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  CALPUFF Demonstration

  ---------------- Run title (3 lines) ------------------------------------------


INPUT GROUP: 0 輸入及輸出檔案名稱


FileDefault File Namesettings說明
Conc/Dep Flux FileMODEL.DAT! MODDAT =CALPUFF.CON !calpuff濃度結果檔
Relative Humidity FileVISB.DAT 分析能見度使用
Background Data FileBACK.DAT 加上模擬結果進行分析
Transmissometer or Nephelometer Data File or DATSAV Weather Data File or Prognostic Weather File  補充數據


FileDefault File Name設定值說明
List FileCALPOST.LST! PSTLST =CALPOST.LST !程式執行情況之printout
Pathname for Timeseries Files (activate with exclamation points only if providing NON-BLANK character string)(blank)* TSPATH = * 
Pathname for Plot Files(activate with exclamation points only if providing NON-BLANK character string)1(blank)* PLPATH = * 
Echo Plot (Specific Days)yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hhmm(UTCszzzz)_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.DAT or yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hhmm(UTCszzzz)_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.GRD  
Visibility Plot(Daily Peak Summary)DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT! VUNAM =VTEST ! 
  1. User Character String (U) to augment default filenames (activate with exclamation points only if providing NON-BLANK character string)


FileDefault File Name設定值說明
Visibility ChangeDELVIS.DAT* DVISDAT = * 


  All file names will be converted to lower case if LCFILES = T
  Otherwise, if LCFILES = F, file names will be converted to UPPER CASE
     T = lower case               ! LCFILES = T !
  NOTE: (1) file/path names can be up to 132 characters in length
  NOTE: (2) Filenames for ALL PLOT and TIMESERIES FILES are constructed
      using a template that includes a pathname, user-supplied
      character(s), and context-specific strings, where
         ASPEC = Species Name
            tt = Averaging Period (e.g. 03)
            ii = Rank (e.g. 02)
            hh = Hour(ending) in LST
         szzzz = LST time zone shift (EST is -0500)
          yyyy = Year(LST)
            mm = Month(LST)
            dd = day of month (LST)
      are determined internally based on selections made below.
      If a path or user-supplied character(s) are supplied, each
      must contain at least 1 non-blank character.


INPUT GROUP: 1 一般控制參數


 Option to run all periods found
 in the met. file(s)  (METRUN)        Default: 0   ! METRUN =   1  !

     METRUN = 0 - Run period explicitly defined below
     METRUN = 1 - Run all periods in CALPUFF data file(s)

 Starting date:    Year   (ISYR)  --    No default   ! ISYR  =  2022  !
                   Month  (ISMO)  --    No default   ! ISMO  =   3 !
                   Day    (ISDY)  --    No default   ! ISDY  =  22 !
 Starting time:    Hour   (ISHR)  --    No default   ! ISHR  =  1  !
                   Minute (ISMIN) --    No default   ! ISMIN =  0  !
                   Second (ISSEC) --    No default   ! ISSEC =  0  !

 Ending date:      Year   (IEYR)  --    No default   ! IEYR  =2022 !
                   Month  (IEMO)  --    No default   ! IEMO  =   3 !
                   Day    (IEDY)  --    No default   ! IEDY  =  22 !
 Ending time:      Hour   (IEHR)  --    No default   ! IEHR  = 24  !
                   Minute (IEMIN) --    No default   ! IEMIN =  0  !
                   Second (IESEC) --    No default   ! IESEC =  0  !

 (These are only used if METRUN = 0)

 All times are in the base time zone of the CALPUFF simulation.
 CALPUFF Dataset Version 2.1 contains the zone, but earlier versions
 do not, and the zone must be specified here.  The zone is the
 number of hours that must be ADDED to the time to obtain UTC (or GMT).
 Identify the Base Time Zone for the CALPUFF simulation
                          (BTZONE) -- No default   ! BTZONE = 0. !

 Process every period of data?
                            (NREP) -- Default: 1   ! NREP  =  1  !
  (1 = every period processed,
   2 = every 2nd period processed,
   5 = every 5th period processed, etc.)


  Species to process (ASPEC)       -- No default   ! ASPEC = TSP  !
  (ASPEC = VISIB for visibility processing)

  Layer/deposition code (ILAYER)   -- Default: 1   ! ILAYER =  1  !
    '1'  for CALPUFF concentrations,
    '-1' for dry deposition fluxes,
    '-2' for wet deposition fluxes,
    '-3' for wet+dry deposition fluxes.
  by Kuang: the scaling factor change units from ug/m3 into ppb
  Scaling factors of the form:     -- Defaults:    ! A =  1.0    !
        X(new) = X(old) * A + B         A = 0.0    ! B =  0.0    !
    (NOT applied if A = B = 0.0)        B = 0.0

  Add Hourly Background Concentrations/Fluxes?
                          (LBACK)  -- Default: F   ! LBACK =  F !

  Source of NO2 when ASPEC=NO2 (above) or LVNO2=T (Group 2) may be
  from CALPUFF NO2 concentrations OR from a fraction of CALPUFF NOx
  concentrations.  Specify the fraction of NOx that is treated as NO2
  either as a constant or as a table of fractions that depend on the
  magnitude of the NOx concentration:
                         (NO2CALC) -- Default: 1   ! NO2CALC =   0  !
     0 =  Use NO2 directly (NO2 must be in file)
     1 =  Specify a single NO2/NOx ratio (RNO2NOX)
     2 =  Specify a table NO2/NOx ratios (TNO2NOX)
          (NOTE: Scaling Factors must NOT be used with NO2CALC=2)

  Single NO2/NOx ratio (0.0 to 1.0) for treating some
  or all NOx as NO2, where [NO2] = [NOX] * RNO2NOX
  (used only if NO2CALC = 1)
                         (RNO2NOX) -- Default: 1.0 ! RNO2NOX = 1.0 !

  Table of NO2/NOx ratios that vary with NOx concentration.
  Provide 14 NOx concentrations (ug/m**3) and the corresponding
  NO2/NOx ratio, with NOx increasing in magnitude.  The ratio used
  for a particular NOx concentration is interpolated from the values
  provided in the table.  The ratio for the smallest tabulated NOx
  concentration (the first) is used for all NOx concentrations less
  than the smallest tabulated value, and the ratio for the largest
  tabulated NOx concentration (the last) is used for all NOx
  concentrations greater than the largest tabulated value.
  (used only if NO2CALC = 2)

   NOx concentration(ug / m3)
                         (CNOX)    -- No default
     ! CNOX = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0 !

   NO2/NOx ratio for each NOx concentration:
                         (TNO2NOX) -- No default
     ! TNO2NOX = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 !


Option to process source contributions: 0 = Process only total reported contributions 1 = Sum all individual source contributions and process 2 = Run in TRACEBACK mode to identify source contributions at a SINGLE receptor (MSOURCE) – Default: 0 ! MSOURCE = 0 !


Output from models other than CALPUFF and CALGRID can be written in the CONC.DAT format and processed by CALPOST. Plume models such as AERMOD typically do not treat CALM hours, and do not include such hours in multiple-hour averages, with specific rules about how many calm hours can be removed from an average. This treatment is known as CALM PROCESSING. Calm periods are identified from wind speeds in the meteorological data file for the application, which must be identified in Input Group 0 as the single-point meteorological data file MET1DAT. 0 = Option is not used for CALPUFF/CALGRID output files 1 = Apply CALM processing procedures to multiple-hour averages (MCALMPRO) – Default: 0 ! MCALMPRO = 0 !

Format of Single-point Met File 1 = AERMOD/AERMET SURFACE file (MET1FMT) – Default: 1 ! MET1FMT = 1 !


  Gridded receptors processed?    (LG) -- Default: F   ! LG  = T  !
  Discrete receptors processed?   (LD) -- Default: F   ! LD  = F  !
  CTSG Complex terrain receptors processed?
                                   (LCT) -- Default: F   ! LCT = F  !

  --Report results by DISCRETE receptor RING?
  (only used when LD = T)     (LDRING) -- Default: F   ! LDRING = F  !

  --Select range of DISCRETE receptors (only used when LD = T):

  Select ALL DISCRETE receptors by setting NDRECP flag to -1;
  Select SPECIFIC DISCRETE receptors by entering a flag (0,1) for each
     0 = discrete receptor not processed
     1 = discrete receptor processed
  using repeated value notation to select blocks of receptors:
     23*1, 15*0, 12*1
  Flag for all receptors after the last one assigned is set to 0
  (NDRECP) -- Default: -1
                                               ! NDRECP =  -1  !

  --Select range of GRIDDED receptors (only used when LG = T):

        X index of LL corner (IBGRID) -- Default: -1     ! IBGRID = -1  !
           (-1 OR 1 <= IBGRID <= NX)

        Y index of LL corner (JBGRID) -- Default: -1     ! JBGRID = -1  !
           (-1 OR 1 <= JBGRID <= NY)

        X index of UR corner (IEGRID) -- Default: -1     ! IEGRID = -1  !
           (-1 OR 1 <= IEGRID <= NX)

        Y index of UR corner (JEGRID) -- Default: -1     ! JEGRID = -1  !
           (-1 OR 1 <= JEGRID <= NY)

  Note: Entire grid is processed if IBGRID=JBGRID=IEGRID=JEGRID=-1

  --Specific gridded receptors can also be excluded from CALPOST
  processing by filling a processing grid array with 0s and 1s.  If the
  processing flag for receptor index (i,j) is 1 (ON), that receptor
  will be processed if it lies within the range delineated by IBGRID,
  JBGRID,IEGRID,JEGRID and if LG=T. If it is 0 (OFF), it will not be
  processed in the run.  By default, all array values are set to 1 (ON).

  Number of gridded receptor rows provided in Subgroup (1a) to
  identify specific gridded receptors to process
                             (NGONOFF) -- Default: 0      ! NGONOFF =  0  !


Subgroup (1a) 包括或排除特定接受點

Specific gridded receptors are excluded from CALPOST processing
by filling a processing grid array with 0s and 1s.  A total of
NGONOFF lines are read here.  Each line corresponds to one 'row'
in the sampling grid, starting with the NORTHERNMOST row that
contains receptors that you wish to exclude, and finishing with
row 1 to the SOUTH (no intervening rows may be skipped).  Within
a row, each receptor position is assigned either a 0 or 1,
starting with the westernmost receptor.
   0 = gridded receptor not processed
   1 = gridded receptor processed

Repeated value notation may be used to select blocks of receptors:
   23*1, 15*0, 12*1

Because all values are initially set to 1, any receptors north of
the first row entered, or east of the last value provided in a row,
remain ON.

(NGXRECP) -- Default: 1


Test visibility options specified to see
if they conform to FLAG 2008 configuration?
                       (MVISCHECK) -- Default: 1   ! MVISCHECK =  0   !
     0 =  NO checks are made
     1 =  Technical options must conform to FLAG 2008 visibility guidance
            ASPEC   = VISIB
            LVNO2   = T
            NO2CALC = 1
            RNO2NOX = 1.0
            MVISBK  = 8
            M8_MODE = 5

Some of the data entered for use with the FLAG 2008 configuration
are specific to the Class I area being evaluated. These values can
be checked within the CALPOST user interface when the name of the
Class I area is provided.

Name of Class I Area (used for QA purposes only)
                        (AREANAME) -- Default: User  ! AREANAME =  User !

Particle growth curve f(RH) for hygroscopic species
                            (MFRH) -- Default: 4   ! MFRH   =  4  !

     1 =  IWAQM (1998) f(RH) curve (originally used with MVISBK=1)
     2 =  FLAG (2000) f(RH) tabulation
     3 =  EPA (2003) f(RH) tabulation
     4 =  IMPROVE (2006) f(RH) tabulations for sea salt, and for small and
          large SULFATE and NITRATE particles;
          Used in Visibility Method 8 (MVISBK = 8 with M8_MODE = 1, 2, or 3)

Maximum relative humidity (%) used in particle growth curve
                           (RHMAX) -- Default: 98  ! RHMAX  = 98 !

Modeled species to be included in computing the light extinction
 Include SULFATE?          (LVSO4) -- Default: T   ! LVSO4  = T  !
 Include NITRATE?          (LVNO3) -- Default: T   ! LVNO3  = T  !
 Include ORGANIC CARBON?   (LVOC)  -- Default: T   ! LVOC   = F  !
 Include COARSE PARTICLES? (LVPMC) -- Default: T   ! LVPMC  = F  !
 Include FINE PARTICLES?   (LVPMF) -- Default: T   ! LVPMF  = F  !
 Include ELEMENTAL CARBON? (LVEC)  -- Default: T   ! LVEC   = T  !
 Include NO2 absorption?   (LVNO2) -- Default: F   ! LVNO2  = T  !
          With Visibility Method 8 -- Default: T
                                      FLAG (2008)

And, when ranking for TOP-N, TOP-50, and Exceedance tables,
 Include BACKGROUND?       (LVBK)  -- Default: T   ! LVBK   = T  !

Species name used for particulates in MODEL.DAT file
               COARSE    (SPECPMC) -- Default: PMC ! SPECPMC = PMC !
               FINE      (SPECPMF) -- Default: PMF ! SPECPMF = PMF !

消光效率 (1/Mm per ug/m**3)

MODELED particulate species:
           PM  COARSE      (EEPMC) -- Default: 0.6   ! EEPMC  = 0.6 !
           PM  FINE        (EEPMF) -- Default: 1.0   ! EEPMF  = 1 !
BACKGROUND particulate species:
           PM  COARSE    (EEPMCBK) -- Default: 0.6   ! EEPMCBK = 0.6 !
Other species:
          AMMONIUM SULFATE (EESO4) -- Default: 3.0   ! EESO4  = 3 !
          AMMONIUM NITRATE (EENO3) -- Default: 3.0   ! EENO3  = 3 !
          ORGANIC CARBON   (EEOC)  -- Default: 4.0   ! EEOC   = 4 !
          SOIL             (EESOIL)-- Default: 1.0   ! EESOIL = 1 !
          ELEMENTAL CARBON (EEEC)  -- Default: 10.   ! EEEC   = 10 !
          NO2 GAS          (EENO2) -- Default: .1755 ! EENO2  = 0.1755 !
Visibility Method 8:
          AMMONIUM SULFATE (EESO4S)   Set Internally (small)
          AMMONIUM SULFATE (EESO4L)   Set Internally (large)
          AMMONIUM NITRATE (EENO3S)   Set Internally (small)
          AMMONIUM NITRATE (EENO3L)   Set Internally (large)
          ORGANIC CARBON   (EEOCS)    Set Internally (small)
          ORGANIC CARBON   (EEOCL)    Set Internally (large)
          SEA SALT         (EESALT)   Set Internally


Method used for the 24h-average of percent change of light extinction:
Hourly ratio of source light extinction / background light extinction
is averaged?               (LAVER) -- Default: F   ! LAVER = F  !

Method used for background light extinction
                          (MVISBK) -- Default: 8   ! MVISBK =  8  !
                                      FLAG (2008)

     1 =  Supply single light extinction and hygroscopic fraction
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to hygroscopic background
            and modeled sulfate and nitrate
     2 =  Background extinction from speciated PM concentrations (A)
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to observed and modeled sulfate
            and nitrate
          - F(RH) factor is capped at F(RHMAX)
     3 =  Background extinction from speciated PM concentrations (B)
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to observed and modeled sulfate
            and nitrate
          - Receptor-hour excluded if RH>RHMAX
          - Receptor-day excluded if fewer than 6 valid receptor-hours
     4 =  Read hourly transmissometer background extinction measurements
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to modeled sulfate and nitrate
          - Hour excluded if measurement invalid (missing, interference,
            or large RH)
          - Receptor-hour excluded if RH>RHMAX
          - Receptor-day excluded if fewer than 6 valid receptor-hours
     5 =  Read hourly nephelometer background extinction measurements
          - Rayleigh extinction value (BEXTRAY) added to measurement
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to modeled sulfate and nitrate
          - Hour excluded if measurement invalid (missing, interference,
            or large RH)
          - Receptor-hour excluded if RH>RHMAX
          - Receptor-day excluded if fewer than 6 valid receptor-hours
     6 =  Background extinction from speciated PM concentrations
          - FLAG (2000) monthly RH adjustment factor applied to observed and
            and modeled sulfate and nitrate
     7 =  Use observed weather or prognostic weather information for
          background extinction during weather events; otherwise, use Method 2
          - Hourly F(RH) adjustment applied to modeled sulfate and nitrate
          - F(RH) factor is capped at F(RHMAX)
          - During observed weather events, compute Bext from visual range
            if using an observed weather data file, or
          - During prognostic weather events, use Bext from the prognostic
            weather file
          - Use Method 2 for hours without a weather event
     8 =  Background extinction from speciated PM concentrations using
          the IMPROVE (2006) variable extinction efficiency formulation
          (MFRH must be set to 4)
          - Split between small and large particle concentrations of
            SULFATES, NITRATES, and ORGANICS is a function of concentration
            and different extinction efficiencies are used for each
          - Source-induced change in visibility includes the increase in
            extinction of the background aerosol due to the change in the
            extinction efficiency that now depends on total concentration.
          - Fsmall(RH) and Flarge(RH) adjustments for small and large
            particles are applied to observed and modeled sulfate and
            nitrate concentrations
          - Fsalt(RH) adjustment for sea salt is applied to background
            sea salt concentrations
          - F(RH) factors are capped at F(RHMAX)
          - RH for Fsmall(RH), Flarge(RH), and Fsalt(RH) may be obtained
            from hourly data as in Method 2 or from the FLAG monthly RH
            adjustment factor used for Method 6 where EPA F(RH) tabulation
            is used to infer RH, or monthly Fsmall, Flarge, and Fsalt RH
            adjustment factors can be directly entered.
            Furthermore, a monthly RH factor may be applied to either hourly
            concentrations or daily concentrations to obtain the 24-hour
            These choices are made using the M8_MODE selection.

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 1:
 Background light extinction (1/Mm)
                          (BEXTBK) -- No default   ! BEXTBK = 12 !
 Percentage of particles affected by relative humidity
                          (RHFRAC) -- No default   ! RHFRAC = 10 !

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 6,8:
 Extinction coefficients for hygroscopic species (modeled and
 background) are computed using a monthly RH adjustment factor
 in place of an hourly RH factor (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).
 Enter the 12 monthly factors here (RHFAC).  Month 1 is January.

 (RHFAC)  -- No default     ! RHFAC = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 !

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 7:
 The weather data file (DATSAV abbreviated space-delimited) that
 is identified as VSRN.DAT may contain data for more than one
 station.  Identify the stations that are needed in the order in
 which they will be used to obtain valid weather and visual range.
 The first station that contains valid data for an hour will be
 used.  Enter up to MXWSTA (set in PARAMS file) integer station IDs
 of up to 6 digits each as variable IDWSTA, and enter the corresponding
 time zone for each, as variable TZONE (= UTC-LST).

 A prognostic weather data file with Bext for weather events may be used
 in place of the observed weather file.  Identify this as the VSRN.DAT
 file and use a station ID of IDWSTA = 999999, and TZONE = 0.

 NOTE:  TZONE identifies the time zone used in the dataset.  The
        DATSAV abbreviated space-delimited data usually are prepared
        with UTC time rather than local time, so TZONE is typically
        set to zero.

 (IDWSTA)   -- No default   * IDWSTA = 000000 *
 (TZONE)    -- No default   * TZONE =      0. *

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 2,3,6,7,8:
 Background extinction coefficients are computed from monthly
 CONCENTRATIONS of ammonium sulfate (BKSO4), ammonium nitrate (BKNO3),
 coarse particulates (BKPMC), organic carbon (BKOC), soil (BKSOIL), and
 elemental carbon (BKEC).  Month 1 is January.

 (BKSO4)  -- No default     ! BKSO4 = 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !
 (BKNO3)  -- No default     ! BKNO3 = 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !
 (BKPMC)  -- No default     ! BKPMC = 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !
 (BKOC)   -- No default     ! BKOC  = 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !
 (BKSOIL) -- No default     ! BKSOIL= 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !
 (BKEC)   -- No default     ! BKEC  = 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 8:
 Extinction coefficients for hygroscopic species (modeled and
 background) may be computed using hourly RH values and hourly
 modeled concentrations, or using monthly RH values inferred from
 the RHFAC adjustment factors and either hourly or daily modeled
 concentrations, or using monthly RHFSML, RHFLRG, and RHFSEA adjustment
 factors and either hourly or daily modeled concentrations.

 (M8_MODE) -- Default: 5     ! M8_MODE=  5   !
              FLAG (2008)

      1 = Use hourly RH values from VISB.DAT file with hourly
          modeled and monthly background concentrations.
      2 = Use monthly RH from monthly RHFAC and EPA (2003) f(RH) tabulation
          with hourly modeled and monthly background concentrations.
          (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).
      3 = Use monthly RH from monthly RHFAC and EPA (2003) f(RH) tabulation
          with daily modeled and monthly background concentrations.
          (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).
      4 = Use monthly RHFSML, RHFLRG, and RHFSEA with hourly modeled
          and monthly background concentrations.
          (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).
      5 = Use monthly RHFSML, RHFLRG, and RHFSEA with daily modeled
          and monthly background concentrations.
          (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).

 Background extinction coefficients are computed from monthly
 CONCENTRATIONS of sea salt (BKSALT).  Month 1 is January.

 (BKSALT) -- No default     ! BKSALT= 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !

 Extinction coefficients for hygroscopic species (modeled and
 background) can be computed using monthly RH adjustment factors
 in place of an hourly RH factor (VISB.DAT file is NOT needed).
 Enter the 12 monthly factors here (RHFSML,RHFLRG,RHFSEA).
 Month 1 is January.  (Used if M8_MODE = 4 or 5)

 Small ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate particle sizes
 (RHFSML) -- No default     ! RHFSML= 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !

 Large ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate particle sizes
 (RHFLRG) -- No default     ! RHFLRG= 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !

 Sea salt particles
 (RHFSEA) -- No default     ! RHFSEA= 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      0, 0, 0, 0 !

Additional inputs used for MVISBK = 2,3,5,6,7,8:
 Extinction due to Rayleigh scattering is added (1/Mm)
                         (BEXTRAY) -- Default: 10.0 ! BEXTRAY = 10 !

  !END! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Documentation records contained in the header of the
CALPUFF output file may be written to the list file.
Print documentation image?
                            (LDOC) -- Default: F   !  LDOC = F !


Units for All Output       (IPRTU) -- Default: 1   ! IPRTU =  3   !
                 for            for
            Concentration    Deposition
   1 =         g/m**3         g/m**2/s
   2 =        mg/m**3        mg/m**2/s
   3 =        ug/m**3        ug/m**2/s
   4 =        ng/m**3        ng/m**2/s
   5 =      Odour Units

Visibility: extinction expressed in 1/Mega-meters (IPRTU is ignored)


1-pd averages           (L1PD) -- Default: T   !   L1PD = F  !
(pd = averaging period of model output)

1-hr averages           (L1HR) -- Default: T   !   L1HR = T  !

3-hr averages           (L3HR) -- Default: T   !   L3HR = F  !

24-hr averages         (L24HR) -- Default: T   !  L24HR = T  !

Run-length averages    (LRUNL) -- Default: T   !  LRUNL = T  !

User-specified averaging time in hours, minutes, seconds
- results for this averaging time are reported if it is not zero

                       (NAVGH) -- Default: 0   !   NAVGH =  0  !
                       (NAVGM) -- Default: 0   !   NAVGM =  0  !
                       (NAVGS) -- Default: 0   !   NAVGS =  0  !


1) Visibility: daily visibility tabulations are always reported for the selected receptors when ASPEC = VISIB. In addition, any of the other tabulations listed below may be chosen to characterize the light extinction coefficients. [List file or Plot/Analysis File]

2) Top 50 table for each averaging time selected [List file only] (LT50) – Default: T ! LT50 = F !

3) Top ‘N’ table for each averaging time selected [List file or Plot file] (LTOPN) – Default: F ! LTOPN = T !

    -- Number of 'Top-N' values at each receptor
       selected (NTOP must be <= 4)
                        (NTOP) -- Default: 4   ! NTOP =  1   !

    -- Specific ranks of 'Top-N' values reported
       (NTOP values must be entered)
               (ITOP(4) array) -- Default:     ! ITOP =  1   !

4) Threshold exceedance counts for each receptor and each averaging time selected [List file or Plot file] (LEXCD) – Default: F ! LEXCD = F !

    -- Identify the threshold for each averaging time by assigning a
       non-negative value (output units).

                               -- Default: -1.0
       Threshold for  1-hr averages   (THRESH1) !  THRESH1 = 10 !
       Threshold for  3-hr averages   (THRESH3) !  THRESH3 = -1.0  !
       Threshold for 24-hr averages  (THRESH24) ! THRESH24 = -1.0  !
       Threshold for NAVG-hr averages (THRESHN) !  THRESHN = -1.0  !

    -- Counts for the shortest averaging period selected can be
       tallied daily, and receptors that experience more than NCOUNT
       counts over any NDAY period will be reported.  This type of
       exceedance violation output is triggered only if NDAY > 0.

       Accumulation period(Days)
                        (NDAY) -- Default: 0   !    NDAY =  0  !
       Number of exceedances allowed
                      (NCOUNT) -- Default: 1   !  NCOUNT =  1  !

5) Selected day table(s)

  Echo Option -- Many records are written each averaging period
  selected and output is grouped by day
  [List file or Plot file]
                       (LECHO) -- Default: F   !  LECHO = F  !

  Timeseries Option -- Averages at all selected receptors for
  each selected averaging period are written to timeseries files.
  Each file contains one averaging period, and all receptors are
  written to a single record each averaging time.
                       (LTIME) -- Default: F   !  LTIME = F  !

  Peak Value Option -- Averages at all selected receptors for
  each selected averaging period are screened and the peak value
  each period is written to timeseries files.
  Each file contains one averaging period.
                       (LPEAK) -- Default: F   !  LPEAK = F  !

    -- Days selected for output
                  (IECHO(366)) -- Default: 366*0
       ! IECHO  = 366*0  !
       (366 values must be entered)


 Plot files can be created for the Top-N, Exceedance, and Echo
 tables selected above.  Two formats for these files are available,
 DATA and GRID.  In the DATA format, results at all receptors are
 listed along with the receptor location [x,y,val1,val2,...].
 In the GRID format, results at only gridded receptors are written,
 using a compact representation.  The gridded values are written in
 rows (x varies), starting with the most southern row of the grid.
 The GRID format is given the .GRD extension, and includes headers
 compatible with the SURFER(R) plotting software.

 A plotting and analysis file can also be created for the daily
 peak visibility summary output, in DATA format only.

 Generate Plot file output in addition to writing tables
 to List file?
                             (LPLT) -- Default: F   ! LPLT  = T !

 Use GRID format rather than DATA format,
 when available?
                             (LGRD) -- Default: F   ! LGRD  = T !



  A separate output file may be requested that contains the change
  in visibility at each selected receptor when ASPEC = VISIB.  This
  file can be processed to construct visibility measures that are
  not available in CALPOST.

  Output file with the visibility change at each receptor?
                            (MDVIS) -- Default: 0   ! MDVIS  =  0  !

       0 =  Do Not create file
       1 =  Create file of DAILY (24 hour) Delta-Deciview
       2 =  Create file of DAILY (24 hour) Extinction Change (%)
       3 =  Create file of HOURLY Delta-Deciview
       4 =  Create file of HOURLY Extinction Change (%)


  Output selected information to List file
  for debugging?
                             (LDEBUG) -- Default: F  ! LDEBUG  = F !

  Output hourly extinction information to REPORT.HRV?
  (Visibility Method 7)
                             (LVEXTHR) -- Default: F  ! LVEXTHR = F !

