津冀地區 (2020)

中國關中平原交通污染 (2022)

Saftey Assessment

hypothetical case study

The most relevant outcome is that sensitivities of the two models are generally comparable, except for the source diameter: if the SPRAY model is applied with the specific fire source option, then the concentrations result almost independent from this parameter. Conversely, when considering other source-types, the concentrations vary up to ± 60% within the selected uncertainty range.

Volcano Analysis


Objectives: The world’s population has become increasingly concentrated in large conurbations at high risk from volcanic hazards. European cities on explosive volcanoes and volcanic islands are particularly threatened by pyroclastic flows and tephra fall. Quantification of the risk associated with a range of eruption scenarios, the risk’s potential impact, and risk mitigation are priorities. The EXPLORIS project addresses these issues by advancing scientific and technological capabilities (e.g. simulation codes, vulnerability databases, and probabilistic risk protocols) needed for volcanic risk assessment and mitigation. The project applies the techniques and methods to four European volcanoes representing a high risk: Vesuvius , Italy ; La Soufrière , Guadeloupe , France ; Sete Cidades, Azores , Portugal ; and Teide, Canary Islands, Spain . The aim is to provide examples of the capabilities for supporting officials in planning priorities and decision-making during volcanic crises.

HRA Applications

Forest Fires (2008)

Zinc smelter in USA (2010)

CALPUFF is an atmospheric source-receptor model recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use on a case-by-case basis in complex terrain and wind conditions. The ability of the model to provide useful information for exposure assessments in areas with those topographical and meteorological conditions has received little attention. This is an important knowledge gap for use of CALPUFF outside of regulatory applications, such as exposure analyses conducted in support of risk assessments and health studies. We compared deposition of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) calculated with CALPUFF as a result of emissions from a zinc smelter with corresponding concentrations of the metals measured in attic dust and soil samples obtained from the surrounding area.

On a point-by-point analysis, predictions from CALPUFF explained 11% (lead) to 53% (zinc) of the variability in concentrations measured in attic dust. Levels of heavy metals in soil interpolated to 100 residential addresses from the distribution of concentrations measured in soil samples also agreed well with deposition predicted with CALPUFF: R2 of 0.46, 0.76, and 0.79 for Pb, Cd, and Zn, respectively. Community-average concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn measured in soil were significantly (p < 0.0001) and strongly correlated (R2 ranged from 0.77 to 0.98) with predicted deposition rates.

These findings demonstrate that CALPUFF can provide reasonably accurate predictions of the patterns of long-term air pollutant deposition in the near-field associated with emissions from a discrete source in complex terrain. Because deposition estimates are calculated as a linear function of air concentrations, CALPUFF is expected to be reliable model for prediction of long-term average, near-field ambient air concentrations in complex terrain as well.

Tema metropolis and refinery, Ghana (2018)

Overall, AERMOD better predicted ambient SO2 and NO2 levels than the reported CALPUFF model. For SO2, AERMOD showed a good agreement with FB, IOA, and MG while CALPUFF showed a good prediction in NMSE and VG. Also, AERMOD predicted NO2 well with NMSE, IOA, MG, and VG compared with FB for CALPUFF. The performace of the models may provide a better understanding for future epidemiological studies.

Ulsan, Korea (2020)

A numerical simulation system is developed to predict the dispersion of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) over a populated city due to accidental release. Ulsan, as one of the megacities in Korea, is chosen as an ideal testbed for the simulation, as it is located in complex terrain and hosts a national industrial complex on the outskirts of the city. The system is based on the California puff model (CALPUFF) for simulating a HAP’s dispersion, in which the three-dimensional atmospheric circulation derived from the observed weather station data is specified at a fine horizontal resolution of 200 m. A test scenario is developed for the accidental release of benzene during the daytime and nighttime, respectively, by a fictitious explosion of a storage container, and the injection amount is determined arbitrarily yet comparable to those in the past accidents. In attempting a quantitative assessment and zoning the level of potential risk over the impacted area, multiple simulations have been conducted each day with different hourly varying meteorological conditions in August. The dispersion characteristics of the air pollutant depend largely on the local wind patterns that vary substantially from day to day. Nevertheless, the composite analysis sufficiently identifies the impacted area by the HAP’s dispersion due to the local prevailing wind such as the land–sea breeze circulation. An immediate hazardous area is determined based on the vulnerability map constructed by zoning the level of risk determined by the spatial distribution of the HAPs’ concentration and the harmfulness standard to the human body.

Great Mendoza, Argentina (2020)

Determinations of atmospheric concentrations of four POPs (DDTs, HCB, PCBs, PBDEs) using PUFs in eleven sites of the study area are presented. Furthermore, the atmospheric dispersion of selected POPs was simulated using the WRF/CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system [23,24], based on a high-resolution emission inventory previously elaborated by the authors, for the same compounds determined analytically in the PUFs [6]. The implemented model also served as a tool to evaluate the emission inventory mentioned above.

Remote/Automatic Executions of CALPUFF

Cloud Computing Platform of the Ukrainian National Grid Infrastructure

Masaya volcano, Nicaragua

UNRESP is a research project working on building resilience to an environmental pollution hazard caused by persistent volcanic emissions. The volcanic emissions are termed vumo. UNRESP is working on Masaya volcano in Nicaragua, one of the biggest volcanic polluters in the world. Very little is known about the dispersion and levels of the air pollution caused by the vumo, and there no established procedures for communicating the vumo hazard between the local authorities and the public.
