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Table of contents

  1. history
    1. Command history in
    2. ZSH - output whole history?
    3. fzf by Junegunn Choi
    4. fd


Command history in Zsh@unix.stackexchange.com1

ZSH - output whole history?2

fzf by Junegunn Choi3

Have a look at fzf. It helps not only finding “whatever-particles” in your shell history, but also in other interesting places, e.g. browser history, directory history, etc.

fzf is a command-line fuzzy finder. That means you can search for particles or fractions of what you are looking for and it will display a collection of matches which you can continuously refine. It’s really a game changer.

The homepage of the author contains a number of illustrative examples.


  • 一款开源的文件搜索神器,终于不用记 find 命令了


2022年04月13日 08:37 · 阅读 11924

  1. Command history in Zsh, discussed at 

  2. output whole history? discussed at 

  3. It’s an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc., by by Junegunn Choi