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CALPUFF test case run - 3 point sources
24-Hour Simulation using CALMET met. data
Gridded receptors on 35x55  9-km met grid ---------------- Run title (3 lines) ------------------------------------------


INPUT GROUP: 0 – Input and Output File Names

Main I/O Files

Default NameTypeFile_Name說明
CALMET.DATinput! METDAT =data/calmet_20200415.dat !下列5項擇一。CALMET處理結果
PLMMET.DATinput* PLMDAT = *AUSPLUME(澳洲煙陣模式)氣象檔
PROFILE.DATinput* PRFDAT = *aermet或ctdm垂直剖面
SURFACE.DATinput* SFCDAT = *同上之地面氣象檔
RESTARTB.DATinput! RSTARTB= restart_20200425.dat !濃度起始瞬時煙陣濃度
VISB.DAToutput* VISDAT = *能見度
TK2D.DAToutput* T2DDAT = *2m溫度
RHO2D.DAToutput* RHODAT = *空氣密度
RESTARTE.DAToutput! RSTARTE= restart_20200427.dat !模擬結束瞬時之煙陣濃度

Hourly Emission Files

Default NameTypeFile_Name說明

Other Files

Default NameTypeFile_Name說明
OZONE.DATinput* OZDAT = ../OZONE.DAT *測站逐時臭氧值
VD.DATinput* VDDAT = *沉降速度
CHEM.DATinput* CHEMDAT= *化學反應
H2O2.DATinput* H2O2DAT= *逐時過氧化氫濃度
BCON.DATinput* BCNDAT= *邊界濃度
DEBUG.DAToutput! DEBUG = debug.out !偵錯訊息
MASSFLX.DAToutput* FLXDAT= *質量通量
MASSBAL.DAToutput! BALDAT=massbal.dat !質量平衡
FOG.DAToutput* FOGDAT= *
RISE.DAToutput* RISDAT= *煙流上升

  All file names will be converted to lower case if LCFILES = T
  Otherwise, if LCFILES = F, file names will be converted to UPPER CASE
           T = lower case      ! LCFILES = T !
           F = UPPER CASE
  NOTE: (1) file/path names can be up to 70 characters in length

Provision for multiple input files

 Number of CALMET.DAT Domains (NMETDOM)
                                 Default: 1       ! NMETDOM =   1   !

 Number of CALMET.DAT files for run (NMETDAT)
                                 Default: 1       ! NMETDAT =   1   !

 Number of PTEMARB.DAT files for run (NPTDAT)
                                 Default: 0       ! NPTDAT =  0  !

 Number of BAEMARB.DAT files for run (NARDAT)
                                 Default: 0       ! NARDAT =  0  !

 Number of VOLEMARB.DAT files for run (NVOLDAT)
                                 Default: 0       ! NVOLDAT =  0  !

Subgroup (0a) CALMET.DAT filenames

  The following CALMET.DAT filenames are processed in sequence if NMETDAT>1
Default NameTypeFile_Name
noneinput* METDAT=../CMET1.DAT * *END*
noneinput* METDAT=../CMET2.DAT * *END*
noneinput* METDAT=../CMET3.DAT * *END*
noneinput* METDAT=../CMET4.DAT * *END*

INPUT GROUP: 1 – General Run Control Parameters

Run all periods

Option to run all periods found
in the met. file     (METRUN)   Default: 0       ! METRUN =   0  !

     METRUN = 0 - Run period explicitly defined below
     METRUN = 1 - Run all periods in met. file

Start and end

 Starting date:    Year   (IBYR)  --    No default   ! IBYR  =  2020  !
                   Month  (IBMO)  --    No default   ! IBMO  =  04  !
                   Day    (IBDY)  --    No default   ! IBDY  =  15  !
 Starting time:    Hour   (IBHR)  --    No default   ! IBHR  =  0  !
                   Minute (IBMIN) --    No default   ! IBMIN =  0  !
                   Second (IBSEC) --    No default   ! IBSEC =  0  !

 Ending date:      Year   (IEYR)  --    No default   ! IEYR  =  2020  !
                   Month  (IEMO)  --    No default   ! IEMO  =  04 !
                   Day    (IEDY)  --    No default   ! IEDY  =  27  !
 Ending time:      Hour   (IEHR)  --    No default   ! IEHR  =  0  !
                   Minute (IEMIN) --    No default   ! IEMIN =  0  !
                   Second (IESEC) --    No default   ! IESEC =  0  !

Time zone

 (These are only used if METRUN = 0)
						! ABTZ= UTC+0000 !
 Base time zone        (XBTZ) -- No default       * XBTZ=  0.  *
 The zone is the number of hours that must be
 ADDED to the time to obtain UTC (or GMT)
 Examples: PST = 8., MST = 7.
           CST = 6., EST = 5.

Length of modeling time-step

 Length of modeling time-step (seconds)
 Equal to update period in the primary
 meteorological data files, or an
 integer fraction of it (1/2, 1/3 ...)
 Must be no larger than 1 hour
 (NSECDT)                        Default:3600     ! NSECDT =3600   !
                                 Units: seconds

Number of chemical species

 Number of chemical species (NSPEC)
                                 Default: 5       ! NSPEC =  8   !

 Number of chemical species
 to be emitted  (NSE)            Default: 3       ! NSE =  8   !

 Flag to stop run after
 SETUP phase (ITEST)             Default: 2       ! ITEST =  2   !
 (Used to allow checking
 of the model inputs, files, etc.)
       ITEST = 1 - STOPS program after SETUP phase
       ITEST = 2 - Continues with execution of program
                   after SETUP

Restart Configuration:

    Control flag (MRESTART)      Default: 0       ! MRESTART = 2 !

       0 = Do not read or write a restart file
       1 = Read a restart file at the beginning of
           the run
       2 = Write a restart file during run
       3 = Read a restart file at beginning of run
           and write a restart file during run

    Number of periods in Restart
    output cycle (NRESPD)        Default: 0       ! NRESPD =  0   !

       0 = File written only at last period
      >0 = File updated every NRESPD periods

Meteorological Data Formats

  Meteorological Data Format (METFM)

                                 Default: 1       ! METFM =  1   !

       METFM = 1 - CALMET binary file (CALMET.MET)
       METFM = 2 - ISC ASCII file (ISCMET.MET)
       METFM = 4 - CTDM plus tower file (PROFILE.DAT) and
                   surface parameters file (SURFACE.DAT)
       METFM = 5 - AERMET tower file (PROFILE.DAT) and
                   surface parameters file (SURFACE.DAT)

 Meteorological Profile Data Format (MPRFFM)
        (used only for METFM = 1, 2, 3)
                                 Default: 1       ! MPRFFM =  1   !

       MPRFFM = 1 - CTDM plus tower file (PROFILE.DAT)
       MPRFFM = 2 - AERMET tower file (PROFILE.DAT)

PG sigma-y adjustment

 PG sigma-y is adjusted by the factor (AVET/PGTIME)**0.2
 Averaging Time (minutes) (AVET)
                                 Default: 60.0    ! AVET = 60. !
 PG Averaging Time (minutes) (PGTIME)
                                 Default: 60.0    ! PGTIME = 60. !


INPUT GROUP: 2 – Technical options

Plume Behaviors

 Vertical distribution used in the
 near field (MGAUSS)                   Default: 1     ! MGAUSS =  1   !
    0 = uniform
    1 = Gaussian

 Terrain adjustment method
 (MCTADJ)                              Default: 3     ! MCTADJ =  3   !
    0 = no adjustment
    1 = ISC-type of terrain adjustment
    2 = simple, CALPUFF-type of terrain
    3 = partial plume path adjustment

 Subgrid-scale complex terrain
 flag (MCTSG)                          Default: 0     ! MCTSG =  0   !
    0 = not modeled
    1 = modeled

 Near-field puffs modeled as
 elongated slugs? (MSLUG)              Default: 0     ! MSLUG =  1   !
    0 = no
    1 = yes (slug model used)

 Transitional plume rise modeled?
 (MTRANS)                              Default: 1     ! MTRANS =  1   !
    0 = no  (i.e., final rise only)
    1 = yes (i.e., transitional rise computed)

 Stack tip downwash? (MTIP)            Default: 1     ! MTIP =  1  !
    0 = no  (i.e., no stack tip downwash)
    1 = yes (i.e., use stack tip downwash)

 Method used to compute plume rise for
 point sources not subject to building
 downwash? (MRISE)                     Default: 1     ! MRISE =   1  !
    1 = Briggs plume rise
    2 = Numerical plume rise

 Method used to simulate building
 downwash? (MBDW)                      Default: 1     ! MBDW =   1  !
    1 = ISC method
    2 = PRIME method

 Vertical wind shear modeled above
 stack top (modified Briggs plume rise)?
 (MSHEAR)                              Default: 0     ! MSHEAR =  0  !
    0 = no  (i.e., vertical wind shear not modeled)
    1 = yes (i.e., vertical wind shear modeled)

 Puff splitting allowed? (MSPLIT)      Default: 0     ! MSPLIT =  0  !
    0 = no (i.e., puffs not split)
    1 = yes (i.e., puffs are split)

Chemistry and Deposition

 Chemical mechanism flag (MCHEM)       Default: 1     ! MCHEM =  1   !
    0 = chemical transformation not
    1 = transformation rates computed
        internally (MESOPUFF II scheme)
    2 = user-specified transformation
        rates used
    3 = transformation rates computed
        internally (RIVAD/ARM3 scheme)
    4 = secondary organic aerosol formation
        computed (MESOPUFF II scheme for OH)

 Aqueous phase transformation flag (MAQCHEM)
 (Used only if MCHEM = 1, or 3)        Default: 0     ! MAQCHEM =  0   !
    0 = aqueous phase transformation
        not modeled
    1 = transformation rates adjusted
        for aqueous phase reactions

 Wet removal modeled ? (MWET)          Default: 1     ! MWET =  1   !
    0 = no
    1 = yes

 Dry deposition modeled ? (MDRY)       Default: 1     ! MDRY =  1   !
    0 = no
    1 = yes
    (dry deposition method specified
     for each species in Input Group 3)

 Gravitational settling (plume tilt)
 modeled ? (MTILT)                     Default: 0     ! MTILT =  0   !
    0 = no
    1 = yes
    (puff center falls at the gravitational
     settling velocity for 1 particle species)

     - MDRY  = 1
     - NSPEC = 1  (must be particle species as well)
     - sg    = 0  GEOMETRIC STANDARD DEVIATION in Group 8 is
                  set to zero for a single particle diameter

Plume Dispersion

 Method used to compute dispersion
 coefficients (MDISP)                  Default: 3     ! MDISP =  3   !

    1 = dispersion coefficients computed from measured values
        of turbulence, sigma v, sigma w
    2 = dispersion coefficients from internally calculated 
        sigma v, sigma w using micrometeorological variables
        (u*, w*, L, etc.)
    3 = PG dispersion coefficients for RURAL areas (computed using
        the ISCST multi-segment approximation) and MP coefficients in
        urban areas
    4 = same as 3 except PG coefficients computed using
        the MESOPUFF II eqns.
    5 = CTDM sigmas used for stable and neutral conditions.
        For unstable conditions, sigmas are computed as in
        MDISP = 3, described above.  MDISP = 5 assumes that
        measured values are read

 Sigma-v/sigma-theta, sigma-w measurements used? (MTURBVW)
 (Used only if MDISP = 1 or 5)         Default: 3     ! MTURBVW =  3  !
    1 = use sigma-v or sigma-theta measurements
        from PROFILE.DAT to compute sigma-y
        (valid for METFM = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    2 = use sigma-w measurements
        from PROFILE.DAT to compute sigma-z
        (valid for METFM = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    3 = use both sigma-(v/theta) and sigma-w
        from PROFILE.DAT to compute sigma-y and sigma-z
        (valid for METFM = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    4 = use sigma-theta measurements
        from PLMMET.DAT to compute sigma-y
        (valid only if METFM = 3)

 Back-up method used to compute dispersion
 when measured turbulence data are
 missing (MDISP2)                      Default: 3     ! MDISP2 =  3  !
 (used only if MDISP = 1 or 5)
    2 = dispersion coefficients from internally calculated 
        sigma v, sigma w using micrometeorological variables
        (u*, w*, L, etc.)
    3 = PG dispersion coefficients for RURAL areas (computed using
        the ISCST multi-segment approximation) and MP coefficients in
        urban areas
    4 = same as 3 except PG coefficients computed using
        the MESOPUFF II eqns.

 Method used for Lagrangian timescale for Sigma-y
 (used only if MDISP=1,2 or MDISP2=1,2)
 (MTAULY)                              Default: 0     ! MTAULY =  0  !
    0 = Draxler default 617.284 (s)
    1 = Computed as Lag. Length / (.75 q) -- after SCIPUFF
   10 < Direct user input (s)             -- e.g., 306.9

 Method used for Advective-Decay timescale for Turbulence
 (used only if MDISP=2 or MDISP2=2)
 (MTAUADV)                             Default: 0     ! MTAUADV =  0  !
    0 = No turbulence advection
   10 < Direct user input (s)   -- e.g., 800

 Method used to compute turbulence sigma-v &
 sigma-w using micrometeorological variables
 (Used only if MDISP = 2 or MDISP2 = 2)
 (MCTURB)                              Default: 1     ! MCTURB =  1  !
    1 = Standard CALPUFF subroutines
    2 = AERMOD subroutines

 PG sigma-y,z adj. for roughness?      Default: 0     ! MROUGH =  0  !
    0 = no
    1 = yes

 Partial plume penetration of          Default: 1     ! MPARTL =  1  !
 elevated inversion modeled for
 point sources?
    0 = no
    1 = yes

 Partial plume penetration of          Default: 1     ! MPARTLBA =  0  !
 elevated inversion modeled for
 buoyant area sources?
    0 = no
    1 = yes

 Strength of temperature inversion     Default: 0     ! MTINV =  0  !
 provided in PROFILE.DAT extended records?
    0 = no (computed from measured/default gradients)
    1 = yes

 PDF used for dispersion under convective conditions?
                                       Default: 0     ! MPDF =  0  !
    0 = no
    1 = yes

 Sub-Grid TIBL module used for shore line?
                                       Default: 0     ! MSGTIBL = 0  !
    0 = no
    1 = yes

Generate the BCON

 Boundary conditions (concentration) modeled?
                                       Default: 0     ! MBCON = 0  !
    0 = no
    1 = yes, using formatted BCON.DAT file
    2 = yes, using unformatted CONC.DAT file

 Note:  MBCON > 0 requires that the last species modeled
        be 'BCON'.  Mass is placed in species BCON when
        generating boundary condition puffs so that clean
        air entering the modeling domain can be simulated
        in the same way as polluted air.  Specify zero
        emission of species BCON for all regular sources.

 Individual source contributions saved?
                                       Default: 0     ! MSOURCE = 0  !
    0 = no
    1 = yes

Fog and Ice

 Analyses of fogging and icing impacts due to emissions from
 arrays of mechanically-forced cooling towers can be performed
 using CALPUFF in conjunction with a cooling tower emissions
 processor (CTEMISS) and its associated postprocessors.  Hourly
 emissions of water vapor and temperature from each cooling tower
 cell are computed for the current cell configuration and ambient
 conditions by CTEMISS. CALPUFF models the dispersion of these
 emissions and provides cloud information in a specialized format
 for further analysis. Output to FOG.DAT is provided in either
 'plume mode' or 'receptor mode' format.

 Configure for FOG Model output?
                                       Default: 0     ! MFOG =  0   !
    0 = no
    1 = yes  - report results in PLUME Mode format
    2 = yes  - report results in RECEPTOR Mode format

USEPA LRT Guidance

 Test options specified to see if
 they conform to regulatory
 values? (MREG)                        Default: 1     ! MREG =  0   !

    0 = NO checks are made
    1 = Technical options must conform to USEPA
        Long Range Transport (LRT) guidance
                   METFM    1 or 2
                   AVET     60. (min)
                   PGTIME   60. (min)
                   MGAUSS   1
                   MCTADJ   3
                   MTRANS   1
                   MTIP     1
                   MRISE    1
                   MCHEM    1 or 3 (if modeling SOx, NOx)
                   MWET     1
                   MDRY     1
                   MDISP    2 or 3
                   MPDF     0 if MDISP=3
                            1 if MDISP=2
                   MROUGH   0
                   MPARTL   1
                   MPARTLBA 0
                   SYTDEP   550. (m)
                   MHFTSZ   0
                   SVMIN    0.5

INPUT GROUP: 3 – Species list

Subgroup (3a) Model Species

  The following species are modeled:

  ! CSPEC =          SO2 !         !END!
  ! CSPEC =          SO4 !         !END!
  ! CSPEC =          NOX !         !END!
  ! CSPEC =          HNO3 !         !END!
  ! CSPEC =          NO3 !         !END!
  ! CSPEC =          PMS1! !END!
  ! CSPEC =          PMS2! !END!
  ! CSPEC =          PMS3! !END!

                                                   Dry                OUTPUT GROUP
SPECIES          MODELED          EMITTED       DEPOSITED                NUMBER
 NAME         (0=NO, 1=YES)    (0=NO, 1=YES)    (0=NO,                 (0=NONE,
  (Limit: 12                                        1=COMPUTED-GAS        1=1st CGRUP,
     Characters                                       2=COMPUTED-PARTICLE   2=2nd CGRUP,
     in length)                                       3=USER-SPECIFIED)     3= etc.)

  !          SO2  =         1,               1,           1,                 0   !
  !          SO4  =         1,               1,           2,                 0   !
  !          NOX  =         1,               1,           1,                 0   !
  !          HNO3 =         1,               1,           1,                 0   !
  !          NO3  =         1,               1,           2,                 0   !
  !          PMS1 =         1,               1,           2,                 1   !
  !          PMS2 =         1,               1,           2,                 2   !
  !          PMS3 =         1,               1,           2,                 3   !

  Note:  The last species in (3a) must be 'BCON' when using the
     boundary condition option (MBCON > 0).  Species BCON should
     typically be modeled as inert (no chem transformation or

Subgroup (3b) PM Group Names

  The following names are used for Species-Groups in which results
  for certain species are combined (added) prior to output.  The
  CGRUP name will be used as the species name in output files.
  Use this feature to model specific particle-size distributions
  by treating each size-range as a separate species.
  Order must be consistent with 3(a) above.

  ! CGRUP = PM25 ! !END!
  ! CGRUP = PM10 ! !END!
  ! CGRUP = TSP  ! !END!

INPUT GROUP: 4 – Map Projection and Grid control parameters

Projection for all (X,Y):


 Map projection
 (PMAP)                     Default: UTM    ! PMAP = LCC  !

     UTM :  Universal Transverse Mercator
     TTM :  Tangential Transverse Mercator
     LCC :  Lambert Conformal Conic
      PS :  Polar Stereographic
      EM :  Equatorial Mercator
    LAZA :  Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area

 False Easting and Northing (km) at the projection origin
 (Used only if PMAP= TTM, LCC, or LAZA)
 (FEAST)                    Default=0.0     ! FEAST  = 0.000  !
 (FNORTH)                   Default=0.0     ! FNORTH = 0.000  !

 UTM zone (1 to 60)
 (Used only if PMAP=UTM)
 (IUTMZN)                   No Default      ! IUTMZN =  51   !

 Hemisphere for UTM projection?
 (Used only if PMAP=UTM)
 (UTMHEM)                   Default: N      ! UTMHEM = N  !
     N   :  Northern hemisphere projection
     S   :  Southern hemisphere projection

 Latitude and Longitude (decimal degrees) of projection origin
 (Used only if PMAP= TTM, LCC, PS, EM, or LAZA)
 (RLAT0)                    No Default      ! RLAT0 =  23.61N !
 (RLON0)                    No Default      ! RLON0 = 120.99E !

     TTM :  RLON0 identifies central (true N/S) meridian of projection
            RLAT0 selected for convenience
     LCC :  RLON0 identifies central (true N/S) meridian of projection
            RLAT0 selected for convenience
     PS  :  RLON0 identifies central (grid N/S) meridian of projection
            RLAT0 selected for convenience
     EM  :  RLON0 identifies central meridian of projection
            RLAT0 is REPLACED by 0.0N (Equator)
     LAZA:  RLON0 identifies longitude of tangent-point of mapping plane
            RLAT0 identifies latitude of tangent-point of mapping plane

 Matching parallel(s) of latitude (decimal degrees) for projection
 (Used only if PMAP= LCC or PS)
 (XLAT1)                    No Default      ! XLAT1 = 10N  !
 (XLAT2)                    No Default      ! XLAT2 = 40N  !

     LCC :  Projection cone slices through Earth's surface at XLAT1 and XLAT2
     PS  :  Projection plane slices through Earth at XLAT1
            (XLAT2 is not used)

 Note:  Latitudes and longitudes should be positive, and include a
        letter N,S,E, or W indicating north or south latitude, and
        east or west longitude.  For example,
        35.9  N Latitude  =  35.9N
        118.7 E Longitude = 118.7E


 The Datum-Region for the coordinates is identified by a character
 string.  Many mapping products currently available use the model of the
 Earth known as the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84).  Other local
 models may be in use, and their selection in CALMET will make its output
 consistent with local mapping products.  The list of Datum-Regions with
 official transformation parameters is provided by the National Imagery and
 Mapping Agency (NIMA).

 NIMA Datum - Regions(Examples)
 WGS-84    WGS-84 Reference Ellipsoid and Geoid, Global coverage (WGS84)
 NAS-C     NORTH AMERICAN 1927 Clarke 1866 Spheroid, MEAN FOR CONUS (NAD27)
 NWS-84    NWS 6370KM Radius, Sphere
 ESR-S     ESRI REFERENCE 6371KM Radius, Sphere

 Datum-region for output coordinates
 (DATUM)                    Default: WGS-84    ! DATUM = WGS-G  !


 Rectangular grid defined for projection PMAP,
 with X the Easting and Y the Northing coordinate

 No. X grid cells (NX)      No default     ! NX =  83 !
 No. Y grid cells (NY)      No default     ! NY =  137 !
 No. vertical layers (NZ)   No default     ! NZ =   15  !
 Grid spacing (DGRIDKM)     No default  ! DGRIDKM = 3.000 !
                                   Units: km

            Cell face heights
                (ZFACE(nz+1))      No defaults
                                   Units: m

        Reference Coordinates
       of SOUTHWEST corner of
             grid cell(1, 1):

  X coordinate (XORIGKM)     No default   72! XORIGKM = -124.5!
  Y coordinate (YORIGKM)     No default     ! YORIGKM = -205.5!
                                  Units: km


 The computational grid is identical to or a subset of the MET. grid.
 The lower left (LL) corner of the computational grid is at grid point
 (IBCOMP, JBCOMP) of the MET. grid.  The upper right (UR) corner of the
 computational grid is at grid point (IECOMP, JECOMP) of the MET. grid.
 The grid spacing of the computational grid is the same as the MET. grid.

    X index of LL corner (IBCOMP)      No default     ! IBCOMP =  1   !
              (1 <= IBCOMP <= NX)

    Y index of LL corner (JBCOMP)      No default     ! JBCOMP =  1   !
              (1 <= JBCOMP <= NY)

    X index of UR corner (IECOMP)      No default     ! IECOMP = 83   !
              (1 <= IECOMP <= NX)

    Y index of UR corner (JECOMP)      No default     ! JECOMP = 137  !
              (1 <= JECOMP <= NY)


 The lower left (LL) corner of the sampling grid is at grid point
 (IBSAMP, JBSAMP) of the MET. grid.  The upper right (UR) corner of the
 sampling grid is at grid point (IESAMP, JESAMP) of the MET. grid.
 The sampling grid must be identical to or a subset of the computational
 grid.  It may be a nested grid inside the computational grid.
 The grid spacing of the sampling grid is DGRIDKM/MESHDN.

    Logical flag indicating if gridded
    receptors are used (LSAMP)         Default: T     ! LSAMP = T !
    (T=yes, F=no)

    X index of LL corner (IBSAMP)      No default     ! IBSAMP =  1   !

    Y index of LL corner (JBSAMP)      No default     ! JBSAMP =  1   !

    X index of UR corner (IESAMP)      No default     ! IESAMP = 83  !

    Y index of UR corner (JESAMP)      No default     ! JESAMP = 137  !

   Nesting factor of the sampling
    grid (MESHDN)                      Default: 1     ! MESHDN =  1  !
    (MESHDN is an integer >= 1)

INPUT GROUP: 5 – Output Options

                                         *                          *
  FILE                       DEFAULT VALUE             VALUE THIS RUN
  ----                       -------------             --------------

  Concentrations (ICON)              1                   !  ICON =  1   !
  Dry Fluxes (IDRY)                  1                   !  IDRY =  1   !
  Wet Fluxes (IWET)                  1                   !  IWET =  1   !
  2D Temperature (IT2D)              0                   !  IT2D =  0   !
  2D Density (IRHO)                  0                   !  IRHO =  0   !
  Relative Humidity (IVIS)           1                   !  IVIS =  0   !
  (relative humidity file is
  required for visibility
  Use data compression option in output file?
  (LCOMPRS)                           Default: T         ! LCOMPRS = T !

0 = Do not create file, 1 = create file


   Create a standard series of output files (e.g.
   locations of sources, receptors, grids ...)
   suitable for plotting?
   (IQAPLOT)                       Default: 1         ! IQAPLOT =  1   !
     0 = no
     1 = yes


   Mass flux across specified boundaries
   for selected species reported?
   (IMFLX)                         Default: 0         ! IMFLX =  0  !
     0 = no
     1 = yes (FLUXBDY.DAT and MASSFLX.DAT filenames
              are specified in Input Group 0)

   Mass balance for each species
   (IMBAL)                         Default: 0         ! IMBAL =  0  !
     0 = no
     1 = yes (MASSBAL.DAT filename is
          specified in Input Group 0)


   Create a file with plume properties for each rise
   increment, for each model timestep?
   This applies to sources modeled with numerical rise.
   (INRISE)                        Default: 0         ! INRISE =  0   !
     0 = no
     1 = yes (RISE.DAT filename is
              specified in Input Group 0)


   Print concentrations (ICPRT)    Default: 0         ! ICPRT =  1   !
   Print dry fluxes (IDPRT)        Default: 0         ! IDPRT =  0   !
   Print wet fluxes (IWPRT)        Default: 0         ! IWPRT =  0   !
   (0 = Do not print, 1 = Print)

   Concentration print interval
   (ICFRQ) in timesteps            Default: 1         ! ICFRQ =  24   !
   Dry flux print interval
   (IDFRQ) in timesteps            Default: 1         ! IDFRQ =  1   !
   Wet flux print interval
   (IWFRQ) in timesteps            Default: 1         ! IWFRQ =  1   !

   Units for Line Printer Output
   (IPRTU)                         Default: 1         ! IPRTU =  1   !
                   for            for
              Concentration    Deposition
       1 =       g/m**3         g/m**2/s
       2 =      mg/m**3        mg/m**2/s
       3 =      ug/m**3        ug/m**2/s
       4 =      ng/m**3        ng/m**2/s
       5 =     Odour Units

   Messages tracking progress of run
   written to the screen ?
   (IMESG)                         Default: 2         ! IMESG =  2   !
     0 = no
     1 = yes (advection step, puff ID)
     2 = yes (YYYYJJJHH, # old puffs, # emitted puffs)

 SPECIES (or GROUP for combined species) LIST FOR OUTPUT OPTIONS

                 ---- CONCENTRATIONS ----   ------ DRY FLUXES ------   ------ WET FLUXES ------   -- MASS FLUX --
     -------       ------------------------   ------------------------   ------------------------   ---------------
  !          SO2 =     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          SO4 =     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          NOX =     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          HNO3=     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          NO3 =     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          PM25=     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          PM10=     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !
  !          TSP =     0,           1,           0,           1,           0,           1,           1   !

Note: Species BCON (for MBCON > 0) does not need to be saved on disk.


   Logical for debug output
   (LDEBUG)                                 Default: F     ! LDEBUG = F !

   First puff to track
   (IPFDEB)                                 Default: 1     ! IPFDEB =  1  !

   Number of puffs to track
   (NPFDEB)                                 Default: 1     ! NPFDEB =  10  !

   Met. period to start output
   (NN1)                                    Default: 1     ! NN1 =  1   !

   Met. period to end output
   (NN2)                                    Default: 10    ! NN2 =  10  !


INPUT GROUP: 6 – Subgrid scale complex terrain inputs

Subgroup (6a)

   Number of terrain features (NHILL)       Default: 0     ! NHILL =  0   !

   Number of special complex terrain
   receptors  (NCTREC)                      Default: 0     ! NCTREC =  0   !

   Terrain and CTSG Receptor data for 
   CTSG hills input in CTDM format ?
   (MHILL)                                  No Default     ! MHILL =  2   !
   1 = Hill and Receptor data created
       by CTDM processors & read from
       HILL.DAT and HILLRCT.DAT files
   2 = Hill data created by OPTHILL &
       input below in Subgroup (6b);
       Receptor data in Subgroup (6c)

   Factor to convert horizontal dimensions  Default: 1.0   ! XHILL2M = .0 !
   to meters (MHILL=1)

   Factor to convert vertical dimensions    Default: 1.0   ! ZHILL2M = .0 !
   to meters (MHILL=1)

   X-origin of CTDM system relative to      No Default     ! XCTDMKM = 0 !
   CALPUFF coordinate system, in Kilometers (MHILL=1)

   Y-origin of CTDM system relative to      No Default     ! YCTDMKM = 0 !
   CALPUFF coordinate system, in Kilometers (MHILL=1)

  ! END !

Subgroup (6b)

                  1 **
 HILL information

  HILL           XC        YC       THETAH  ZGRID  RELIEF    EXPO 1    EXPO 2   SCALE 1    SCALE 2    AMAX1     AMAX2
  NO.          (km)      (km)      (deg.)   (m)     (m)      (m)       (m)       (m)        (m)       (m)       (m)
  ----          ----      ----      ------  -----  ------    ------    ------   -------    -------    -----     -----

  --------------- ### Subgroup (6c) ---------------


                  XRCT         YRCT        ZRCT          XHH
                  (km)         (km)         (m)
                 ------        -----      ------         ----

  Description of Complex Terrain Variables:
      XC, YC  = Coordinates of center of hill
      THETAH  = Orientation of major axis of hill (clockwise from
      ZGRID   = Height of the  0  of the grid above mean sea
      RELIEF  = Height of the crest of the hill above the grid elevation
      EXPO 1  = Hill-shape exponent for the major axis
      EXPO 2  = Hill-shape exponent for the major axis
      SCALE 1 = Horizontal length scale along the major axis
      SCALE 2 = Horizontal length scale along the minor axis
      AMAX    = Maximum allowed axis length for the major axis
      BMAX    = Maximum allowed axis length for the major axis

      XRCT, YRCT = Coordinates of the complex terrain receptors
      ZRCT    = Height of the ground (MSL) at the complex terrain
      XHH     = Hill number associated with each complex terrain receptor

     NOTE: DATA for each hill and CTSG receptor are treated as a separate
           input subgroup and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

INPUT GROUP: 7 – Chemical parameters for dry deposition of gases

  NAME        (cm**2/s)                                            (s/cm)                (dimensionless)
  -------     -----------      ----------      ----------    --------------------     -----------------------
  ! SO2 = 0.1509 , 1.00E3 , 8.0 , 0.0 , 4.e-2 !
  ! NOX = 0.1656 , 1.00 , 8.0 , 5.0 , 3.5 !
  ! HNO3 = 0.1628 , 1.00 , 18.0 , 0.0 , 8.e-8 !


INPUT GROUP: 8 – Size parameters for dry deposition of particles

 For SINGLE SPECIES, the mean and standard deviation are used to
 compute a deposition velocity for NINT (see group 9) size-ranges,
 and these are then averaged to obtain a mean deposition velocity.

 For GROUPED SPECIES, the size distribution should be explicitly
 specified (by the 'species' in the group), and the standard deviation
 for each should be entered as 0.  The model will then use the
 deposition velocity for the stated mean diameter.

        NAME             DIAMETER                   DEVIATION
                          (microns)                  (microns)
        -------      -------------------        ------------------
  !     SO4 =        0.48,                     2. !
  !     NO3 =        0.48,                     2. !
  !     PMS1 =        2.5,                     2. !
  !     PMS2 =        10.,                     2. !
  !     PMS3 =        15.,                     2. !

INPUT GROUP: 9 – Miscellaneous dry deposition parameters

 Reference cuticle resistance (s/cm)
 (RCUTR)                           Default: 30    !  RCUTR = 30.0 !
 Reference ground resistance  (s/cm)
 (RGR)                             Default: 10    !    RGR = 10.0 !
 Reference pollutant reactivity
 (REACTR)                          Default: 8     ! REACTR = 8.0 !

 Number of particle-size intervals used to 
 evaluate effective particle deposition velocity
 (NINT)                            Default: 9     !   NINT =  9  !

 Vegetation state in unirrigated areas
 (IVEG)                            Default: 1     !   IVEG =  1   !
    IVEG=1 for active and unstressed vegetation
    IVEG=2 for active and stressed vegetation
    IVEG=3 for inactive vegetation


INPUT GROUP: 10 – Wet Deposition Parameters

                  Scavenging Coefficient -- Units: (sec)**(-1)

   Pollutant      Liquid Precip.       Frozen Precip.
   ---------      --------------       --------------
  !   SO2 =            3.0E-5,          0.0           !
  !   SO4 =            10.0E-5,         3.0E-5        !
  !   NOX =            0.0E-5,          0.0           !
  !   HNO3=            6.0E-5,          0.0           !
  !   NO3 =            10.0E-5,         3.0E-5        ! 
  !   PMS1=            1.0E-4,          3.0E-5        ! 
  !   PMS2=            1.0E-4,          3.0E-5        ! 
  !   PMS3=            1.0E-4,          3.0E-5        ! 


INPUT GROUP: 11 – Chemistry Parameters

 Ozone data input option (MOZ)     Default: 1            ! MOZ =  0   !
 (Used only if MCHEM = 1, 3, or 4)
    0 = use a monthly background ozone value
    1 = read hourly ozone concentrations from
        the OZONE.DAT data file

 Monthly ozone concentrations
 (Used only if MCHEM = 1, 3, or 4 and 
  MOZ = 0 or MOZ = 1 and all hourly O3 data missing)
 (BCKO3) in ppb                    Default: 12*80.
 !  BCKO3 = 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00, 80.00 !

 Monthly ammonia concentrations
 (Used only if MCHEM = 1, or 3)
 (BCKNH3) in ppb                   Default: 12*10.       
 !  BCKNH3 = 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 !

 Nighttime SO2 loss rate (RNITE1)
 in percent/hour                   Default: 0.2          ! RNITE1 = .2 !

 Nighttime NOx loss rate (RNITE2)
 in percent/hour                   Default: 2.0          ! RNITE2 = 2.0 !

 Nighttime HNO3 formation rate (RNITE3)
 in percent/hour                   Default: 2.0          ! RNITE3 = 2.0 !

 H2O2 data input option (MH2O2)    Default: 1            ! MH2O2 =  1   !
 (Used only if MAQCHEM = 1)
    0 = use a monthly background H2O2 value
    1 = read hourly H2O2 concentrations from
        the H2O2.DAT data file

 Monthly H2O2 concentrations
 (Used only if MQACHEM = 1 and
  MH2O2 = 0 or MH2O2 = 1 and all hourly H2O2 data missing)
 (BCKH2O2) in ppb                  Default: 12*1.        
 !  BCKH2O2 = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 !

— Data for SECONDARY ORGANIC AEROSOL (SOA) Option (used only if MCHEM = 4)

 The SOA module uses monthly values of:
      Fine particulate concentration in ug/m^3 (BCKPMF)
      Organic fraction of fine particulate     (OFRAC)
      VOC / NOX ratio (after reaction)         (VCNX)
 to characterize the air mass when computing
 the formation of SOA from VOC emissions.
 Typical values for several distinct air mass types are:

    Month    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12
            Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

 Clean Continental
    BCKPMF   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.
    OFRAC  .15  .15  .20  .20  .20  .20  .20  .20  .20  .20  .20  .15
    VCNX    50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.

 Clean Marine (surface)
    BCKPMF  .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5   .5
    OFRAC  .25  .25  .30  .30  .30  .30  .30  .30  .30  .30  .30  .25
    VCNX    50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.  50.

 Urban - low biogenic (controls present)
    BCKPMF  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.  30.
    OFRAC  .20  .20  .25  .25  .25  .25  .25  .25  .20  .20  .20  .20
    VCNX     4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.   4.

 Urban - high biogenic (controls present)
    BCKPMF  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.  60.
    OFRAC  .25  .25  .30  .30  .30  .55  .55  .55  .35  .35  .35  .25
    VCNX    15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.

 Regional Plume
    BCKPMF  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.  20.
    OFRAC  .20  .20  .25  .35  .25  .40  .40  .40  .30  .30  .30  .20
    VCNX    15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.  15.

 Urban - no controls present
    BCKPMF 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100.
    OFRAC  .30  .30  .35  .35  .35  .55  .55  .55  .35  .35  .35  .30
    VCNX     2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.   2.

 Default: Clean Continental
 !  BCKPMF = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 !
 !  OFRAC  = 0.15, 0.15, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.15 !
 !  VCNX   = 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00 !


INPUT GROUP: 12 – Misc. Dispersion and Computational Parameters

 Horizontal size of puff (m) beyond which
 time-dependent dispersion equations (Heffter)
 are used to determine sigma-y and
 sigma-z (SYTDEP)                           Default: 550.   ! SYTDEP = 5.5E02 !

 Switch for using Heffter equation for sigma z           
 as above (0 = Not use Heffter; 1 = use Heffter
 (MHFTSZ)                                   Default: 0      ! MHFTSZ =  0   !

 Stability class used to determine plume
 growth rates for puffs above the boundary
 layer (JSUP)                               Default: 5      ! JSUP =  5   !

 Vertical dispersion constant for stable
 conditions (k1 in Eqn. 2.7-3)  (CONK1)     Default: 0.01   ! CONK1 = .01 !

 Vertical dispersion constant for neutral/
 unstable conditions (k2 in Eqn. 2.7-4)
 (CONK2)                                    Default: 0.1    ! CONK2 = .1 !

 Factor for determining Transition-point from
 Schulman-Scire to Huber-Snyder Building Downwash
 scheme (SS used for Hs < Hb + TBD * HL)
 (TBD)                                      Default: 0.5    ! TBD = .5 !
    TBD < 0   ==> always use Huber-Snyder
    TBD = 1.5 ==> always use Schulman-Scire
    TBD = 0.5 ==> ISC Transition-point

 Range of land use categories for which
 urban dispersion is assumed
 (IURB1, IURB2)                             Default: 10     ! IURB1 =  10  !
                                                     19     ! IURB2 =  19  !

 Site characterization parameters for single-point Met data files ---------
 (needed for METFM = 2,3,4,5)

    Land use category for modeling domain
    (ILANDUIN)                              Default: 20     ! ILANDUIN =  20  !

    Roughness length (m) for modeling domain
    (Z0IN)                                  Default: 0.25   ! Z0IN = .25 !

    Leaf area index for modeling domain
    (XLAIIN)                                Default: 3.0    ! XLAIIN = 3.0 !

    Elevation above sea level (m)
    (ELEVIN)                                Default: 0.0    ! ELEVIN = .0 !

    Latitude (degrees) for met location
    (XLATIN)                                Default: -999.  ! XLATIN = -999.0 !

    Longitude (degrees) for met location
    (XLONIN)                                Default: -999.  ! XLONIN = -999.0 !

 Specialized information for interpreting single-point Met data files -----

    Anemometer height (m) (Used only if METFM = 2,3)
    (ANEMHT)                                Default: 10.    ! ANEMHT = 10.0 !

    Form of lateral turbulance data in PROFILE.DAT file
    (Used only if METFM = 4,5 or MTURBVW = 1 or 3)
    (ISIGMAV)                               Default: 1      ! ISIGMAV =  1  !
        0 = read sigma-theta
        1 = read sigma-v

    Choice of mixing heights (Used only if METFM = 4)
    (IMIXCTDM)                              Default: 0      ! IMIXCTDM =  0  !
        0 = read PREDICTED mixing heights
        1 = read OBSERVED mixing heights

 Maximum length of a slug (met. grid units)
 (XMXLEN)                                   Default: 1.0    ! XMXLEN = 1.0 !

 Maximum travel distance of a puff/slug (in
 grid units) during one sampling step
 (XSAMLEN)                                  Default: 1.0    ! XSAMLEN = 1.0 !

 Maximum Number of slugs/puffs release from
 one source during one time step            
 (MXNEW)                                    Default: 99     ! MXNEW =  99   !

 Maximum Number of sampling steps for    
 one puff/slug during one time step             
 (MXSAM)                                    Default: 99     ! MXSAM =  5   !

 Number of iterations used when computing
 the transport wind for a sampling step
 that includes gradual rise (for CALMET
 and PROFILE winds)
 (NCOUNT)                                   Default: 2      ! NCOUNT =  2   !

 Minimum sigma y for a new puff/slug (m)      
 (SYMIN)                                    Default: 1.0    ! SYMIN = 1.0  !

 Minimum sigma z for a new puff/slug (m)     
 (SZMIN)                                    Default: 1.0    ! SZMIN = 1.0  !

 Maximum sigma z (m) allowed to avoid
 numerical problem in calculating virtual
 time or distance.  Cap should be large
 enough to have no influence on normal events.
 Enter a negative cap to disable.
 (SZCAP_M)                                  Default: 5.0e06 ! SZCAP_M = -1.0  !

 Default minimum turbulence velocities sigma-v and sigma-w
 for each stability class over land and over water (m/s)
 (SVMIN(12) and SWMIN(12))

                 ----------  LAND  ----------       ---------  WATER  ----------
    Stab Class :  A    B    C    D    E    F         A    B    C    D    E    F
                 ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---       ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---
 Default SVMIN : .50, .50, .50, .50, .50, .50,      .37, .37, .37, .37, .37, .37
 Default SWMIN : .20, .12, .08, .06, .03, .016,     .20, .12, .08, .06, .03, .016

       ! SVMIN = 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500!
       ! SWMIN = 0.200, 0.120, 0.080, 0.060, 0.030, 0.016, 0.200, 0.120, 0.080, 0.060, 0.030, 0.016!

 Divergence criterion for dw/dz across puff
 used to initiate adjustment for horizontal
 convergence (1/s)
 Partial adjustment starts at CDIV(1), and
 full adjustment is reached at CDIV(2)
 (CDIV(2))                                  Default: 0.0,0.0  ! CDIV = .01, .01 !

 Search radius (number of cells) for nearest
 land and water cells used in the subgrid
 TIBL module
 (NLUTIBL)                                  Default: 4      ! NLUTIBL = 4 !

 Minimum wind speed (m/s) allowed for
 non-calm conditions. Also used as minimum
 speed returned when using power-law 
 extrapolation toward surface
 (WSCALM)                                   Default: 0.5    ! WSCALM = .5 !

 Maximum mixing height (m)                      
 (XMAXZI)                                   Default: 3000.  ! XMAXZI = 3000.0 !

 Minimum mixing height (m)                     
 (XMINZI)                                   Default: 50.    ! XMINZI = 50.0 !

 Default wind speed classes --
 5 upper bounds (m/s) are entered;
 the 6th class has no upper limit
 (WSCAT(5))                      Default   : 
                                 ISC RURAL : 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.8 (10.8+)

                          Wind Speed Class :  1     2     3     4     5  
                                             ---   ---   ---   ---   --- 
                                   ! WSCAT = 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 !

 Default wind speed profile power-law
 exponents for stabilities 1-6
 (PLX0(6))                       Default   : ISC RURAL values
                                 ISC RURAL : .07, .07, .10, .15, .35, .55
                                 ISC URBAN : .15, .15, .20, .25, .30, .30

                           Stability Class :  A     B     C     D     E     F
                                             ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
                                    ! PLX0 = 0.07, 0.07, 0.10, 0.15, 0.35, 0.55 !

 Default potential temperature gradient
 for stable classes E, F (degK/m)
 (PTG0(2))                       Default: 0.020, 0.035
                                    ! PTG0 = 0.020,   0.035 !

 Default plume path coefficients for
 each stability class (used when option
 for partial plume height terrain adjustment
 is selected -- MCTADJ=3)
 (PPC(6))                  Stability Class :  A     B     C     D     E     F
                              Default  PPC : .50,  .50,  .50,  .50,  .35,  .35
                                             ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
                                    !  PPC = 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.35, 0.35 !

 Slug-to-puff transition criterion factor
 equal to sigma-y/length of slug
 (SL2PF)                               Default: 10.        ! SL2PF = 5.0 !

 Puff-splitting control variables ------------------------


   Number of puffs that result every time a puff
   is split - nsplit=2 means that 1 puff splits
   into 2
   (NSPLIT)                            Default:   3        ! NSPLIT =  3  !

   Time(s) of a day when split puffs are eligible to
   be split once again; this is typically set once
   per day, around sunset before nocturnal shear develops.
   24 values: 0 is midnight (00:00) and 23 is 11 PM (23:00)
   0=do not re-split    1=eligible for re-split
   (IRESPLIT(24))                      Default:  Hour 17 = 1
   !  IRESPLIT = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 !

   Split is allowed only if last hour's mixing
   height (m) exceeds a minimum value
   (ZISPLIT)                           Default: 100.       ! ZISPLIT = 100.0 !

   Split is allowed only if ratio of last hour's
   mixing ht to the maximum mixing ht experienced
   by the puff is less than a maximum value (this
   postpones a split until a nocturnal layer develops)
   (ROLDMAX)                           Default: 0.25       ! ROLDMAX = 0.25 !


   Number of puffs that result every time a puff
   is split - nsplith=5 means that 1 puff splits
   into 5
   (NSPLITH)                           Default:   5        ! NSPLITH =  5  !

   Minimum sigma-y (Grid Cells Units) of puff
   before it may be split
   (SYSPLITH)                          Default:  1.0       ! SYSPLITH = 1.0 !

   Minimum puff elongation rate (SYSPLITH/hr) due to
   wind shear, before it may be split
   (SHSPLITH)                          Default:  2.        ! SHSPLITH = 2.0 !

   Minimum concentration (g/m^3) of each
   species in puff before it may be split
   Enter array of NSPEC values; if a single value is
   entered, it will be used for ALL species
   (CNSPLITH)                          Default:  1.0E-07   ! CNSPLITH = 1.0E-07 !

 Integration control variables ------------------------

   Fractional convergence criterion for numerical SLUG
   sampling integration
   (EPSSLUG)                           Default:   1.0e-04  ! EPSSLUG = 1.0E-04 !

   Fractional convergence criterion for numerical AREA
   source integration
   (EPSAREA)                           Default:   1.0e-06  ! EPSAREA = 1.0E-06 !

   Trajectory step-length (m) used for numerical rise
   (DSRISE)                            Default:   1.0      ! DSRISE = 1.0 !

   Boundary Condition (BC) Puff control variables ------------------------

   Minimum height (m) to which BC puffs are mixed as they are emitted
   (MBCON=2 ONLY).  Actual height is reset to the current mixing height
   at the release point if greater than this minimum.
   (HTMINBC)                           Default:   500.     ! HTMINBC = 500.0 !

   Search radius (km) about a receptor for sampling nearest BC puff.
   BC puffs are typically emitted with a spacing of one grid cell
   length, so the search radius should be greater than DGRIDKM.
   (RSAMPBC)                           Default:   10.      ! RSAMPBC = 15.0 !

   Near-Surface depletion adjustment to concentration profile used when
   sampling BC puffs?
   (MDEPBC)                            Default:   1        ! MDEPBC =  0  !
      0 = Concentration is NOT adjusted for depletion
      1 = Adjust Concentration for depletion

INPUT GROUPS: 13 – Point source parameters

Subgroup (13a) Number of point sources

 Number of point sources with
 parameters provided below      (NPT1)  No default  !  NPT1 = 1!

 Units used for point source
 emissions below                (IPTU)  Default: 1  !  IPTU =   1  !
       1 =        g/s
       2 =       kg/hr
       3 =       lb/hr
       4 =     tons/yr
       5 =     Odour Unit * m**3/s  (vol. flux of odour compound)
       6 =     Odour Unit * m**3/min
       7 =     metric tons/yr

 Number of source-species
 combinations with variable
 emissions scaling factors
 provided below in (13d)        (NSPT1) Default: 0  !  NSPT1 =  0  !

 Number of point sources with
 variable emission parameters
 provided in external file      (NPT2)  No default  !  NPT2 =  0!

 (If NPT2 > 0, these point
 source emissions are read from
 the file: PTEMARB.DAT)


Subgroup (13b) Constant Emissions

                                                                             b          c
  Source       X         Y       Stack    Base     Stack    Exit  Exit    Bldg.  Emission
  No.     Coordinate Coordinate Height Elevation Diameter  Vel.  Temp.   Dwash   Rates
              (km)      (km)       (m)      (m)       (m)  (m/s) (deg. K)         
  SO2 SO4 NOX HNO3 NO3 PMS1(fine),PMS2(10)PMS3(coarse)
  ------   ---------- ---------- ------  ------   -------- ----- -------- ----- --------
  1 ! SRCNAM = 1 !
  1 ! X =  -32.064, 97.505,  150,      4.7,    11.00,  19.8, 363.0,   .0,   5.440,
     1.08, 34.511,0.,0., 2.104,0.0,0.0!
  1 ! ZPLTFM  =      .0 !
  1 ! FMFAC  =      1.0 !   !END!

 Data for each source are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

 SRCNAM  is a 12-character name for a source
         (No default)
 X       is an array holding the source data listed by the column headings
         (No default)
 SIGYZI  is an array holding the initial sigma-y and sigma-z (m)
         (Default: 0.,0.)
 FMFAC   is a vertical momentum flux factor (0. or 1.0) used to represent
         the effect of rain-caps or other physical configurations that
         reduce momentum rise associated with the actual exit velocity.
         (Default: 1.0  -- full momentum used)
 ZPLTFM  is the platform height (m) for sources influenced by an isolated
         structure that has a significant open area between the surface
         and the bulk of the structure, such as an offshore oil platform.
         The Base Elevation is that of the surface (ground or ocean),
         and the Stack Height is the release height above the Base (not
         above the platform).  Building heights entered in Subgroup 13c
         must be those of the buildings on the platform, measured from
         the platform deck.  ZPLTFM is used only with MBDW=1 (ISC
         downwash method) for sources with building downwash.
         (Default: 0.0)

 0. = No building downwash modeled
 1. = Downwash modeled for buildings resting on the surface
 2. = Downwash modeled for buildings raised above the surface (ZPLTFM > 0.)
 NOTE: must be entered as a REAL number (i.e., with decimal point)

 An emission rate must be entered for every pollutant modeled.
 Enter emission rate of zero for secondary pollutants that are
 modeled, but not emitted.  Units are specified by IPTU
 (e.g. 1 for g/s).

Subgroup (13c) Building Dimensions

       ------------------------------------------------------- Source                                                                     a  No.       Effective building height, width, length and X/Y offset (in meters)
       every 10 degrees.  LENGTH, XBADJ, and YBADJ are only needed for
       MBDW=2 (PRIME downwash option) ------     --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1    * SRCNAM  =   1 *
  1    * HEIGHT  =  50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   
               50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   
               50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   
               50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   
               50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   
               50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0 *
  1    * WIDTH  =   62.26,   72.64,   80.8,   86.51,   89.59,   89.95,   
               87.58,   82.54,   75.0,   82.54,   87.58,   89.95,   
               89.59,   86.51,   80.8,   72.64,   62.26,   50.0,   
               62.26,   72.64,   80.8,   86.51,   89.59,   89.95,   
               87.58,   82.54,   75.0,   82.54,   87.58,   89.95,   
               89.59,   86.51,   80.8,   72.64,   62.26,   50.0 *
  1  *  LENGTH =  82.54,  87.58,  89.95,  89.59,  86.51,  80.80, 
             72.64,  62.26,  50.00,  62.26,  72.64,  80.80, 
             86.51,  89.59,  89.95,  87.58,  82.54,  75.00, 
             82.54,  87.58,  89.95,  89.59,  86.51,  80.80, 
             72.64,  62.26,  50.00,  62.26,  72.64,  80.80, 
             86.51,  89.59,  89.95,  87.58,  82.54,  75.00 *
  1  *  XBADJ =  -47.35, -55.76, -62.48, -67.29, -70.07, -70.71, 
            -69.21, -65.60, -60.00, -65.60, -69.21, -70.71, 
            -70.07, -67.29, -62.48, -55.76, -47.35, -37.50, 
            -35.19, -31.82, -27.48, -22.30, -16.44, -10.09, 
             -3.43,   3.34,  10.00,   3.34,  -3.43, -10.09, 
            -16.44, -22.30, -27.48, -31.82, -35.19, -37.50 *
  1  *  YBADJ =   34.47,  32.89,  30.31,  26.81,  22.50,  17.50, 
             11.97,   6.08,   0.00,  -6.08, -11.97, -17.50, 
            -22.50, -26.81, -30.31, -32.89, -34.47, -35.00, 
            -34.47, -32.89, -30.31, -26.81, -22.50, -17.50, 
            -11.97,  -6.08,   0.00,   6.08,  11.97,  17.50, 
             22.50,  26.81,  30.31,  32.89,  34.47,  35.00 *

 Building height, width, length, and X/Y offset from the source are treated
 as a separate input subgroup for each source and therefore must end with
 an input group terminator.  The X/Y offset is the position, relative to the
 stack, of the center of the upwind face of the projected building, with the
 x-axis pointing along the flow direction.

Subgroup (13d) Variable Emissions


 Use this subgroup to describe temporal variations in the emission
 rates given in 13b.  Factors entered multiply the rates in 13b.
 Skip sources here that have constant emissions.  For more elaborate
 variation in source parameters, use PTEMARB.DAT and NPT2 > 0.

 IVARY determines the type of variation, and is source-specific:
 (IVARY)                                Default: 0
       0 =       Constant
       1 =       Diurnal cycle (24 scaling factors: hours 1-24)
       2 =       Monthly cycle (12 scaling factors: months 1-12)
       3 =       Hour & Season (4 groups of 24 hourly scaling factors,
                                where first group is DEC-JAN-FEB)
       4 =       Speed & Stab. (6 groups of 6 scaling factors, where
                                first group is Stability Class A,
                                and the speed classes have upper
                                bounds (m/s) defined in Group 12
       5 =       Temperature   (12 scaling factors, where temperature
                                classes have upper bounds (C) of:
                                0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
                                45, 50, 50+)

 Data for each species are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

INPUT GROUPS: 14 – Area source parameters

Subgroup (14a) Number of Sources

 Number of polygon area sources with
 parameters specified below (NAR1)       No default  !  NAR1 =  0   !

 Units used for area source
 emissions below            (IARU)       Default: 1  !  IARU =   1  !
       1 =        g/m**2/s
       2 =       kg/m**2/hr
       3 =       lb/m**2/hr
       4 =     tons/m**2/yr
       5 =     Odour Unit * m/s  (vol. flux/m**2 of odour compound)
       6 =     Odour Unit * m/min
       7 =     metric tons/m**2/yr

 Number of source-species
 combinations with variable
 emissions scaling factors
 provided below in (14d)        (NSAR1) Default: 0  !  NSAR1 =  0  !

 Number of buoyant polygon area sources
 with variable location and emission
 parameters (NAR2)                      No default  !  NAR2 =  0   !
 (If NAR2 > 0, ALL parameter data for
 these sources are read from the file: BAEMARB.DAT)


Subgroup (14b) Constant Emissions

  Source           Effect.    Base      Initial    Emission
  No.             Height   Elevation   Sigma z     Rates
                    (m)       (m)        (m)      
  -------          ------    ------     --------   ---------

 Data for each source are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.
 An emission rate must be entered for every pollutant modeled.
 Enter emission rate of zero for secondary pollutants that are
 modeled, but not emitted.  Units are specified by IARU 
 (e.g. 1 for g/m**2/s).

Subgroup (14c) Location of Source Vertex

  No. Ordered list of X followed by list of Y, grouped by source

 Data for each source are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

Subgroup (14d) Temporal variation of area sources


 Use this subgroup to describe temporal variations in the emission
 rates given in 14b.  Factors entered multiply the rates in 14b.
 Skip sources here that have constant emissions.  For more elaborate
 variation in source parameters, use BAEMARB.DAT and NAR2 > 0.

 IVARY determines the type of variation, and is source-specific:
 (IVARY)                                Default: 0
       0 =       Constant
       1 =       Diurnal cycle (24 scaling factors: hours 1-24)
       2 =       Monthly cycle (12 scaling factors: months 1-12)
       3 =       Hour & Season (4 groups of 24 hourly scaling factors,
                                where first group is DEC-JAN-FEB)
       4 =       Speed & Stab. (6 groups of 6 scaling factors, where
                                first group is Stability Class A,
                                and the speed classes have upper
                                bounds (m/s) defined in Group 12
       5 =       Temperature   (12 scaling factors, where temperature
                                classes have upper bounds (C) of:
                                0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
                                45, 50, 50+)

 Data for each species are treated as a separate input ### Subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

INPUT GROUPS: 15 – Line source parameters

Subgroup (15a) Number of Sources

 Number of buoyant line sources
 with variable location and emission
 parameters (NLN2)                              No default  !  NLN2 =  0   !

 (If NLN2 > 0, ALL parameter data for
  these sources are read from the file: LNEMARB.DAT)

 Number of buoyant line sources (NLINES)        No default   ! NLINES =  0  !

 Units used for line source
 emissions below                (ILNU)          Default: 1  !  ILNU =   1  !
       1 =        g/s
       2 =       kg/hr
       3 =       lb/hr
       4 =     tons/yr
       5 =     Odour Unit * m**3/s  (vol. flux of odour compound)
       6 =     Odour Unit * m**3/min
       7 =     metric tons/yr

 Number of source-species
 combinations with variable
 emissions scaling factors
 provided below in (15c)        (NSLN1) Default: 0  !  NSLN1 =  0  !

 Maximum number of segments used to model
 each line (MXNSEG)                             Default: 7   ! MXNSEG =  7  !

 The following variables are required only if NLINES > 0.  They are
 used in the buoyant line source plume rise calculations.

    Number of distances at which                Default: 6   ! NLRISE =  6  !
    transitional rise is computed

    Average building length (XL)                No default   ! XL = .0 !
                                                (in meters)

    Average building height (HBL)               No default   ! HBL = .0 !
                                                (in meters)

    Average building width (WBL)                No default   ! WBL = .0 !
                                                (in meters)

    Average line source width (WML)             No default   ! WML = .0 !
                                                (in meters)

    Average separation between buildings (DXL)  No default   ! DXL = .0 !
                                                (in meters)

    Average buoyancy parameter (FPRIMEL)        No default   ! FPRIMEL = .0 !
                                                (in m**4/s**3)


Subgroup (15b) Constant Emissions

  Source     Beg. X      Beg. Y      End. X    End. Y     Release    Base        Emission
  No.     Coordinate  Coordinate  Coordinate Coordinate  Height    Elevation      Rates
              (km)        (km)        (km)       (km)       (m)       (m)          
  ------   ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  -------   ---------    ---------

 Data for each source are treated as a separate input Subgroup and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

 An emission rate must be entered for every pollutant modeled.
 Enter emission rate of zero for secondary pollutants that are
 modeled, but not emitted.  Units are specified by ILNTU 
 (e.g. 1 for g/s).

Subgroup (15c) Variable Emissions


 Use this Subgroup to describe temporal variations in the emission rates given in 15b.  Factors entered multiply the rates in 15b.
 Skip sources here that have constant emissions.

 IVARY determines the type of variation, and is source-specific:
 (IVARY)                                Default: 0
       0 =       Constant
       1 =       Diurnal cycle (24 scaling factors: hours 1-24)
       2 =       Monthly cycle (12 scaling factors: months 1-12)
       3 =       Hour & Season (4 groups of 24 hourly scaling factors,
                                where first group is DEC-JAN-FEB)
       4 =       Speed & Stab. (6 groups of 6 scaling factors, where
                                first group is Stability Class A,
                                and the speed classes have upper
                                bounds (m/s) defined in Group 12
       5 =       Temperature   (12 scaling factors, where temperature
                                classes have upper bounds (C) of:
                                0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
                                45, 50, 50+) --------
 Data for each species are treated as a separate input Subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

INPUT GROUPS: 16 – Volume source parameters

Subgroup (16a) Number of Sources

 Number of volume sources with
 parameters provided in 16b,c (NVL1)     No default  !  NVL1 =  0   !

 Units used for volume source
 emissions below in 16b       (IVLU)     Default: 1  !  IVLU =   1  !
       1 =        g/s
       2 =       kg/hr
       3 =       lb/hr
       4 =     tons/yr
       5 =     Odour Unit * m**3/s  (vol. flux of odour compound)
       6 =     Odour Unit * m**3/min
       7 =     metric tons/yr

 Number of source-species
 combinations with variable
 emissions scaling factors
 provided below in (16c)      (NSVL1)    Default: 0  !  NSVL1 =  0  !

 Number of volume sources with
 variable location and emission
 parameters                   (NVL2)     No default  !  NVL2 =   0   !

 (If NVL2 > 0, ALL parameter data for
  these sources are read from the VOLEMARB.DAT file(s) )


Subgroup (16b) Constant Data

     X           Y        Effect.    Base     Initial    Initial    Emission
 Coordinate  Coordinate   Height   Elevation  Sigma y    Sigma z     Rates
    (km)       (km)         (m)       (m)        (m)       (m)      
 ----------  ----------   ------    ------    --------   --------   --------

 Data for each source are treated as a separate input  Subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

 An emission rate must be entered for every pollutant modeled.
 Enter emission rate of zero for secondary pollutants that are
 modeled, but not emitted.  Units are specified by IVLU 
 (e.g. 1 for g/s).

Subgroup (16c) Variable Emissions


 Use this subgroup to describe temporal variations in the emission
 rates given in 16b.  Factors entered multiply the rates in 16b.
 Skip sources here that have constant emissions.  For more elaborate
 variation in source parameters, use VOLEMARB.DAT and NVL2 > 0.

 IVARY determines the type of variation, and is source-specific:
 (IVARY)                                Default: 0
       0 =       Constant
       1 =       Diurnal cycle (24 scaling factors: hours 1-24)
       2 =       Monthly cycle (12 scaling factors: months 1-12)
       3 =       Hour & Season (4 groups of 24 hourly scaling factors,
                                where first group is DEC-JAN-FEB)
       4 =       Speed & Stab. (6 groups of 6 scaling factors, where
                                first group is Stability Class A,
                                and the speed classes have upper
                                bounds (m/s) defined in Group 12
       5 =       Temperature   (12 scaling factors, where temperature
                                classes have upper bounds (C) of:
                                0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
                                45, 50, 50+)

 Data for each species are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

INPUT GROUPS: 17 – Non-gridded (discrete) receptor information

Subgroup (17a) Number of Receptors

 Number of non-gridded receptors (NREC)  No default  !  NREC =  11371 !
 Number of receptor group names (NRGRP)  Default: 0  !  NRGRP =  0   !

  * RGRPNAM =   X          *   *END*

Subgroup (17b) List of Receptors


                    X            Y          Ground        Height   b
Receptor       Coordinate   Coordinate    Elevation   Above Ground
  No.             (km)         (km)          (m)           (m)
--------       ----------   ----------    ---------   ------------
1 !  X  = -124.5,-205.5,0.0,0 !!END!
2 !  X  = -121.5,-205.5,0.0,0 !!END!
3 !  X  = -118.5,-205.5,0.0,0 !!END!
11371 !  X  = 121.5,202.5,0.0076263417,0 !!END! -------------
 Data for each receptor are treated as a separate input subgroup
 and therefore must end with an input group terminator.

 Receptor height above ground is optional.  If no value is entered,
 the receptor is placed on the ground.