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kuang@node03 /nas1/TEDS/teds11/ptse
$ cat -n
     1  import numpy as np
     2  from pandas import *
     5  def CORRECT(df):
     6    dia,he,tmp,q,vs=df.DIA,df.HEI,df.TEMP,df.ORI_QU1,df.VEL
     7    from bisect import bisect
  • 修正超小煙道直徑
     8    idx=np.where(dia<=0.1)
     9    if len(idx[0])>0:dia[idx[0]]=he[idx[0]]*0.05
  • 按照煙囪高度等級先計算得到區間範圍內之代表性溫度、流速上下區間,藉以校正流速。
    10    h_intv=[0,12.5,50,100,150,200,249]
    11    t_intv=[171,171, 176, 202, 136, 130,  90, 85]
    12    idx=np.where(tmp<=100)
    13    he_i=[bisect(h_intv,i) for i in he[idx[0]]]
    14    tmp[idx[0]]=[t_intv[i] for i in he_i]
    15    vs=q*4.*(tmp+273)/273./3.14159/dia/dia/60.
    16    v_intL=[3.0,4.5,5.3,7.1 ,14.1,15.4,18.0,19.0]
    17    v_intU=[7.0,8.5,9.3,11.1,18.1,19.4,22.0,26.0]
    18    v_intm=[6.5,6.5,7.3,9.1 ,16.1,17.4,20.0,23.0]
    19    he_i=np.array([bisect(h_intv,i) for i in he])
    20    for i in set(he_i):
    21      idx=np.where(he_i==i)
    22      if len(idx[0])==0:continue
    23      vidx0=np.array(vs[idx[0]])
    24      idx2=np.where((vidx0-v_intU[i])*(vidx0-v_intL[i])>0)
    25      if len(idx2[0])==0:continue
    26      vidx0[idx2[0]]=v_intm[i]
    27      vs[idx[0]]=vidx0
    28    df.DIA,df.HEI,df.TEMP,df.ORI_QU1,df.VEL=dia,he,tmp,q,vs
    29    return df


    31  #A simple scheme is in place for PM splitting, and the SPECCIATE is not adopted.
    32  def add_PMS(dm):
    33    #add the PM columns and reset to zero
    34    colc=['CCRS','FCRS','CPRM','FPRM']
    35    for c in colc:
    36      dm[c]=np.zeros(len(dm))
    37    #in case of non_PM sources, skip the routines
    38    if 'PM_EMI' not in dm.columns or sum(dm.PM_EMI)==0:return dm
  • 非燃燒PM排放源,特性是不會有SNC之排放,定義為crst
    • 按資料庫內容區分粗、細粒
    39    # fugitive sources
    40    not_burn=dm.loc[dm.NOX_EMI+dm.CO_EMI+dm.SOX_EMI==0]
    41    crst=not_burn.loc[not_burn.PM_EMI>0]
    42    idx=crst.index
    43    dm.loc[idx,'FCRS']=np.array(crst.PM25_EMI)
    44    dm.loc[idx,'CCRS']=np.array(crst.PM_EMI)-np.array(crst.PM25_EMI)
  • 有任何SNC排放,則為``prim`
    45    # combustion sources allocated into ?PRM, not PEC or POA
    46    burn=dm.loc[(dm.NOX_EMI+dm.CO_EMI+dm.SOX_EMI)>0]
    47    prim=burn.loc[burn.PM_EMI>0]
    48    idx=prim.index
    49    dm.loc[idx,'FPRM']=np.array(prim.PM25_EMI)
    50    dm.loc[idx,'CPRM']=np.array(prim.PM_EMI)-np.array(prim.PM25_EMI)
  • 確認是否有遺漏
    51    # check for left_over sources(NMHC fugitives), in fact no PM emits at all
    52    boo=(dm.PM_EMI!=0) & ((dm.CCRS+dm.FCRS+dm.CPRM+dm.FPRM)==0)
    53    idx=dm.loc[boo].index
    54    if len(idx)!=0:
    55      res=dm.loc[idx]
    56      dm.loc[idx,'FPRM']=np.array(res.PM25_EMI)/2
    57      dm.loc[idx,'FCRS']=np.array(res.PM25_EMI)/2
    58      dm.loc[idx,'CPRM']=(np.array(res.PM_EMI)-np.array(res.PM25_EMI))/2.
    59      dm.loc[idx,'CCRS']=(np.array(res.PM_EMI)-np.array(res.PM25_EMI))/2.
    60    return dm


    62  def check_nan(df):
    63    import numpy as np
    64    cols = list(df.columns)[1:]
    65    col_em = list(filter((lambda x: 'EMI' in x), cols))
    66    tp = [np.float64, np.int64]
    67    for i in cols:
    68      a = list(df[i])
    69      if type(a[0]) in tp:
    70        boo = (np.isnan(list(a)))
    71        lnan = len(df.loc[boo])
    72        if lnan > 1: print(i, lnan)
    73    # these plants with a little emission amounts, how small?
    74    a = set(df[np.isnan(df['UTM_E'])]['C_NO'])
    75    print(a)
    76    for sp in col_em:
    77      boo = (df['C_NO'].map(lambda x: x in a))
    78      print(sp, sum(df.loc[boo][sp]))
    80    # UTM is not number, maybe blank
    81    boo = (~(np.isnan(df['UTM_E'])) | ~(np.isnan(df['UTM_N'])))
    82    df = df.loc[boo]
    83    df = FillNan(df,'SCC', 0.)
    84    df['SCC']=[int(i) for i in df.SCC]
    85    df = FillNan(df, 'NO_P', 'E000')
    86    df = FillNan(df, 'NO_S', 'Y000')
    87    for c in ['EQ_1','EQ_2','A_NAME1']:
    88      df = FillNan(df, c, 'None')
    89    return df


  • dict.grd是以SURFER ASCII-GRD格式儲存的地形高程檔案,可以用load_surfer副程式來讀取
    91  def check_landsea(df):
    92    from load_surfer import load_surfer
    93    xc, yc, ndct, (nxc, nyc) = load_surfer('dict.grd')
    94    land = set()
    95    for i in range(nxc - 1):
    96      for j in range(nyc - 1):
    97        if ndct[i][j] > 0:
    98          land.add((xc[i][j], yc[i][j]))
    99    df['XY'] = [(int(x) % 1000 * 1000, int(y) % 1000 * 1000) for x, y in zip(list(df.UTM_E), list(df.UTM_E))]
   100    df_sea = df.loc[(df['XY'].map(lambda x: x not in land))]
   101    sea_shore = ['P', 'D', 'S', 'N', 'T', 'V', 'F']
   102    boo = (df_sea['C_NO'].map(lambda x: x[0] not in sea_shore))
   103    df_sea = df_sea.loc[boo]
   104    a = {'X': Series(df_sea['UTM_E'])}
   105    a.update({'Y': Series(df_sea['UTM_N'])})
   106    a.update({'C_NO': Series(df_sea['C_NO'])})
   107    fname = 'outsideland3.dat'
   108    cola = ['X', 'Y', 'C_NO']
   109    #   DataFrame(a)[np.array(cola)].set_index('X').to_csv(fname)
   111    # modify the x coord of plants located in isolated islands
   112    ldf = len(df)
   113    df['subX'] = [0 for i in df.index]
   114    WXZ = ['W', 'X', 'Z']  # W for Kinmen, X for Penhu, Z for Mazu
   115    df.loc[df['C_NO'].map(lambda x: x[0] in WXZ), 'subX'] = 201500
   116    df['UTM_E'] = Series([i - j for i, j in zip(df['UTM_E'], df['subX'])], index=df.index)
   117    del df['XY'], df['subX']
   118    return df


   120  def FillNan(df,c, s):
   121    idx = df.loc[df[c].map(lambda x: x != x)].index
   122    df.loc[idx, c] = [s for i in idx]
   123    return df



   125  def WGS_TWD(df):
   126    import twd97
   127    from pandas import read_csv
   128    from pyproj import Proj
   129    ll=read_csv('TEDS_POINT_WGS84.LL')
   130    Latitude_Pole, Longitude_Pole = 23.61000, 120.9900
   131    Xcent, Ycent = twd97.fromwgs84(Latitude_Pole, Longitude_Pole)
   132    pnyc = Proj(proj='lcc', datum='NAD83', lat_1=10, lat_2=40,
   133          lat_0=Latitude_Pole, lon_0=Longitude_Pole, x_0=0, y_0=0.0)
   134    x,y=pnyc(np.array(ll['lon']),np.array(, inverse=False)
   135    df.UTM_E=x+Xcent
   136    df.UTM_N=y+Ycent
   137    return df


   139  def Elev_YPM(df):
   140    from pandas import DataFrame, pivot_table
   141    import netCDF4
   142    import twd97
   143    if 'IX' not in df.columns:
   144      Latitude_Pole, Longitude_Pole = 23.61000, 120.9900
   145      Xcent, Ycent = twd97.fromwgs84(Latitude_Pole, Longitude_Pole)
   146      fn=''
   147      nc0 = netCDF4.Dataset(fn, 'r')
   148      df['IX']=np.array((df.UTM_E-Xcent-nc0.XORIG)/nc0.XCELL,dtype=int)
   149      df['IY']=np.array((df.UTM_N-Ycent-nc0.YORIG)/nc0.YCELL,dtype=int)
   150      nc0.close()
   151    boo=( x:type(x)==str and x[0] !='P')) & (df.PM25_EMI>0)
  • 計算網格地面排放
   152  # elevate the first 100 max ground-level PM sources
   153  # the hourly emission is considered, not the annual emission
   154    dfG=df.loc[boo].reset_index(drop=True)
   155    dfG['PM25_EM']=[i/j/k/l for i,j,k,l in zip(dfG.PM25_EMI,dfG.HD1,dfG.DW1,dfG.WY1)]
   156    pvG=pivot_table(dfG,index=['IX','IY'],values='PM25_EM',aggfunc='sum').reset_index()
   157    a=pvG.sort_values('PM25_EM',ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
   158    a['IYX']=[(j,i) for i,j in zip(a.IX,a.IY)]
   159    if 'IYX' not in df.columns:
   160      df['IYX']=[(j,i) for i,j in zip(df.IX,df.IY)]
  • 假設排放條件
   161  #assumed parameters
   162  #the HEI may merge to the largest one in that plant
   163    as_p={'NO_S':'PY00','TEMP':100.,'HEI':40.,'VEL':10.,'DIA':30.}
   164    q=as_p['VEL']*(as_p['TEMP']+273)/273*as_p['DIA']**2*3.14/4/60.
   165    as_p.update({'ORI_QU1':q})
  • 排放量排名前100大者,給予一排放高度與其他條件
   166    for iyx in a.loc[:100,'IYX']:
   167      boo2=(df.IYX==iyx)& (boo)
   168      nb2=len(df.loc[boo2])
   169      for v in as_p:
   170        df.loc[boo2,v]=[as_p[v] for i in range(nb2)]
   171    return df



  • 此副程式會把逐時、逐煙道的排放量矩陣展開成資料庫形態,以便進行pivot_table,整併(加總)網格排放量。
   173  def pv_nc(dfi,nc,spec):
   174    NREC=len(dfi)
   175    col=[i for i in dfi.columns if i not in ['IX','IY']]
   176    if len(col)!=spec.shape[-1]:sys.exit('last dimension must be ic')
   177    ntm,nrow,ncol=(nc.dimensions[c].size for c in ['TSTEP','ROW', 'COL'])
   178    V=[list(filter(lambda x:nc.variables[x].ndim==j, [i for i in nc.variables])) for j in [1,2,3,4]]
  • 先準備好IX, IY的序列,長度是NREC*ntm不可以用list indexing、或者是DataFrame篩選。用dict是最快的。
   179    z=np.zeros(shape=spec.shape[:-1],dtype=int)
   180    z[:,:]=np.array([i for i in range(NREC)])[:,None]
   181    z=z.flatten()
   182    #Using dict, not DataFrame filtering, not list_indexing relatives methods
   183    dIX, dIY={i:dfi.IX[i] for i in range(NREC)}, {i:dfi.IY[i] for i in range(NREC)}
   184    ix,iy=[dIX[i] for i in z],[dIY[i] for i in z]
  • 分污染物進行,以減少資料表的長度。寫進nc檔案也必須按個別污染物,因此即使一起使用pivot table還是要分污染物寫。
   185    for ic in range(len(col)):
   186      c=col[ic]
   187      if c not in V[3]:continue
   188      if np.sum(spec[:,:,ic])==0.: continue
  • 使用Mat2DF副程式,並執行pivot_table進行網格排放量加總
    • 考慮長度的一致性,必須先附加IXIY序列,再刪除值排放。
    • 刪除區外點,這樣套用nc檔時就不會出錯。
   189      dfT=Mat2DF(spec[:,:,ic])
   190      dfT['IX'],dfT['IY']=ix,iy
   191      dfT=dfT.loc[dfT.val>0].reset_index(drop=True)
   192      boo=(dfT.IX>=0) & (dfT.IY>=0) & (dfT.IX<ncol) & (dfT.IY<nrow)
   193      dfT=dfT.loc[boo].reset_index(drop=True)
   194      pv=pivot_table(dfT,index=['col_2','IY','IX'],values='val',aggfunc=sum).reset_index()
  • 再執行DF2Mat轉回矩陣準備回存到nc檔案
    • 依序產生時間、南北向、東西向索引標籤值。
    • 壓平成1維序列,填入全為0的矩陣zz的形狀必須與nc變數完全一致。
       195      var,lst=DF2Mat(pv,['col_2','IY','IX'],'val')
       196      i0,i1,i2=(np.zeros(shape=var.shape,dtype=int) for i in range(3))
       197      i0[:]=lst[0][:,None,None]
       198      i1[:]=lst[1][None,:,None]
       199      i2[:]=lst[2][None,None,:]
       200      #Note that negative indices are not bothersome and are only at the end of the axis.
       201      z=np.zeros(shape=(ntm,nrow,ncol))
       202      z[i0.flatten(),i1.flatten(),i2.flatten()]=var.flatten()
  • 整批一次倒入
   203  #also mapping whole matrix, NOT by parts
   204      nc.variables[c][:,0,:,:]=z[:,:,:]
   205      print(c)
   206    return


  • 將資料庫中的UTM_EUTM_N按照網格系統的原點與解析度予以格點化。
    • 為適應座標系統有可能先行平移,測驗座標值是否有負值,若是,則不必再平移
   208  def disc(dm,nc):
   209  #discretizations
   210    if min(dm.UTM_N)<0:
   211      dm['IX']=np.array((dm.UTM_E-nc.XORIG)/nc.XCELL,dtype=int)
   212      dm['IY']=np.array((dm.UTM_N-nc.YORIG)/nc.YCELL,dtype=int)
   213    else:
   214      dm['IX']=np.array((dm.UTM_E-Xcent-nc.XORIG)/nc.XCELL,dtype=int)
   215      dm['IY']=np.array((dm.UTM_N-Ycent-nc.YORIG)/nc.YCELL,dtype=int)
   216    return dm



  • 目前既有的轉檔工具(df.to_numpy() )都假設資料表本身就是2階矩陣的內容,不適用在資料表含有字串的欄位,以其他欄位作為維度、多維度、不限維度的情況。
  • 維度欄位令為idx_lst的序列,可以是任何物件、種類。
  • 資料表(名稱令為dd)的值在最後一欄,其欄位名稱令為vname,即為矩陣的值。
  • 目標矩陣(mat)維度階級數未知、形狀未知。
   219  # input df, index cols(list), value cols name(str)
   220  # return matrix, index lists (in cols order)
   221  def DF2Mat(dd,idx_lst,vname):
   222    import sys
   223    import numpy as np
   224    from pandas import DataFrame
  • 取出每個維度欄位的值(lst),予以排序,使用dict反算成序位標籤(命名為'i'+c),存回資料表。
    • 序列lst要取長度備用,並且準備回傳。
    • 使用dict對照,而不要使用list.index(),後者耗費的時間會很長。
    • eval只指令在centos可能會有問題,其實此處也可以用別的方式調用資料表欄位。
   225    ret_lst, num_lst=[],[]
   226    for c in idx_lst:
   227  #mac    lst=eval('list(set(dd.'+c+'))');lst.sort()
   228      lst=list(set(dd[c]));lst.sort()
   229      n=len(lst)
   230      ret_lst.append(np.array(lst));num_lst.append(n)
   231      dct={lst[i]:i for i in range(n)}
   232      dd['i'+c]=[dct[i] for i in dd[c]]
  • 開啟新的矩陣,其形狀即為每個lst的長度。
    • 每個欄位的序位標籤,將用在指示mat的空間位置,將vname的值存放在正確的位置。
    • 此處使用exec指令,以因應不同的階級數的情況
    • 在副程式內執行exec,需加上locals(),避免動到主程式的變數名稱。
   233    mat=np.zeros(shape=num_lst)
   234    s='mat['+''.join(['dd.i'+c+'[:],' for c in idx_lst]).strip(',')+']=dd.'+vname+'[:]'
   235    exec(s,locals())
   236    return mat, ret_lst


  • 目的是使用資料表的pivot_table平行計算功能,對龐大資料庫效率很高。
    • 回傳資料表並未去 0值,以保持資料表與矩陣對照的正確性。
    • 如果需要減少資料表的長度,使用者要自己執行篩選、刪除。
    • 同樣不限矩陣階級數的上限,只有下限。
# input any ranks of matrix a
# return df which columns is [col_1,col_2 ... col_ndim, val]
   239  # input any ranks of matrix a
   240  # return df which columns is [col_1,col_2 ... col_ndim, val]
   241  def Mat2DF(a):
   242    import sys
   243    import numpy as np
   244    from pandas import DataFrame
   245    ndim=a.ndim
   246    if ndim<2:sys.exit('ndim too small, no need to convert')
  • ranks是個字串序列,如果是3階,將會是["[:,None,None]", "[None,:,None]", "[None,None,:]"]套用在每個維度的標籤,1維轉多維的複製過程。
   247    H,T,C,N='[', ']', ':,', 'None,'
   248    ranks=[]
   249    for n in range(ndim):
   250      s=H
   251      for i in range(ndim):
   252        m=N
   253        if i==n:m=C
   254        s+=m
   255      ranks.append(s.strip(',')+T)
  • 寫出每個維度的標籤當成新的維度欄位。實際的值需要前述ret_lst內容來套入。
   256    DD={}
   257    for i in range(ndim):
   258      var=np.zeros(shape=a.shape,dtype=int)
   259  #mac    var[:]=eval('np.array([j for j in range(a.shape[i])],dtype=int)'+ranks[i],locals())
   260      exec('var[:]=np.array([j for j in range(a.shape[i])],dtype=int)'+ranks[i],locals())
   261      DD['col_'+str(i+1)]=var[:].flatten()
   262    DD['val']=a.flatten()
   263    return DataFrame(DD)

