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ACG (A Cloud Guru)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AWS vs Azure vs GCP by ACG Technical Editors Team(Jun 08, 2023 )

serviceA WSAzureGCP
Speech to text Amazon TranscribeSpeech to textpeech to text
pack60 分鐘語音轉寫文字服務,使用期限 12 個月  
text to audibleAmazon Polly  
pack每月免費獲得 500 萬個字元,為期 12 個月  
Chatbots Amazon Lex  
pack12 個月 10,000 個文字和 5,000 個語音請求免費。已建有保險、航班、通訊、財務、銷售等5個模版。  
Translation Amazon Translate  
pack免費:每月最多200萬個字元(12 個月)  
Text AnalyticsAmazon Comprehend關鍵片語、情緒、實體辨識、語言偵測、事件類型偵測、語法分析  
pack10,000 封意見,每封550 個字元,分析客戶評論需6USD。

AWS, Azure and GCP Service Comparison for Data Science & AI by Richie Cotton(Jun 2023)

ML & AI Service type|Description|AWS|Azure|GCP


Besides Datacamp, some popular similar online technology training platforms are:

  1. Udemy - Offers a wide range of courses in various fields, including programming, IT, design, marketing, and more.
  2. Coursera - Provides online courses from top universities and organizations worldwide, focusing on professional development and personal enrichment.
  3. edX - A non-profit online learning destination founded by Harvard and MIT, offering courses from leading institutions such as Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, and more.

openAI cookbook



  • source code: prompttools
  • 因g++不相容,在centos7安裝不起來
  • 改在window anaconda安裝。
  • 執行
C:\Users\4139\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\LLM\Scripts\jupyter-notebook examples/notebooks/OpenAIChatExperiment.ipynb
  • 問題與解決
    • 舊函式名稱已改
      • experiment.visualize_table() -> experiment.visualize()
      • experiment.evaluate_by_row() -> experiment.evaluate()
      • similarity.semantic_similarity_by_row -> similarity.semantic_similarity
    • 繪圖時在使用者家目錄下找不到style檔案 -> 由git包內找到
copy l:/nas2/kuang/prompttools/prompttools/experiment/experiments/style.mplstyle \