32#> Set General Parameters for Configuring the Simulation
33setAPPL_YR=`echo $CMAQ_HOME|cut -d'/' -f4|cut -c3-4`34setMO=$argv[1]35setRUN=$argv[2]36setDM=$argv[3]37setAPYM=${APPL_YR}${MO}38setCAS=11#teds11
40setVRSN=v53#> Code Version
42#> Horizontal grid definition
43if($DM=='d01')then44setenvGRID_NAM0sChina_81k# 16-character maximum
45setenvGRID_NAMEEAsia_81K# 16-character maximum
46setBCTYPE=regrid#> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid]
47elseif($DM=='d02')then48setenvGRID_NAM0EAsia_81K# 16-character maximum
49setenvGRID_NAMEsChina_27k# 16-character maximum
50# set BCTYPE = profile #> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid]
51setBCTYPE=regrid#> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid]
52elseif($DM=='d04')then53setenvGRID_NAM0sChina_27k# 16-character maximum
54setenvGRID_NAMETWN_3X3# 16-character maximum
55setBCTYPE=regrid#> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid]
56else57echo"Error input d02/d04"58exit159endif60setBCTYPE=regrid#> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid]
64#> Set the build directory:
65setBLD=/opt/CMAQ_Project/PREP/bcon/scripts/BLD_BCON_${VRSN}_${compilerString}66setEXEC=BCON_${VRSN}.exe67setEXEC_ID=bcon68cat$BLD/BCON_${VRSN}.cfg;echo" ";setecho6970#> Horizontal grid definition
72setenvIOAPI_ISPH20#> GCTP spheroid, use 20 for WRF-based modeling
7374#> I/O Controls
75setenvIOAPI_LOG_WRITEF#> turn on excess WRITE3 logging [ options: T | F ]
76setenvIOAPI_OFFSET_64YES#> support large timestep records (>2GB/timestep record) [ options: YES | NO ]
77setenvEXECUTION_ID$EXEC#> define the model execution id
7879# =====================================================================
80#> BCON Configuration Options
82# BCON can be run in one of two modes:
83# 1) regrids CMAQ CTM concentration files (BC type = regrid)
84# 2) use default profile inputs (BC type = profile)
85# =====================================================================
8687setenvBCON_TYPE` echo $BCTYPE | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" `8889# =====================================================================
90#> Input/Output Directories
91# =====================================================================
9495# =====================================================================
96#> Input Files
98# Regrid mode (BC = regrid) (includes nested domains, windowed domains,
99# or general regridded domains)
100# CTM_CONC_1 = the CTM concentration file for the coarse domain
101# MET_CRO_3D_CRS = the MET_CRO_3D met file for the coarse domain
102# MET_BDY_3D_FIN = the MET_BDY_3D met file for the target nested domain
104# Profile mode (BC type = profile)
105# BC_PROFILE = static/default BC profiles
106# MET_BDY_3D_FIN = the MET_BDY_3D met file for the target domain
108# NOTE: SDATE (yyyyddd), STIME (hhmmss) and RUNLEN (hhmmss) are only
109# relevant to the regrid mode and if they are not set,
110# these variables will be set from the input MET_BDY_3D_FIN file
111# =====================================================================
112#> Output File
113# BNDY_CONC_1 = gridded BC file for target domain
114# =====================================================================