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Table 5-2. CAMx species names and descriptions common to all Carbon Bond Mechanisms.

|Model Species|Description|Carbon #1|Mol. Wt.2| |-|-|-|-| |BZO2|Peroxy radical from OH addition to benzene|6|159.1| |C2O3|Acetylperoxy radical|2|75.0| |CRO|Alkoxy radical from cresol|7|107.1| |CXO3|C3 and higher acylperoxy radicals|3|89.0| |EPX2|Peroxy radical from EPOX reaction with OH|5|149.1| |HCO3|Adduct from HO2 plus formaldehyde|1|63.0| |HO2|Hydroperoxy radical|1|28.0| |ISO2|Peroxy radical from OH addition to isoprene|5|117.1| |MEO2|Methylperoxy radical|1|47.0| |NO3|Nitrate radical|0|62.0| |O|Oxygen atom in the O3 (P) electronic state|0|16.0| |O1D|Oxygen atom in the O1 (D) electronic state|0|16.0| |OH|Hydroxyl radical|0|17.0| |OPO3|Peroxyacyl radical from OPEN|4|115.0| |RO2|Operator to approximate total peroxy radical concentration|0|87.1| |ROR|Secondary alkoxy radical|1|71.1| |TO2|Peroxy radical from OH addition to TOL|7|173.1| |XLO2|Peroxy radical from OH addition to XYL|8|187.1| |XO2|NO to NO2 conversion from alkylperoxy (RO2) radical|0|87.1| |XO2H|NO to NO2 conversion (XO2) accompanied by HO2 production|0|87.1| |XO2N|NO to organic nitrate conversion from alkylperoxy (RO2) adical|0|87.1| |AACD|Acetic acid|2|60.0| |ACET|Acetone|3|58.1| |ALD2|Acetaldehyde|2|44.0| |ALDX|Propionaldehyde and higher aldehydes|2|58.1| |BENZ|Benzene|6|78.1| |CAT1|Methyl-catechols|7|124.1| |CO|Carbon monoxide|1|28.0| |CH4|Methane|1|16.0| |CRES|Cresols|7|108.1| |CRON|Nitro-cresols|7|153.1| |EPOX|Epoxide formed from ISPX reaction with OH|5|118.1| |ETH|Ethene|2|28.0| |ETHA|Ethane|2|30.1| |ETHY|Ethyne|2|26.0| |ETOH|Ethanol|2|46.1| |FACD|Formic acid|1|46.0| |FORM|Formaldehyde|1|30.0| |GLY|Glyoxal|2|58.0| |GLYD|Glycolaldehyde|2|60.0| |H2O2|Hydrogen peroxide|0|34.0| |HNO3|Nitric acid|0|63.0| |HONO|Nitrous acid|0|47.0| |HPLD|hydroperoxyaldehyde|5|116.1| |INTR|Organic nitrates from ISO2 reaction with NO|5|147.1| |IOLE|Internal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C-R)|4|56.1| |ISOP|Isoprene|5|68.1| |ISPD|Isoprene product (lumped methacrolein, methyl vinyl ketone, etc.)|4|70.1| |ISPX|Hydroperoxides from ISO2 reaction with HO2|5|118.1| |KET|Ketone carbon bond (C=O)|1|72.1| |MEOH|Methanol|1|32.0| |MEPX|Methylhydroperoxide|1|48.0| |MGLY|Methylglyoxal|3|72.0| |N2O5|Dinitrogen pentoxide|0|108.0| |NO|Nitric oxide|0|30.0| |NO2|Nitrogen dioxide|0|46.0| |NTR|Organic nitrates|4|119.1| |O3|Ozone|0|48.0| |OLE|Terminal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C)|3|42.1| |OPAN|Peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN compound) from OPO3|4|161.0| |OPEN|Aromatic ring opening product (unsaturated dicarbonyl)|4|84.0| |PACD|Peroxyacetic and higher peroxycarboxylic acids|2|76.0| |PAN|Peroxyacetyl Nitrate|2|121.0| |PANX|C3 and higher peroxyacyl nitrate|3|135.0| |PAR|Paraffin carbon bond (C-C)|1|72.1| |PNA|Peroxynitric acid|0|79.0| |PRPA|Propane|3|44.1| |ROOH|Higher organic peroxide|0|90.1| |SO2|Sulfur dioxide|0|64.0| |SULF|Sulfuric acid (gaseous)|0|98.0| |TERP|Monoterpenes|10|136.2| |TOL|Toluene and other monoalkyl aromatics|7|92.1| |XOPN|Aromatic ring opening product (unsaturated dicarbonyl)|5|98.1| |XYL|Xylene and other polyalkyl aromatics|8|106.2| |NTR1|Simple organic nitrates|0|119.1| |NTR2|Multi-functional organic nitrates|0|135.1| |ECH4|Emitted methane (to enable tracking separate from CH4)|1|16.0| |XPRP|Operator for organic nitrates from PRPA|3|89.1| |XPAR|Operator for organic nitrates from PAR|1|117.1| |CRNO|Nitro-cresol oxy radical|7|152.1| |CRN2|Nitro-cresol peroxy radical|7|168.1| |CRPX|Nitro-cresol hydroperoxide|7|169.1| |CAO2|Ring-opening product from methyl catechol|7|173.1|

  1. Carbon # is the precise number of carbon atoms for each model species.
  2. Mol. Wt. is a representative molecular weight, intended only for estimating molecular diffusivity, e.g. in dry deposition calculations. Diffusivity requires a different interpretation (complete molecules) than Carbon Bond chemistry (chemical groups).