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  • CAPUFF的模擬結果包括濃度(.con)、乾濕沉降(.dry、.wet)檔案,為fortran的二進位檔案,必須由CALPOST.EXE來讀取,無法由其他程式直接處理。
  • 因CALPOST.EXE有許多繁雜的設定、很多是沿襲CALPUFF的設定,會影響到讀取的方式,因此如果要重新撰寫fortran程式,還不如直接承襲CALPOST.FOR+CALPUFF.INP加以修改即可。


  • CALPOST.FOR可以自官網下載。需注意與CALPUFF版本之搭配。


  • 注意加入legacy設定
kuang@master /home/cpuff/src/CALPOST/CALPOST_v7.1.0_L141010
$ cat cpl_gfortran
gfortran -O2 -fno-align-commons -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -ffixed-line-length-72 -std=legacy -o cpost710g calpost.for

pgi fortran

  • 官方提供的編譯方式。pgi需要自己的lib檔。
kuang@master /home/cpuff/src/CALPOST/CALPOST_v7.1.0_L141010
$ cat cpl_unix.bat
# Example settings for compiling on Linux with Portland Group 64-bit Compiler (make 32-bit executable!)

pgf90 -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=fp -Msave -tp k8-32 -L/opt/pgi/linux86/11.5/liblf calpost.for -o calpost.x

# Switch settings ------------------------------
# pgf90           Portland Group Fortran 90 compiler (64-bit library here)
# -O0             Set the optimization level at Level 0
# ▒Kieee          Request  special  compilation semantics from the compiler.  Perform float and double  divides  in
                    conformance with the IEEE 754 standard
# ▒Ktrap=fp       Trap NDP errors (halt program)
# ▒Msave          All  local  variables  are  subject to the SAVE statement
# -tp k8-32       Create 32-bit executable
# -L              Library path that is installation-specific
# ▒o file         Use file as the name of the executable program, rather than the default a.out


  • 需視記憶體大小調整params檔案
kuang@master /home/cpuff/src/CALPOST/CALPOST_v7.1.0_L141010
$ cat cpl.bat
REM Compiling and linking with CALPOST using Lahey LF95 for Windows

lf95 calpost.for -o0 -co -sav -trap doi -out calpost.exe >cpl.txt

del *.obj
del *.map

rem Switch settings ------------------------------
rem -o0             No optimization
rem -co             Display the compiler options that are used
rem -sav            Save local variables
rem -trap doi       Trap NDP divide-by-zero (d), overflow (o), and invalid operation (i)
rem -out            Name the compiled executable to "calpost.exe"
rem >               Send compiler screen output to file "cpl.txt"


kuang@master /home/cpuff/src/CALPOST/CALPOST_v7.1.0_L141010
$ cat ifort_cpost
ifort -convert big_endian -Bstatic calpost.for -o cpost710

Table of CALPOST contents

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