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(一) CAMx模式的控制檔案

CAMx模式為一常用的網格模式,發展迄今已達7.00版本。由於網格模式涉及輸入、輸出檔案繁多,模式控制參數與機制選項也多,因此有一主控檔,以控制模式的進行,在CAMx為一固定名稱之文字檔,其名稱即為,其內容詳見CAMx模式使用手冊。 由於控制檔為集所有前處理之大成,同時以為後處理之預備動作,因此是整體模式系統的核心,也是掌握模式的鑰匙。 大略上CAMx.in分為7大段落,包括執行控制、時鐘控制、地圖投影、網格系統(各巢狀網格)、模式選項、輸出設定、輸入檔案等。

#$ cat
Run_Message      = 'CAMx 7.00 Test Problem -- CB6R4 CF SOAP 20160610',
!--- Model clock control ---
Time_Zone        = -8,                ! (0=UTC,5=EST,6=CST,7=MST,8=PST)
!--- Map projection parameters ---
!--- Parameters for the master (first) grid ---
Number_of_Grids      = 1,
!--- Parameters for the second grid ---
Nest_Meshing_Factor(2) = 3,          ! Cell size relative to master grid
!--- Model options ---
Diagnostic_Error_Check = .false.,      ! True = will stop after 1st timestep
!--- Output specifications ---
Root_Output_Name        = 'outputs/con10/1610baseE',
!--- Input files ---
Chemistry_Parameters = './inputs/chem/CAMx7.0.chemparam.CB6r4_CF2',

(二) 目標


(三) 解決方案

使用vi逐一修改每月份之 可參考文書編輯器vim 須反復檢查,以避免編輯錯誤 使用bash替代 模版中的月份(gen.cs) 各排放方案個自有自己的目錄,不致混淆 只需修改排放模版即可,一次確認模版正確即可 使用RAMBOL environ提供的csh 腳本 同時修改排放、時間等所有設定 類似cmaq執行方式,有一致性 (未應用)

二、各段落內容說明 每段落以!—XXX隔開,每行以=隔開,!—後之文字、=左方之文字皆為reserved keywords,在程式碼內規範,不接受臨時性之更動。


起、迄之檔案前綴詞 按照工作站平台略有不同。 以centos而言,為&CAMx_Control及’/’,須視平台及編譯軟體而定。 執行訊息說明文字

Run_Message      = 'CAMx 7.00 Test Problem -- CB6R4 CF SOAP 20160610',


Time_Zone:計算時間之基準。uamiv檔案之檔頭、nc檔之屬性,皆須完全一致 Restart:true表示是由前一模擬的結果繼續執行,不更新污染物(包括radical)濃度(warm start),所有模擬項目由inst、finst檔案提供。false表示是全新的模擬,radical 由模式自行平衡產生,(少數)穩定化合物濃度由ic提供。 Start_Date_Hour /End_Date_Hour:起迄日期時間,詳下述。 timestep :大範圍、長時間模擬可以適度放寬,降低細節、提高效率。 frequencies:與提供檔案一致。

!--- Model clock control ---
Time_Zone        = -8,                ! (0=UTC,5=EST,6=CST,7=MST,8=PST)
Restart          = .true.,
Start_Date_Hour  = 2016,07,31,2000,  !
End_Date_Hour    = 2016,08,31,2000,  !
Maximum_Timestep    = 15.,            ! minutes
Met_Input_Frequency = 60.,            ! minutes
Ems_Input_Frequency = 60.,            ! minutes
Output_Frequency    = 60.,            ! minutes


須與uamiv檔案之檔頭、nc檔之屬性內容完全一致,至小數至少4位。 UTM_Zone即使沒有必要仍需保留 地圖投影的考量 在排放模式、氣象模式等均須保持一致 範圍越大、直角座標系統在邊界上的誤差會越大

!--- Map projection parameters ---
UTM_Zone      = 0,
Longitude_Pole = 120.9900,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
Latitude_Pole  = 23.61000,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
True_Latitude1 =  10.,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
True_Latitude2 =  40.,      ! deg (west<0,south<0, can = True_Latitude1)


單位為格數、公里 格點數須符合傳統3n+2規則 氣象、排放、臭氧柱等檔案之格點數須一致

!--- Parameters for the master (first) grid ---
Number_of_Grids      = 1,
Master_SW_XCoord    = -124.500,      ! km or deg, SW corner of cell(1,1)
Master_SW_YCoord    = -205.500,      ! km or deg, SW corner of cell (1,1)
Master_Cell_XSize    =  3.,          ! km or deg
Master_Cell_YSize    =  3.,          ! km or deg
Master_Grid_Columns  = 83,
Master_Grid_Rows    =137,
Number_of_Layers    = 15,
!--- Parameters for the second grid ---
Nest_Meshing_Factor(2) = 3,          ! Cell size relative to master grid
Nest_Beg_I_Index(2)    = 20,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_End_I_Index(2)    = 40,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_Beg_J_Index(2)    = 20,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_End_J_Index(2)    = 40,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_Meshing_Factor(3) = 27,          ! Cell size relative to master grid
Nest_Beg_I_Index(3)    = 29,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_End_I_Index(3)    = 31,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_Beg_J_Index(3)    = 28,          ! Relative to master grid
Nest_End_J_Index(3)    = 32,          ! Relative to master grid


PiG_Submodel耗費時間非常多 7版之Chemistry 無法關閉

!--- Model options ---
Diagnostic_Error_Check = .false.,      ! True = will stop after 1st timestep
Flexi_Nest            = .true.,      ! True = expect flexi-nested inputs
Advection_Solver      = 'PPM',        ! (PPM,BO20)
Chemistry_Solver      = 'EBI',        ! (EBI,LSODE)
PiG_Submodel          = 'None',    ! (None,GREASD,IRON)
Probing_Tool          = 'None',      ! (None,SA,31M,HDDM,PA,IPR,IRR,RTRAC,RTCMC)
Chemistry              = .true.,
Drydep_Model          = 'ZHANG03',  ! (None,WESELY89,ZHANG03)
Bidi_NH3_Drydep        = .false.,
Wet_Deposition        = .true.,
ACM2_Diffusion        = .false.,
Surface_Model          = .false.,
Inline_Ix_Emissions    = .true.,
Super_Stepping        = .true.,
Gridded_Emissions      = .true.,
Point_Emissions        = .true.,
Ignore_Emission_Dates  = .false.,



!--- Output specifications ---
Root_Output_Name        = 'outputs/con08/1608baseG',
Average_Output_3D        = .false.,
NetCDF_Format_Output    = .false.,
NetCDF_Use_Compression  = .false.,
Output_Species_Names(1)  = 'NO',
Output_Species_Names(2)  = 'NO2',
Output_Species_Names(3)  = 'O3',
Output_Species_Names(41)  = 'HNO3',
Output_Species_Names(42)  = 'CO',


分為3個小段落 參數、ICBC、RESTART、及高空排放(僅有master grid 一層) 氣象檔案:由wrfcamx程式自wrf轉出。(早期mm5亦有mm5camx程式)。按照層數提供。 地面排放檔案:按照類別及層數提供

!--- Input files ---
Chemistry_Parameters = './inputs/chem/CAMx7.0.chemparam.CB6r4_CF2',
Photolyis_Rates      = './inputs/tuv/tuv4.8.camx7.00/tuv.do_CB6.160801.d4',
Ozone_Column        = './inputs/toms/o3map.20160801.d4',
Initial_Conditions  = './ICBC/bndextr_d2/base.grd02.1608.ic',
Boundary_Conditions  = './ICBC/bndextr_d2/base.grd02.1608.bc',
Point_Sources(1)    = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/ptse/',
Master_Grid_Restart  = 'outputs/con07/1607baseG.inst',
Nested_Grid_Restart  = 'outputs/con07/1607baseG.finst',
PiG_Restart          = 'outputs/con07/1607baseG.pig',
Surface_Grid(1) = 'met/',
Met3D_Grid(1)  = 'met/1608d4.3d',
Met2D_Grid(1)  = 'met/1608d4.2d',
Vdiff_Grid(1)  = 'met/1608d4.kv.OB70',
Cloud_Grid(1)  = 'met/',
Emiss_Grid(1,1) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/area/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,2) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/area/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,3) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/area/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,4) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/area/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,5) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/line/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,6) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/line/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,7) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/line/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,8) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/line/CNTYs/',
Emiss_Grid(1,9) = '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/ship/',
Emiss_Grid(1,10)= '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/biog/',
Emiss_Grid(1,11)= '/data/TEDS/teds10_camx/HourlyWeighted/ptse/',



由於架構上使用每月之執行頻率,因此各輸入、輸出檔案以每月合併、儲存最為合理,只要修改模版的月份數字即可。 此處修改方式以sed進行。


  • 每個個案最重要的就是起迄日期、時間的設定。
  • 體總
    • 起始須符合ic時間、或restart file的時間,結束時間則為下一執行批次的起始時間
    • 開始、結束日期時間皆為表列時間sharp,不含任何time step 或delta time。
  • 日期
    • 模擬期間須在檔案時間範圍之內
    • 此處以每月前一日到最後一日止
  • 時間
    • CAMx未屆定是UTC或LST,有提供Time_Zone供校正。
    • 在CAMx模式並沒有規定一定要從0時或幾時開始,但從日出後執行,模式會不穩定,建議還是從夜間開始為宜。
    • 此處以2000時開始、結束
  • 為避免呼叫其他非標準程式,此處以date之應用為主。(line 2~10)
#$ cat -n gen.cs
    1  for MM in {01..12};do
    2    nextM=$(date -d "2016${MM}01 +31day" +%m)
    3    nextY=$(date -d "2016${MM}01 +31day" +%Y)
    4    YY=$(date -d "$nextY${nextM}01 -1day" +%y)
    5    DD=$(date -d "$nextY${nextM}01 -1day" +%d)
    6    TT=20
    7    BY=$(date -d "2016${MM}01 -1day" +%y)
    8    BM=$(date -d "2016${MM}01 -1day" +%m)
    9    BD=$(date -d "2016${MM}01 -1day" +%d)
    10    BT=20
    11    RESTART=true
    12  #split to 4 machines:
    13    a=$(( (10#$MM - 1)*(10#$MM - 4)*(10#$MM - 7)*(10#$MM - 10) ))
    14  #  a=$(( (10#$MM - 1) ))
    15    if [ $a -eq 0 ];then
    16      RESTART=false
    17    fi
    18    echo $BY$BM$BD$BT $YY$MM$DD$TT
    19    cp CAMx.in_$MM
    20    for cmd in  "s/MM/"$MM/ "s/DD/"$DD/ "s/TT/"$TT/ \
    21          "s/BM/"$BM/ "s/BM/"$BM/ "s/BD/"$BD/ "s/BT/"$BT/ \
    22            "s/YY/"$YY/ "s/BY/"$BY/ \
    23            "s/RESTART/"$RESTART/  \
    24            "s/YY/"$YY/ "s/MM/"$MM/ ;do
    25      sed -i $cmd CAMx.in_$MM
    26    done
    27  done
    28  exit 0

(三) RESTART之設定(line 11~17)

模式的初始條件對模擬第1日有嚴重的影響,其後的影響程度則會隨時間減少。 不論其影響程度,如果是系統化的處理方式,排放方案的模擬結果之間會有一樣比例的差異,是線性的。 此處應用連乘值為0來判斷整數(月份)之值,以便在每機器上可以以1、4、7、10月份起始(cold start)、其餘月份則為(warm) restart。

四、C shell run.job

此處以RAMBOL environ所提供的執行腳本進行說明

  • (一) 執行檔、記憶體、CPU等計算資源之分配與設定(line 5~9)
  • (二)設定輸出檔案主檔名及檔案目錄(line 11~15)
  • (三)執行批次迴圈(日期)(23~167)
    • 產生起迄時間與RESTART flags(24~32)
    • 產生CAMx.in檔案(36~160)
    • 執行CAMx程式(164~166)
#kuang@centos8 /airapp/camxruns/testcase/runfiles
#$ cat -n run.job
    1  #!/bin/csh
    2  #
    3  # CAMx v6.50
    4  #
    5  setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 4
    6  setenv MPSTKZ 128M
    7  limit stacksize unlimited
    8  # CAMx User's Guide Version 6.50 2. The CAMx Modeling System
    9  set EXEC = "../../src/camx650/CAMx.v6.50.noMPI.gfortranomp"
    10  #
    11  set RUN = "v6.50.midwest.36.12.noMPI"
    12  set INPUT = "../inputs"
    13  set MET = "../inputs/met"
    14  set EMIS = "../emiss"
    15  set PTSRCE  = "../ptsrce"
    16  set OUTPUT  = "../outputs"
    17  #
    18  mkdir -p $OUTPUT
    19  #
    20  #  --- set the dates and times ----
    21  #
    22  set RESTART = "NO"
    23  foreach today (03.154 04.155)
    24    set JUL = $today:e
    25    set CAL = $today:r
    26    set YESTERDAY = `echo ${CAL} | awk '{printf("%2.2d",$1-1)}'`
    27  #
    28    if( ${RESTART} == "NO" ) then
    29      set RESTART = "false"
    30    else
    31      set RESTART = "true"
    32  endif
    33  #
    34  #  --- Create the input file (always called
    35  #
    36  cat << ieof >
    37  &CAMx_Control
    38  Run_Message      = 'CAMx 6.50 Test Problem -- CB05 CF ISORROPIA $RUN',
    39  !--- Model clock control ---
    40  Time_Zone        = 0,
    41  Restart          = .${RESTART}.,
    42  Start_Date_Hour  = 2002,06,${CAL},0000,
    43  End_Date_Hour    = 2002,06,${CAL},2400,
    44  ! (0=UTC,5=EST,6=CST,7=MST,8=PST)
    45  ! (YYYY,MM,DD,HHmm)
    46  ! (YYYY,MM,DD,HHmm)
    47  Maximum_Timestep    = 15., ! minutes
    48  Met_Input_Frequency = 60., ! minutes
    49  Ems_Input_Frequency = 60., ! minutes
    50  Output_Frequency    = 60., ! minutes
    51  !--- Map projection parameters ---
    52  Map_Projection = 'LAMBERT', ! (LAMBERT,POLAR,UTM,LATLON)
    53  Longitude_Pole = -97.,
    54  Latitude_Pole =  40.,
    55  True_Latitude1 =  45.,
    56  True_Latitude2 =  33.,
    57  ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    58  ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    59  ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    60  ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    62  !--- Parameters for the master (first) grid ---
    63  Number_of_Grids = 2,
    64  Master_SW_XCoord = -792.,
    65  Master_SW_YCoord = -1656.,
    66  Master_Cell_XSize = 36.,
    67  Master_Cell_YSize = 36.,
    68  ! km or deg, SW corner of cell(1,1)
    69  ! km or deg, SW corner of cell (1,1)
    70  ! km or deg
    71  ! km or deg
    72  Master_Grid_Columns  = 68,
    73  Master_Grid_Rows    = 68,
    74  Number_of_Layers    = 16,
    75  !--- Parameters for the second grid ---
    76  Nest_Meshing_Factor(2) = 3,
    77  Nest_Beg_I_Index(2) = 22,
    78  Nest_End_I_Index(2) = 51,
    79  Nest_Beg_J_Index(2) = 22,
    80  Nest_End_J_Index(2) = 58,
    81  ! Cell size relative to master grid
    82  ! Relative to master grid
    83  ! Relative to master grid
    84  ! Relative to master grid
    85  ! Relative to master grid
    86  ! True = will stop after 1st timestep
    87  ! (PPM,BOTT)
    88  ! (EBI,LSODE)
    89  ! (None,GREASD,IRON)
    91  ! (None, WESELY89, ZHANG03)
    92  !--- Model options ---
    93  Diagnostic_Error_Check = .false.,
    94  Advection_Solver = 'PPM',
    95  Chemistry_Solver = 'EBI',
    96  PiG_Submodel = 'None',
    97  Probing_Tool = 'None',
    98  Chemistry = .true.,
    99  Drydep_Model = 'WESELY89',
  100  Wet_Deposition = .true.,
  101  ACM2_Diffusion = .false.,
  102  Surface_Model = .false.,
  103  Super_Stepping = .true.,
  104  Gridded_Emissions = .true.,
  105  Point_Emissions = .true.,
  106  Ignore_Emission_Dates  = .true.,
  107  !--- Output specifications ---
  108  Root_Output_Name = '$OUTPUT/CAMx.$RUN.200206${CAL}',
  109  NetCDF_Format_Output = .false.,
  110  Average_Output_3D = .false.,
  111  Output_Species_Names(1) = 'NO',
  112  Output_Species_Names(2) = 'NO2',
  113  Output_Species_Names(3) = 'O3',
  114  Output_Species_Names(4) = 'SO2',
  115  Output_Species_Names(5) = 'H2O2',
  116  Output_Species_Names(6) = 'HNO3',
  117  Output_Species_Names(7) = 'NH3',
  118  Output_Species_Names(8) = 'PNO3',
  119  Output_Species_Names(9) = 'PSO4',
  120  Output_Species_Names(10)  = 'PNH4',
  121  Output_Species_Names(11)  = 'POA',
  122  Output_Species_Names(12)  = 'PEC',
  123  Output_Species_Names(13)  = 'FPRM',
  124  Output_Species_Names(14)  = 'CPRM',
  125  Output_Species_Names(15)  = 'CCRS',
  126  Output_Species_Names(16)  = 'FCRS',
  127  Output_Species_Names(17)  = 'SOA1',
  128  Output_Species_Names(18)  = 'SOA2',
  129  Output_Species_Names(19)  = 'SOA3',
  130  Output_Species_Names(20)  = 'SOA4',
  131  Output_Species_Names(21)  = 'SOA5',
  132  !--- Input files ---
  133  Chemistry_Parameters = '$INPUT/CAMx6.5.chemparam.CB05_CF_SOAP_ISORROPIA',
  134  Photolysis_Rates = '$INPUT/tuv.200206.STL.txt',
  135  Ozone_Column = '$INPUT/o3col.200206.STL_36_68X68_12_92X113.txt',
  136  Initial_Conditions = '$INPUT/IC.vistas_2002gt2a_STL_36_68X68_16L.2002081',
  137  Boundary_Conditions  = '$INPUT/BC.vistas_2002gt2a_STL_36_68X68_16L.2002${JUL}',
  138  Top_Concentrations  = ' ',
  139  Point_Sources        = '$PTSRCE/ptsrce.stl.36km.2002${JUL}.a0.bin',
  140  Master_Grid_Restart  = '$OUTPUT/CAMx.$RUN.200206${YESTERDAY}.inst',
  141  Nested_Grid_Restart  = '$OUTPUT/CAMx.$RUN.200206${YESTERDAY}.finst',
  142  PiG_Restart = ' ',
  143  Srfmod_Grid(1) = ' ',
  144  Srfmod_Grid(2) = ' ',
  145  Flexi_Nest = .false.
  146  Emiss_Grid(1) = '$EMIS/emiss.stl.36km.200206${CAL}.a1.bin',
  147  Surface_Grid(1) = '$INPUT/met/',
  148  Met2D_Grid(1) = '$INPUT/met/camx.2d.200206${CAL}.36k.bin',
  149  Met3D_Grid(1) = '$INPUT/met/camx.3d.200206${CAL}.36k.bin',
  150  Vdiff_Grid(1) = '$INPUT/met/camx.kv.200206${CAL}.36k.bin',
  151  Cloud_Grid(1) = '$INPUT/met/${CAL}.36k.bin',
  152  Emiss_Grid(2) = '$EMIS/emiss.stl.12kmsmall.200206${CAL}.a1.bin',
  153  Surface_Grid(2) = '$INPUT/met/',
  154  Met2D_Grid(2) = '$INPUT/met/camx.2d.200206${CAL}.12ksmall.bin',
  155  Met3D_Grid(2) = '$INPUT/met/camx.3d.200206${CAL}.12ksmall.bin',
  156  Vdiff_Grid(2) = '$INPUT/met/camx.kv.200206${CAL}.12ksmall.bin',
  157  Cloud_Grid(2) = '$INPUT/met/${CAL}.12ksmall.bin',
  158  /
  159  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160  ieof
  161  #
  162  #  --- Execute the model ---
  163  #
  164  if( ! { $EXEC } ) then
  165  exit
  166  endif
  167  end listing

#$ cat -n
    2  &CAMx_Control
    4  Run_Message      = 'CAMx 7.00 Test Problem -- CB6R4 CF SOAP 20160610',
    6  !--- Model clock control ---
    8  Time_Zone        = -8,                ! (0=UTC,5=EST,6=CST,7=MST,8=PST)
    9  Restart          = .false.,
    10  Start_Date_Hour  = 2016,09,30,2000,  !
    11  End_Date_Hour    = 2016,10,31,2000,  !
    13  Maximum_Timestep    = 15.,            ! minutes
    14  Met_Input_Frequency = 60.,            ! minutes
    15  Ems_Input_Frequency = 60.,            ! minutes
    16  Output_Frequency    = 60.,            ! minutes
    18  !--- Map projection parameters ---
    21  UTM_Zone      = 0,
    22  Longitude_Pole = 120.9900,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    23  Latitude_Pole  = 23.61000,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    24  True_Latitude1 =  10.,      ! deg (west<0,south<0)
    25  True_Latitude2 =  40.,      ! deg (west<0,south<0, can = True_Latitude1)
    27  !--- Parameters for the master (first) grid ---
    29  Number_of_Grids      = 1,
    30  Master_SW_XCoord    = -124.500,      ! km or deg, SW corner of cell(1,1)
    31  Master_SW_YCoord    = -205.500,      ! km or deg, SW corner of cell (1,1)
    32  Master_Cell_XSize    =  3.,          ! km or deg
    33  Master_Cell_YSize    =  3.,          ! km or deg
    34  Master_Grid_Columns  = 83,
    35  Master_Grid_Rows    =137,
    36  Number_of_Layers    = 15,
    38  !--- Parameters for the second grid ---
    40  Nest_Meshing_Factor(2) = 3,          ! Cell size relative to master grid
    41  Nest_Beg_I_Index(2)    = 20,          ! Relative to master grid
    42  Nest_End_I_Index(2)    = 40,          ! Relative to master grid
    43  Nest_Beg_J_Index(2)    = 20,          ! Relative to master grid
    44  Nest_End_J_Index(2)    = 40,          ! Relative to master grid
    46  Nest_Meshing_Factor(3) = 27,          ! Cell size relative to master grid
    47  Nest_Beg_I_Index(3)    = 29,          ! Relative to master grid
    48  Nest_End_I_Index(3)    = 31,          ! Relative to master grid
    49  Nest_Beg_J_Index(3)    = 28,          ! Relative to master grid
    50  Nest_End_J_Index(3)    = 32,          ! Relative to master grid
    53  !--- Model options ---
    55  Diagnostic_Error_Check = .false.,      ! True = will stop after 1st timestep
    56  Flexi_Nest            = .true.,      ! True = expect flexi-nested inputs
    57  Advection_Solver      = 'PPM',        ! (PPM,BO20)
    58  Chemistry_Solver      = 'EBI',        ! (EBI,LSODE)
    59  PiG_Submodel          = 'GREASD',    ! (None,GREASD,IRON)
    60  Probing_Tool          = 'None',      ! (None,SA,31M,HDDM,PA,IPR,IRR,RTRAC,RTCMC)
    61  Chemistry              = .true.,
    62  Drydep_Model          = 'ZHANG03',  ! (None,WESELY89,ZHANG03)
    63  Bidi_NH3_Drydep        = .false.,
    64  Wet_Deposition        = .true.,
    65  ACM2_Diffusion        = .false.,
    66  Surface_Model          = .false.,
    67  Inline_Ix_Emissions    = .true.,
    68  Super_Stepping        = .true.,
    69  Gridded_Emissions      = .true.,
    70  Point_Emissions        = .true.,
    71  Ignore_Emission_Dates  = .false.,
    73  !--- Output specifications ---
    75  Root_Output_Name        = 'outputs/con10/1610baseE',
    76  Average_Output_3D        = .false.,
    77  NetCDF_Format_Output    = .false.,
    78  NetCDF_Use_Compression  = .false.,
    79  Output_Species_Names(1)  = 'NO',
    80  Output_Species_Names(2)  = 'NO2',
    81  Output_Species_Names(3)  = 'O3',
    82  Output_Species_Names(4)  = 'SO2',
    83  Output_Species_Names(5)  = 'NH3',
    84  Output_Species_Names(6)  = 'PNO3',
    85  Output_Species_Names(7)  = 'PSO4',
    86  Output_Species_Names(8)  = 'PNH4',
    87  Output_Species_Names(9)  = 'POA',
    88  Output_Species_Names(10)  = 'PEC',
    89  Output_Species_Names(11)  = 'FPRM',
    90  Output_Species_Names(12)  = 'CPRM',
    91  Output_Species_Names(13)  = 'CCRS',
    92  Output_Species_Names(14)  = 'FCRS',
    93  Output_Species_Names(15)  = 'SOA1',
    94  Output_Species_Names(16)  = 'SOA2',
    95  Output_Species_Names(17)  = 'SOA3',
    96  Output_Species_Names(18)  = 'SOA4',
    97  Output_Species_Names(19)  = 'NA',
    98  Output_Species_Names(20)  = 'PCL',
    99  Output_Species_Names(21)  = 'PAR',
  100  Output_Species_Names(22)  = 'ETHA',
  101  Output_Species_Names(23)  = 'MEOH',
  102  Output_Species_Names(24)  = 'ETOH',
  103  Output_Species_Names(25)  = 'ETH',
  104  Output_Species_Names(26)  = 'OLE',
  105  Output_Species_Names(27)  = 'IOLE',
  106  Output_Species_Names(28)  = 'ISOP',
  107  Output_Species_Names(29)  = 'TERP',
  108  Output_Species_Names(30)  = 'FORM',
  109  Output_Species_Names(31)  = 'ALD2',
  110  Output_Species_Names(32)  = 'ALDX',
  111  Output_Species_Names(33)  = 'TOL',
  112  Output_Species_Names(34)  = 'XYL',
  113  Output_Species_Names(35)  = 'PRPA',
  114  Output_Species_Names(36)  = 'BENZ',
  115  Output_Species_Names(37)  = 'ETHY',
  116  Output_Species_Names(38)  = 'ACET',
  117  Output_Species_Names(39)  = 'KET',
  118  Output_Species_Names(40)  = 'N2O5',
  119  Output_Species_Names(41)  = 'HNO3',
  120  Output_Species_Names(42)  = 'CO',
  122  !--- Input files ---
  124  Chemistry_Parameters = 'inputs/chem/CAMx7.0.chemparam.CB6r4_CF2',
  125  Photolyis_Rates      = 'inputs/tuv/tuv4.8.camx7.00/tuv.do_CB6.161001.d4',
  126  Ozone_Column        = 'inputs/toms/o3map.20161001.d4',
  127  Initial_Conditions  = 'ICBC/bndextr_d2/base.grd02.1610.ic',
  128  Boundary_Conditions  = 'ICBC/bndextr_d2/base.grd02.1610.bc',
  129  Point_Sources(1)    = 'ptse/base/',
  130  Point_Sources(2)    = 'ptse/XindaG3_v7/',
  131  Master_Grid_Restart  = 'outputs/con09/1609baseE.inst',
  132  Nested_Grid_Restart  = 'outputs/con09/1609baseE.finst',
  133  PiG_Restart          = 'outputs/con09/1609baseE.pig',
  135  Surface_Grid(1) = 'met/',
  136  Met3D_Grid(1)  = 'met/1610d4.3d',
  137  Met2D_Grid(1)  = 'met/1610d4.2d',
  138  Vdiff_Grid(1)  = 'met/1610d4.kv.OB70',
  139  Cloud_Grid(1)  = 'met/',
  140  Emiss_Grid(1,1) = 'emis/area/',
  141  Emiss_Grid(1,2) = 'emis/line/',
  142  Emiss_Grid(1,3) = 'emis/ship/',
  143  Emiss_Grid(1,4) = 'emis/biog/',
  144  Emiss_Grid(1,5) = 'ptse/base/',
  146  /



  • Users Guide:CAMxUsersGude_v7.00.pdf (2020),
  • 曠永銓‧王嘉弘‧陳怡伶(2003)空氣汙染排放總量及背景空氣品質預測, (中興工程第八十一期,中興工程顧問社,pp.139~144)
  • 中部科學園區后里基地環境影響評估,附錄二十一衍生性空氣污染擴散擬結果模性能評估,
  • 空氣品質模式簡介與操作 - 概說 網格模式 - 複雜化學模式


  • vi:文書編輯器vim
  • sed
    • sed wiki,
    • sed 工具, De-Yu Wang 2020-06-19,
  • date
    • Bash shell 的 date 印出「年月日時分秒」的參數, Tsung’s Blog,