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kuang@master /home/backup/data/NOAA/NCEP
$ head SRF_ds461.0/2021/SURFACE_OBS:2021111918
            15.70000           -87.50000 78706      get data information here.  SURFACE DATA FROM ??????????? SOURCE    FM-12 SYNOP                                                                                  3.00000         1         0         0         0         0         T         F         F   -888888   -888888      20211119150000 101450.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
 101400.00000      0      3.00000      0    300.39999      0    297.89999      0      1.00000      0      0.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-777777.00000      0-777777.00000      0      1.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
      1      0      0
            51.50000            -0.10000 03770      get data information here.  SURFACE DATA FROM ??????????? SOURCE    FM-12 SYNOP                                                                                  5.00000         1         0         0         0         0         T         F         F   -888888   -888888      20211119150000-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0      5.00000      0    285.10001      0    281.89999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-777777.00000      0-777777.00000      0      1.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
      1      0      0



  • 過去是以fortran程式進行轉檔,因此有必要進行更新,應用python的新模組功能fortranformat進行更簡潔的處理。


  • 程式說明
    • 目前只有風速風向有詳細檢核,其他項目(溫、濕度等)的FDDA應有所限制
    • 此處僅增加C0測站,傳統46測站未納入處理,以避免與fortran程式結果發生衝突
    • 引進模組。其中ff為fortran格式專用模組,可能會需要安裝。
      kuang@master /home/backup/data/NOAA/NCEP/cwb_data/cwbsrf
      $ cat -n
       1  #!/Users/miniconda2/bin/python
       2  """
       3  This program appendding the cwbsrf file from e-service website
       4  The data formats(201~4) are translated from the fortran codes
       5  Only C0**** stations are append, the original 46**** are not changed
       6  The units for temperature, precipitation etc. are not checked, only ws wd may be right
       7  TODO: the condition may be changed to do all the transformation from website csv to cwbsrf files
       8  """
       9  from pandas import *
      10  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
      11  import subprocess
      12  import fortranformat as ff
  • 定義資料路徑、讀取測站位置等基本資料、篩選出自動站備用(有人站仍以fortran程式處理)
      13  root='/home/backup/data'
      14  fname = root+'/cwb/e-service/read_web/stats_tab.csv'
      15  pth = fname.replace('read_web/stats_tab.csv','')
      16  dfS = read_csv(fname)
      17  dfS = dfS.loc[ x: x[:2] == 'C0')].reset_index(drop=True)
  • 測站經緯度、名稱與id40之定義
      18  lat, lon, elev, ns = list(dfS.LAT), list(dfS.LON), list(dfS.SLV_m), len(dfS)
      19  name = stno = list(dfS.stno)
      20  id40 = [' ' + name[r3] + ' get data information here.' + 6 * ' ' for r3 in range(ns)]
  • 引用fortran的格式設定,啟用FF模組
      22  # 201   format(2F20.5,4A40,F20.5,5I10,3L10,2I10,A20,13(F13.5,I7))
      23  # 202   format(10(F13.5,I7))
      24  # 203   format(10(F13.5,I7))
      25  # 204   format(3I7)
      26  fmt201='2F20.5,4A40,F20.5,5I10,3L10,2I10,A20,13(F13.5,I7)'
      27  fmt202='10(F13.5,I7)'
      28  fmt203='10(F13.5,I7)'
      29  fmt204='3I7'
      30  for i in range(1,5):
      31    c='20'+str(i)
      32    exec('w_line'+c+' = ff.FortranRecordWriter(fmt'+c+')')
  • 將無關的變數設為定值
      34  r135 = -888888.0
      35  sut = -888888
      36  julian = -888888
      37  ceiling = -888888.
      38  qc = 0
  • 決定要處理的日期
    • byr:年度
    • srf_date:由既有檔案讀取已處理過的日期
    • cwb:已由CODiS網站下載好檔案的日期
    • fname:尚需進行轉換的日期
      40  #compare the e-service and current directories to find the dates not processed yet
      41  try:
      42    byr=str(int(subprocess.check_output('pwd',shell=True).split(b'/')[-1].strip(b'\n')))
      43  except:
      44    sys.exit('current dir. must under number of year')
      46  try:
      47    srf=subprocess.check_output('ls cwbsrf*',shell=True).split(b'\n')
      48  except:
      49    srf=[]
      50  srf_date=[(i[7:11]+i[12:14]+i[15:17]).decode('utf8') for i in srf]
      51  cwb=[i.decode('utf8') for i in subprocess.check_output('ls '+pth+byr+'/cwb*.csv',shell=True).split(b'\n') if len(i)>0]
      52  ii=cwb[0].index('.csv')
      53  cwb_date=[i[ii-8:ii] for i in cwb if len(i)>=ii+3]
      55  fnames=[]
      56  for dt in set(cwb_date)-set(srf_date):
      57    try:
      58      idt=int(dt)
      59    except:
      60      continue
      61    fnames.append(cwb[cwb_date.index(dt)])
      62  if len(fnames)==0:sys.exit('file check OK, no need to convert')
      64  fnames.sort()
  • 逐日讀取所有自動站數據
      65  for fname in fnames[:]:
      66    ymd = DATE = fname[ii-8:ii]
      67    DATE += '00'
      68    bdate = datetime(int(DATE[:4]), int(DATE[4:6]), int(DATE[6:8]), int(DATE[8:]))
      69    try:
      70      df = read_csv(fname)#,encoding='utf8')
      71    except:
      72      continue
      73    print(fname)
      74    df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)
      75    df['stno'] = [i[:6] for i in df.stno_name]
      76    df = df.loc[ x: x[:2] in ['46', 'C0'])].reset_index(drop=True)
      77    df.ObsTime = [int(i) for i in df.ObsTime]
  • 逐時進行處理
    • 篩選出符合之時間
    • 篩選出無數據之測站(miss),並加回資料庫、填入無效值,以符合測站數
      78    for it in range(24):
      79      ymdh = int(ymd) * 100 + it + 1
      80      dfd = df.loc[df['ObsTime'].map(lambda x: x == ymdh)].reset_index(drop=True)
      81      if len(dfd) ==0:continue
      82      if len(dfd) < ns:
      83        ns2 = set(dfd.stno)
      84        miss = set(stno) - set(ns2)
      85        for m in miss:
      86          df2 = DataFrame({'stno_name':[m],'ObsTime':[ymdh]})
      87          dfd = dfd.append(df2,ignore_index=True,sort=False)
      88      dfd = dfd.sort_values('stno_name').reset_index(drop=True)
      89      dfd = dfd.fillna(-888888.0)
  • 變數名稱之對照、計算utc時間、定義輸出檔名
      90      slp, precip, cloud_cvr, = list(dfd.SeaPres), list(dfd.Precp), list(dfd['Cloud Amount'])
      91      pressure, temp, dew = list(dfd.StnPres), list(dfd.Temperature), list(dfd['Td dew point'])
      92      ws, wd, rh = list(dfd.WS), list(dfd.WD), list(dfd.RH)
      93      pdate = bdate + timedelta(hours=it+1)
      94      udate = pdate - timedelta(hours=8)
      95      UTC = udate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H')
      96      UTC2 = udate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + '0000'
      97      srf_fname = 'cwbsrf:' + UTC
  • 寫出結果
      98      with open(srf_fname, 'a') as srf:
      99        for r3 in range(ns):
     100          if ws[r3] <0:continue
     101          srf.write(w_line201.write(
     102                  [lat[r3], lon[r3], id40[r3], name[r3], 'platform', \
     103                      'TW CWB SRF', elev[r3], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, sut, julian, UTC2,\
     104                                          slp[r3], qc]+4*[r135, qc]+[precip[r3], qc]+ \
     105                      5*[r135, qc]+[cloud_cvr[r3], qc, ceiling, qc])+'\n')
     106          srf.write(w_line202.write([pressure[r3],qc,elev[r3],qc,temp[r3],qc,dew[r3],qc, \
     107                      ws[r3],qc,wd[r3],qc,r135,qc,r135,qc,rh[r3],qc,r135,qc])+'\n')
     108          srf.write(w_line203.write(2*[-777777.0,qc]+8*[r135,qc])+'\n')
     109          srf.write(w_line204.write([1,0,0])+'\n')




  • MM5/WRF之little_r格式
  • Brendan Arnold, FORTRAN format interpreter for Python, fortranformat 1.0.1, Released: Apr 6, 2021
  • Brian Reen(2016), A Brief Guide to Observation Nudging in WRF, Battlefield Environment Division, Army Research Laboratory February 2016 ObsNudgingGuide