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  • 為消除資料庫在時間與空間的相依性,需要消除資料庫類別-縣市之維度,此處即針對面源的時間變異係數與類別-縣市之對照表(nc_fac.json)進行計算,以備未來套用。主要問題出現在環保署提供的時變係數檔,空間資料為中文名稱,與主資料庫是鄉鎮區代碼2碼編號不能對應,分3個程式說明:
    • 時間變異係數(csv)檔案前處理
    • csv檔案之產生
    • csv檔案應用到面源排放量資料庫,並展開至全年逐時之序列,存成nc_fac.json
  • 排放量整體處理原則參見處理程序總綱、針對面源之處理龐大.dbf檔案之讀取重新計算網格座標,為此處之前處理。


  • 此程式為可執行的主程式,主要處理縣市名稱編號的對照,中文改成英文。
  • 引用模組
    • 會用到中文轉英文的pypinyin模組,以使程式可以在py27/py37都可以使用
    • 引用副程式prep_df,說明如後。
      kuang@node03 /nas1/TEDS/teds11/area
      $ cat -n
       1  #!coding=utf8
       2  import numpy as np
       3  from pandas import *
       4  from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyin
       5  import subprocess
       6  import json
       7  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
       8  from prep_df import PrepDf
       9  import sys, os
  • 從中文檔案cnty.csv開始處理
    • 補充連江縣
      12  #input and prepare the cnty names
      13  df_cnty=read_csv('cnty.csv',encoding='big5')
      14  for i in range(len(df_cnty)):
      15    cha=df_cnty.loc[i,'cnty']
      16    ll=lazy_pinyin(cha)
      17    s=''
      18    for l in ll:
      19      s=s+l
      20    df_cnty.loc[i,'cnty']=s
      21  df_cnty['no']=[str(s) for s in]
      22  df_cnty['no']=['0'*(2-len(s))+s for s in]
      23  df_cnty.loc[len(df_cnty),'no']=51
      24  df_cnty.loc[len(df_cnty)-1,'cnty']='lianjiangxian'
  • 補充五都名稱、機場名稱
      26  #dictionary of region name to county number
      27  d_cnty={x:str(int(y)) for x,y in zip(df_cnty['cnty'],df_cnty['no'])}
      28  d_cnty.update({'xinbeishi':'31','taoyuanshi':'32',\
      29  'hualianjichang':'45','taidongjichang':'46','lvdaojichang':'46','lanyujichang':'46','magongjichang':'44','jinmenjichang':'50', \
      30  'taizhongjichang':'36','tainanjichang':'21','jiayijichang':'40','qimeijichang':'44','wanganjichang':'44','beiganjichang':'51',\
      31  'nanganjichang':'51','songshanjichang':'1','xiaogangjichang':'2','taoyuanjichang':'32'})
  • 新的直轄市與舊編號的對照
      33  #combination of 5 Municipalities
      34  NewCities={'tainanshi':{'21','41'},'taizhongshi':{'17','36'},'gaoxiongshi':{'2','42'}}
  • 補充港口名稱與縣市編號之對照
      36  #including the harbors
      37  gangko='gaoxionggang jilonggang anpinggang shenaozhuanyongyougang taibeigang shalunwaihaixieyoufutong suaogang taizhonggang mailiaogang budaigang xingdadianchangxiemeimatou yonganyehuatianranqijieshouzhan magonggang hualiangang hepinggang jinmengang mazugang'.split()
      38  gangkoC=['2','11','21','31','31','36','34','36','39','40','42','42','44','45','45','50','51']
      39  d_gangko={i:j for i,j in zip(gangko,gangkoC)}
      40  d_cnty.update(d_gangko)
  • 環保署提供的時變係數檔案亦有以空品區為單位之情形,需另建對照表
      42  # air quality basins
      43  d_kpq={'beibukongpinqu':['taibeishi','taoyuanshi','xinbeishi','jilongshi'], \
      44  'gaopingkongpinqu':['gaoxiongshi','gaoxiongxian','pingdongxian'],\
      45  'huadongkongpinqu':['hualianxian','taidongxian'], \
      46  'yilankongpinqu':['yilanxian'],'yunjianankongpinqu':['yunlinxian','jiayixian','jiayishi','tainanshi'], \
      47  'zhongbukongpinqu':['taizhongshi','taizhongxian','zhanghuaxian','nantouxian'], \
      48  'zhumiaokongpinqu':['miaolixian','xinzhushi','xinzhuxian']}
      49  d_kpq.update({'quanguo':list(df_cnty['cnty'])})
      50  d_kpq.update({'lidao':['jinmenxian','lianjiangxian','penghuxian']})
  • 分別執行月變化、週變化與日變化檔案之整理與輸出
      52  #execution of dataframe formings and savings
      53  csvs={'m':'mon.csv','w':'week.csv','d':'day.csv'}
      54  for t in 'mwd':
      55    df='df_A'+t
      56    try:
      57      exec(df+'=read_csv("'+df+'")')
      58    except:
      59      exec(df+'=PrepDf("'+csvs[t]+'")')
      60      exec(df+'.set_index("nsc2").to_csv("'+df+'")')
  • 由於分段執行,需將對照表寫出備用。如合併執行則無此需要。
      62  # output the dictionary
      63  for kc in ['cnty','kpq']:
      64    with open('d_'+kc+'.json', 'w', newline='') as jsonfile:
      65      exec('json.dump(d_'+kc+', jsonfile)')



  • 引用模組
     1  import numpy as np
     2  from pandas import *
     3  from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyi
  • 先將中文改成英文,以便對照
     4  #prepare the dataframe
     5  def PrepDf(fname):
     6    path=''#'/home/sespub/teds10/08-時間分配權重/月週日時間權重/'
     7    df=read_csv(path+fname,encoding='big5')
     8    df.loc[ x: isna(x)),'NSC_SUB']='b'
     9    df['nsc2']=[str(x)+y for x,y in zip(df['NSC'],df['NSC_SUB'])]
    10    for i in range(len(df.REGION)):
    11      cha=df.loc[i,'REGION']
    12      if type(cha) in [int,float]:continue
    13      ll=lazy_pinyin(cha)
    14      if len(ll)==0:continue
    15      s=''
    16      for l in ll:
    17        s=s+l
    18      df.loc[i,'REGION']=s
  • 時變係數檔中有以全形頓號「、」來表示縣市的聯集,需逐一拆解改成資料庫對應關係
      19    a=df.loc[ x:type(x)==str and '、' in x)]
      20    idx=a.index
      21    df=df.drop(idx).reset_index(drop=True)
      22    a=a.reset_index(drop=True)
      23    for i in range(len(a)):
      24      dct=a.loc[i,'DICT'].split('、')
      25      b=DataFrame({})
      26      for j in range(len(dct)):
      27        b=b.append(a.loc[i],ignore_index=True)
      28        b.loc[j,'DICT']=dct[j]
      29      df=df.append(b,ignore_index=True)
  • 時變係數檔中有空白者,意即全國,需填以明確的文字
      30    idx=df.loc[ x:type(x)==float and np.isnan(x))].index
      31    df.loc[idx,'REGION']=['quanguo' for i in idx]
      32    for c in df.columns:
      33      if c in ['REGION','NSC','NSC_SUB','nsc2','DICT']:continue
      34      df[c]=[float(i) for i in list(df[c])]
  • 時變係數檔中以51代表所有類別的船舶,與主資料檔的作法又有出入
      35  #change 51b to 51A~51D, no need changing it manually
      36    snsc2=set(df.nsc2)
      37    if '51b' in snsc2:
      38      df51=df.loc[df.nsc2=='51b'].reset_index(drop=True)
      39      for s in 'ABCD':
      40        if '51A' not in snsc2:
      41          tmp=df51
      42          tmp.nsc2='51'+s
      43          df=df.append(tmp,ignore_index='True',sort=False)
  • 確認是否漏了臺中機場的時間變化,如是,則以臺南機場變化形態代之。
      44  # taizhongjichang is missing, fill it according tainanjichang
      45    if 'taizhongjichang' not in set(df.REGION):
      46      a=df.loc[df.REGION=='tainanjichang'].reset_index(drop=True)
      47      a.DICT=3605
      48      a.REGION='taizhongjichang'
      49      df=df.append(a,ignore_index=True)
  • 刪去重覆記錄、重置順序、輸出DataFrame檔案
      50    df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)
      51    df=df.reset_index(drop=True)
      52    return df


  • 引用模組
    kuang@node03 /nas1/TEDS/teds11/area
    $ cat -n
       1  #!coding=utf8
       2  import numpy as np
       3  from pandas import *
       4  import subprocess
       5  import json
       6  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
       7  import sys, os
  • 讀入前面prep_dfAdmw.py的執行成果:df_Amdf_Awdf_Ad三個檔案
       9  # read the time variation factors
      10  csvs={'m':'mon.csv','w':'week.csv','d':'day.csv'}
      11  for t in 'mwd':
      12    df='df_A'+t
      13    try:
      14      exec(df+'=read_csv("'+df+'")')
      15    except:
      16      sys.exit('df_A? not found, please re-run ')
  • s_nsc2:所有面源分類項目形成的集合,有時間變化者
      18  #union of nsc2 in time variation files
      19  s_nsc2=set(df_Ad.nsc2) | set(df_Am.nsc2) | set(df_Aw.nsc2)
  • 開啟檔案、刪除重複記錄、產生nsc2CNTY,此2項目為對照表的主要索引。
      21  #open the TEDS area csv file
      22  pwd=subprocess.check_output('pwd',shell=True).decode('utf8').strip('\n')
      23  teds=pwd.split('/')[3][4:6]
      24  fname='areagrid'+teds+'LL.csv'
      25  df = read_csv(fname)
      26  df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)
      27  df=df.reset_index(drop=True)
      28  if 'nsc2' not in df.columns:
      29    df.loc[df['NSC_SUB'].map(lambda x: (type(x)==float and np.isnan(x)==True) or ( x==' ')),'NSC_SUB']='b'
      30    df['nsc2']=[str(x)+y for x,y in zip(df['NSC'],df['NSC_SUB'])]
      31  df.loc[df['DICT'].map(lambda x:np.isnan(x)==True),'DICT']=5300.
      32  if 'CNTY' not in df.columns:
      33    df['CNTY']=[str(int(s/100)) for s in list(df['DICT'])]
  • 定義資料庫的座標系統,去尾到1公里解析度
      35  #definition the coordinates of database
      36  minx,miny=min(df.UTME),min(df.UTMN)
      37  df.UTME=round(df.UTME-minx,-3)
      38  df.UTMN=round(df.UTMN-miny,-3)
      39  df['YX']=np.array(df.UTMN+df.UTME/1000,dtype=int)
  • 同1網格、同一縣市別、同一類別,可能有好幾筆資料(不同鄉鎮區,由時變檔案角度無法區分),排放量予以加總。縮減資料表。
      41  #sum-up the grids which length maybe smaller than 1KM
      42  cole=['EM_SOX','EM_NOX','EM_CO','EM_PM25','EM_PM','EM_NMHC']
      43  coli=['CNTY', 'nsc2','YX']
      44  df=pivot_table(df,index=coli,values=cole,aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index()
  • 形成縣市代碼、面源類別、位置的序列、序列長度、標籤對照表
      45  #nXXX:len of list XXX; dXXX:index dictionary of listXXX, iXXX:index of XXX
      46  for c in ['CNTY','nsc2','YX']:
      47    exec(c+'=list(set(df.'+c+'))')
      48    exec(c+'.sort()')
      49    exec('n'+c+'=len('+c+')')
      50    exec('d'+c+'={'+c+'[i]:i for i in range(n'+c+')}')
      51    exec('df["i'+c+'"]=[d'+c+'[i] for i in df.'+c+']')
  • 時變係數檔之面源類別可能只有大類,而資料表中含細類,必須全都適用大類的係數
      53  #same NSC in df_A? and df, but without NSC_SUB, all add to s_nsc2
      54  nsc2b=set([i for i in s_nsc2 if i[-1]=='b'])
      55  for ii in nsc2b-set(df.nsc2):
      56    i=int(ii[:-1])
      57    s_nsc2=s_nsc2|set(df.loc[ x:x[:-1]==i),'nsc2'])
  • 區域代碼組合(rgn)的個數n_rgn,、集合s_rgn、對照表d_rgn
      58  #Tuple_of_Length ={0, 101, 10000, 10101, 131313, 171717, 202020, 212121, 250101}
      59  n_rgn,s_rgn,d_rgn={},[],{}
      60  for n in s_nsc2:
      61    tl_rgn=(len(df_Am[df_Am.nsc2==n])*100+len(df_Aw[df_Aw.nsc2==n]))*100+len(df_Ad[df_Ad.nsc2==n])
      62    s_rgn.append(tl_rgn)
      63    n_rgn[n]=tl_rgn
      64    d_rgn[tl_rgn]=n #recording last nsc2 for calling
      65  s_rgn=set(s_rgn) #tuple of region numbers
  • 由teds版本計算年代(yr)
    • dts為全年逐時之時間標籤datetime
      67  yr=2016+(int(teds)-10)*3
      68  bdate=datetime(yr,1,1)-timedelta(days=1)
      69  nd365=365+2
      70  if yr%4==0:nd365=366+2
      71  nty=nd365*24
      72  dts=[bdate+timedelta(days=i/24.) for i in range(nty)]
  • 讀取或產生nsc2及可能應用的縣市代碼CNTY對照表
      74  #n_cnty: the dictionary of nsc2 vs cnties applied
      75  if os.path.exists('n_cnty.json'):
      76    with open('n_cnty.json', 'r', newline='') as jsonfile:
      77      n_cnty=json.load(jsonfile)
      78  else:
      79    for kc in ['cnty','kpq']:
      80      jsname='d_'+kc+'.json'
      81      if os.path.exists(jsname):
      82        with open(jsname, 'r', newline='') as jsonfile:
      83          exec('d_'+kc+'=json.load(jsonfile)')
      84      else:
      85        sys.exit('d_'+kc+'.json not found, please re-run ')
  • 對每種區域代碼組合進行迴圈
    • 挑出符合對類別、建立二者的對照關係
    • 存檔備用
      86    n_cntys={}
      87    for tl in s_rgn: #tuple of lengs
      88      n=d_rgn[tl]
      89      cntys=[]
      90      for t in 'mwd':
      91        exec('regs=list(df_A'+t+'.loc[df_A'+t+'.nsc2==n,"REGION"])')
      92        if len(regs)==0:continue
      93        for r in regs:
      94          if r in d_kpq:
      95            cntys+=[d_cnty[i] for i in d_kpq[r]]
      96          else:
      97            cntys+=[d_cnty[r]]
      98      cntys=list(set(cntys))
      99      for n in [i for i in n_rgn if n_rgn[i]==tl]:
       100        n_cntys[n]=cntys
       101    with open('n_cnty.json', 'w', newline='') as jsonfile:
       102      json.dump(n_cntys, jsonfile)
  • 如果沒有nc_fac.json,建立逐時時間標籤的月份、星期、小時序列備用
     105  if not os.path.exists('nc_fac.json'):
     106    mns=np.array([dts[i].month-1 for i in range(nty)])
     107    wks=np.array([dts[i].weekday() for i in range(nty)])
     108    hrs=np.array([dts[i].hour for i in range(nty)])
  • 將df_A?的2欄內容(df_A.nsc2,df_A.REGION),轉變成單一組合(f_A[(n,c)])對照表
    • 先將df_A拉長
       110    nts={'m':12,'w':7,'d':24}
       111    for t in 'mwd':
       112      exec('df_A=df_A'+t)
       113      df=DataFrame({})
       114      df_A['CNTY']=0
       115      for i in range(len(df_A)):
       116        cntys=[]
       117        a=df_A.loc[i]
       118        r=df_A.loc[i,'REGION']
       119        if r in d_kpq:
       120          cntys+=[d_cnty[i] for i in d_kpq[r]]
       121        else:
       122          cntys+=[d_cnty[r]]
       123        for c in cntys:
       124          a.CNTY=c
       125          df=df.append(a,ignore_index=True)
    • 整併標籤與其後的時變係數欄位內容
       126      f_A={}
       127      for j in range(len(df)):
       128        n=df.loc[j,'nsc2']
       129        c=df.loc[j,'CNTY']
       130        f_A[(n,c)]=[df.loc[j,str(i)] for i in range(1,nts[t]+1)]
       131      exec('f_A'+t+'=f_A')
  • 有月變化而無週變化者,週變化係數設為1.0、有月變化而無日變化者,日變化係數設為1.0、
     132    for i in set(f_Am)-set(f_Aw):
     133      f_Aw[i]=np.ones(shape=7)
     134    for i in set(f_Am)-set(f_Ad):
     135      f_Ad[i]=np.ones(shape=24)
  • 對每一個(nsc2,cnty)組合,計算全年的時變係數、存檔
     137    nc_fac={}
     138    for n in s_nsc2:
     139      for c in n_cntys[n]:
     140        tup=(n,c)
     141        tp=n+'_'+c
     142        if tup not in f_Am:continue
     143        lfac=np.array([f_Am[tup][m]*f_Aw[tup][w]*f_Ad[tup][d] for m,w,d in zip(mns,wks,hrs)])
     144        sfac=sum(lfac)
     145        nc_fac[tp]=list(lfac/sfac)
     147    with open('nc_fac.json', 'w', newline='') as jsonfile:
     148      json.dump(nc_fac, jsonfile)

