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ncgen & pncgen

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  • nc格式的檔案處理起來很快速、有效,但是如何不藉著模版、從零開始形成一個新的nc檔案呢?
    • 從python程式的nc.createDimension、nc.createVariable開始
    • 從fortran程式連結libioapi.a程式庫,write3()寫一個新的nc檔案
    • 或是此處要介紹的ncgen程式
  • 雖然改變nc的程式已經非常多了,netCDF的原創單位Unidata還是提供了以格式轉換為主要功能的工具ncgen。
  • 按照官網說明,ncgen的功能至少有:
    1. 確認CDL(Common Data Language)格式檔案的內容
    2. 反轉ncdump輸出的結果,成為nc檔案。這項功能可以將txt檔案(ncdump輸出之CDL格式文字檔),轉成nc檔案。如範例
    3. 目的同2.,但是是由ncgen讀取cdl檔案來產生C, Fortran, or Java的程式碼、再編譯執行,以產生nc檔案。這樣可以留下處理過程,或用來產生類似、序列的檔案。
  • 在此架構下,[PseudoNetCDF]也提供了pncgen,目的希望整合所有地球科學模式的IO格式,也都能有像nc格式一樣,有充分的軟體工具可以支援。


Usage: ncgen [-1] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-b] [-B buffersize] [-d] [-D debuglevel] [-h] [-k kind ] [-l language=b|c|f77|java] [-M <name>] [-n] [-o outfile] [-P] [-x] [file ... ]
netcdf library version 4.4.0 of Feb 18 2016 16:50:31
   -b     Create  a  (binary) netCDF file.  If the -o option is absent, a default file name will be constructed from the base-
          name of the CDL file, with any suffix replaced by the ▒▒.nc▒▒ extension.  If a file already exists with the  specified
          name, it will be overwritten.

   -c     Generate C source code that will create a netCDF file matching the netCDF specification.  The C source code is writ-
          ten to standard output; equivalent to -lc.

   -f     Generate FORTRAN 77 source code that will create a netCDF file matching the netCDF specification.  The  source  code
          is written to standard output; equivalent to -lf77.

   -o netcdf_file
          Name  of  the file to pass to calls to "nc_create()".  If this option is specified it implies (in the absence of any
          explicit -l flag) the "-b" option.  This option is necessary because netCDF files  cannot  be  written  directly  to
          standard output, since standard output is not seekable.

   -k format_name

          The -k flag specifies the format of the file to be created and, by inference, the data model accepted by ncgen (i.e.
          netcdf-3 (classic) versus netcdf-4 vs netcdf-5). As a shortcut, a numeric format_code may be specified instead.  The
          possible format_name values for the -k option are:

                 ▒▒classic▒▒ or ▒▒nc3▒▒ => netCDF classic format

                 ▒▒64-bit offset▒▒ or ▒▒nc6▒▒ => netCDF 64-bit format

                 ▒▒64-bit data or ▒▒nc5▒▒ => netCDF-5 (64-bit data) format
                 ▒▒netCDF-4▒▒ 0r ▒▒nc4▒▒ => netCDF-4 format (enhanced data model)

                 ▒▒netCDF-4 classic model▒▒ or ▒▒nc7▒▒ => netCDF-4 classic model format
   Accepted format_number arguments, just shortcuts for format_names, are:

                 3 => netcdf classic format

                 5 => netcdf 5 format

                 6 => netCDF 64-bit format

                 4 => netCDF-4 format (enhanced data model)

                 7 => netCDF-4 classic model format
   The numeric code "7" is used because "7=3+4", a mnemonic for the format that uses the netCDF-3 data model for compatibility
   with the netCDF-4 storage format for performance. Credit is due to NCO for use of these numeric codes instead  of  the  old
   and confusing format numbers.

   Note:  The  old version format numbers ▒▒1▒▒, ▒▒2▒▒, ▒▒3▒▒, ▒▒4▒▒, equivalent to the format names ▒▒nc3▒▒, ▒▒nc6▒▒, ▒▒nc4▒▒, or ▒▒nc7▒▒ respectively, are also still accepted but deprecated, due to easy confusion between format numbers and format names.  Various
   old format name aliases are also accepted but deprecated, e.g. ▒▒hdf5▒▒, ▒▒enhanced-nc3▒▒, etc.  Also, note that -v is accepted
   to mean the same thing as -k for backward compatibility.

   -x     Don▒▒t initialize data with fill values.  This can speed up creation of large netCDF files  greatly,  but  later  at-
          tempts to read unwritten data from the generated file will not be easily detectable.

   -l output_language
          The  -l  flag  specifies  the output language to use when generating source code that will create or define a netCDF
          file matching the netCDF specification.  The output is written to standard output.   The  currently  supported  lan-
          guages have the following flags.

                 c|C▒▒ => C language output.

                 f77|fortran77▒▒ => FORTRAN 77 language output
                         ; note that currently only the classic model is supported.

                 j|java▒▒ => (experimental) Java language output
                         ;  targets the existing Unidata Java interface, which means that only the classic model is supported.


  • 程式碼可以參考
  • 範例可以參考hotexamples

    $ pncgen --help
    usage: pncgen [-h] [--verbose] [--pnc PNC]
            [-f {see --list-formats for choices}] [--list-formats]
            [--help-format HELPFORMAT] [--sep] [--inherit] [--diskless]
            [--mangle] [--rename RENAME]
            [--remove-singleton REMOVESINGLETON] [--coordkeys key1,key2]
            [-v varname1[,varname2[,...,varnameN]]
            [-a att_nm,var_nm,mode,att_typ,att_val] [-m MASKS]
            [--from-convention FROMCONV] [--to-convention TOCONV]
            [--stack STACK] [--merge] [-s dim,start[,stop[,step]]]
            [-r dim,function[,weight]] [--mesh dim,weight,function]
            [-c dim,mode,wgt1,wgt2,...wgtN] [-e EXTRACT]
            [--extract-file EXTRACTFILE]
            [--extractmethod {ll2ij,nn,linear,cubic,quintic,KDTree}]
            [--op-typ OPERATORS] [--expr EXPRESSIONS]
            [--exprscript EXPRESSIONSCRIPTS] [-O]
            [--out-format {NETCDF3_CLASSIC,NETCDF4_CLASSIC,NETCDF4,arlpackedbit,bpch,cloud_rain,csv,ffi1001,height_pressure,humidity,ioapi,landuse,lateral_boundary,one3d,point_source,temperature,uamiv,vertical_diffusivity,wind,camxfiles.cloud_rain,camxfiles.height_pressure,camxfiles.humidity,camxfiles.landuse,camxfiles.lateral_boundary,camxfiles.one3d,camxfiles.point_source,camxfiles.temperature,camxfiles.uamiv,camxfiles.vertical_diffusivity,camxfiles.wind,noaafiles.arlpackedbit}]
            [--mode {w,a,r+,ws,as,r+s}]
            [ifiles [ifiles ...]] outpath
     PseudoNetCDF Argument Parsing
     positional arguments:
     ifiles                path to a file formatted as type -f
     outpath               path to a output file formatted as --out-format
     optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --verbose             Provides verbosity with pncgen
     --pnc PNC             Set of pseudonetcdf commands to be process separately
     -f {see --list-formats for choices}, --format {see --list-formats for choices}
                          File format (default netcdf), can be one of the
                          choices listed, or an expression that evaluates to a
                          reader. Keyword arguments are passed via ,kwd=value.
     --list-formats        Show format options for -f
     --help-format HELPFORMAT
                          Show help for file format (must be one of the options
                          for -f)
     --sep                 Used to separate groups of arguments for parsing
                          (e.g., pncgen -- [options1] file(s)1 [--sep [options2]
                          file(s)2 [... [--sep [optionsN] file(s)N]]
     --inherit             Allow subparsed sections (separated with -- and --sep)
                          to inherit from global options (-f, --format is always
     --diskless            Load file into memory; useful for subsequent
     --mangle              Remove non-standard ascii from names
     --rename RENAME       Provide pairs of strings to be substituted
                          --rename=type,oldkey,newkey (type: v = variable; d =
     --remove-singleton REMOVESINGLETON
                          Remove singleton (length 1) dimensions
     --coordkeys key1,key2
                          Variables to be ignored in pncbo.
     -v varname1[,varname2[,...,varnameN], --variables varname1[,varname2[,...,varnameN]
                          Variable names or regular expressions (using match)
                          separated by ','. If a group(s) has been specified,
                          only variables in that (those) group(s) will be
     -a att_nm,var_nm,mode,att_typ,att_val, --attribute att_nm,var_nm,mode,att_typ,att_val
                          Variables have attributes that can be added following
                          nco syntax (--attribute
                          att_nm,var_nm,mode,att_typ,att_val); mode = a,c,d,m,o
                          and att_typ = f,d,l,s,c,b; att_typ is any valid numpy
     -m MASKS, --mask MASKS
                          Masks to apply (e.g., greater,0 or less,0 or values,0,
                          or where,(time[:]%24<12)[:,None].repeat(10,1))
     --from-convention FROMCONV
                          From convention currently only support ioapi
     --to-convention TOCONV
                          To convention currently only supports cf
     --stack STACK         Concatentate (stack) files on the dimension.
     --merge               Combine variables into one file
     -s dim,start[,stop[,step]], --slice dim,start[,stop[,step]]
                          Variables have dimensions (time, layer, lat, lon),
                          which can be subset using dim,start,stop,stride (e.g.,
                          --slice=layer,0,47,5 would sample every fifth layer
                          starting at 0)
     -r dim,function[,weight], --reduce dim,function[,weight]
                          Variable dimensions can be reduced using
                          dim,function,weight syntax (e.g.,
                          --reduce=layer,mean,weight). Weighting is not fully
     --mesh dim,weight,function
                          Variable dimensions can be meshed using
                          dim,function,weight syntax (e.g.,
     -c dim,mode,wgt1,wgt2,...wgtN, --convolve dim,mode,wgt1,wgt2,...wgtN
                          Variable dimension is reduced by convolve function
     -e EXTRACT, --extract EXTRACT
                          lon/lat coordinates to extract
     --extract-file EXTRACTFILE
                          pncparse options for file
     --extractmethod {ll2ij,nn,linear,cubic,quintic,KDTree}
                          Method for extraction
     --op-typ OPERATORS    Operator for binary file operations. Binary file
                          operations use the first two files, then the result
                          and the next file, etc. Use // or <= or % or is not or
                          >> or & or == or != or + or * or - or / or < or >= or
                          ** or > or << or | or is or ^
     --expr EXPRESSIONS    Generic expressions to execute in the context of the
     --exprscript EXPRESSIONSCRIPTS
                          Generic expressions to execute in the context of the
     -O, --clobber         Overwrite existing file if necessary.
     --out-format {NETCDF3_CLASSIC,NETCDF4_CLASSIC,NETCDF4,arlpackedbit,bpch,cloud_rain,csv,ffi1001,height_pressure,humidity,ioapi,landuse,lateral_boundary,one3d,point_source,temperature,uamiv,vertical_diffusivity,wind,camxfiles.cloud_rain,camxfiles.height_pressure,camxfiles.humidity,camxfiles.landuse,camxfiles.lateral_boundary,camxfiles.one3d,camxfiles.point_source,camxfiles.temperature,camxfiles.uamiv,camxfiles.vertical_diffusivity,camxfiles.wind,noaafiles.arlpackedbit}
                          File output format (e.g., NETCDF3_CLASSIC,
                          NETCDF4_CLASSIC, NETCDF4;pncgen only)
     --mode {w,a,r+,ws,as,r+s}
                          File mode for writing (w, a or r+ or with unbuffered
                          writes ws, as, or r+s; pncgen only).
     Detailed Steps
     PseudoNetCDF has many operations and the order often matters. The order is
     consistent with the order of options in the formatted help. The default order
     is summarized as:
     1. Open with specified reader (-f)
     2. Select subset of variables (-v)
     2. Add attributes (-a)
     4. Apply masks (--mask)
     5. Add conventions to support later operations (--to-conv, --from-conv)
     6. Combine files via stacking on dimensions (--stack)
     7. Slice dimensions (-s --slice)
     8. Reduce dimensions (-r --reduce)
     9. Convolve dimensions (-c)
     10. Extract specific coordinates (--extract)
     11. Remove singleton dimensions (--remove-singleton)
     12. Apply expressions (--expr then --exprscripts)
     13. Apply binary operators (--op_typ)
     To impose your own order, use standard options (global options) and then
     use -- to force positional interpretation of remaining options. In remaining
     options, use --sep to separate groups of files and options to be evaluated
     before any global operations.


  • -f uamiv指定輸入格式是uamiv
  • -a TSTEP,global,o,i,$NSTEP指定TSTEP屬性的內容,是整數其值為$NSTEP - 再將其轉回uamiv檔案才會正確
  • --from-conv=ioapi--to-conv=cf指定協訂內容是ioapi或者是CF(Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions)。
$ cat /usr/kbin/pnc_congrd02
NSTEP=`$PNCD --head -f uamiv calpuff.con.S.grd02 |grep NSTEPS|grep \=|awkk 3|tail -n1`
$PTH/ -f uamiv -a TSTEP,global,o,i,$NSTEP --from-conv=ioapi --to-conv=cf -O calpuff.con.S.grd02
$PTH/pncgen --out-format=uamiv -O  calpuff.con.S.grd02
$PTH/pncgen -f uamiv -O calpuff.con.S.grd02

pncgen/pncdump 所有可接受的格式


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明
geoschem NCgcncgeoschemfiles.gcnc 


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明


類別-f 格式名稱method名稱說明