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  • 揚沙是WRF-chem最單純的個案,不需任何的排放量數據,由模式按照公式採線上計算產生排放量。
  • namelist.input中有關&chem的設定,可以參考tutorial
  • 網路公開之手冊目前只到3.9版,4版仍在撰寫中。NOAA認為版本間差異不大,鼓勵使用者先參閱Release Note


  • 共有39項參數,揚沙只需打開下列15項,與tutorial有差異者討論如下
    • emiss_opt排放機制選項:範例採emiss_opt = 3,會讀取radm2/MADE/SORGAM人為排放量,應無法執行。改為emiss_opt = 0,
    • conv_tr_wetscav範例採0,沒有次網格洗滌,這應該會造成高估,也非內設作法,是偵錯過程。此值改為內設值1。
    • aer_ra_feedback範例也採0。等於粒狀物不影響輻射、溫度、乃至於風場,應為偵錯用途。改為內設值1。
kemitnumber of vertical levels in the emissions input data file.1windblown dust from surface
emiss_optemission scheme0no external emission
chem_optchemical mechanism401Dust concentration only, Simple ash treatment with 10 ash size bins
chemdttime step used by chemistry in minutes10small enough relative to model dt 180 min
aer_drydep_optdry depos. of part.1action
dust_optdust emiss1include GOCART dust emissions - need to provide fractional erosion map data
gas_bc_optgas boundary profile1uses default
gas_ic_optgas initial profile1uses default
aer_bc_optaer boundary profile1uses default
aer_ic_optaer initial profile1uses default
wetscav_onoffturn on the wet scavenging0off
cldchem_onoffturn on the cloud chemistry0off
have_bcs_chemgets lateral boundary data from wrfbdy data file.false.use profile
aer_ra_feedbackno feedback from the aerosols to the radiation schemes1feedback
aer_op_optaerosol optical properties scheme0based upon volume approximation


  • NOAA, WRF-Chem Version User’s Guide, NOAA