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  • 作為知識經濟的技術顧問行業,如何取得重要的知識是行業的關鍵技術。然而所謂的「重要」與否,很長一段時間也正取決於取得知識的方式。
    • 例如必須先經過碩博士的學術訓練才能看得懂的學術論文、
    • 經過資深工程師指導才能領略的工程設計準則、
  • 隨著AI與智慧搜尋的興起,知識取得的門檻大幅降低。知識普及度更為寬廣,非專業平常人也可以輕鬆取得最專業、精準、足以提供決策的重要知識。
  • AI的領域如雨後春筍,其中最值得觀察的OpenAI發展的chatGPT1近年來有大幅的成長,並開放讓一般人也能參與AI的訓練、測試,依據2023.02的統計,每天流量超過2500萬次、活躍用戶兩個月內破億。
  • 當然AI還是有所限制的(如資訊錯誤、抄襲等等問題),使用者引用前還是需要自行查證、以示負責。
  • 此處示範 chatGPT在環境工程方面的應用,以減少使用者摸索軟體界面的時間。


  • 追問:以具體的個案、數字來詢問
    • 「台灣西南部的能見度趨勢為何?」 vs 「就目前文獻上找出屏東機場2000年前後的年平均能見度是多少?」
  • 反問
    • 「wrf模式可以用來預報地面的霧滴濃度嗎?」
    • 「wrf模式不能用來預報地面的霧滴濃度嗎?」
  • 質問
    • 「有關台灣西南部能見度趨勢的評論,你可以舉幾個”學者的研究”的範例嗎?」
    • 「這4個人我都沒有聽過,google也找不到,你瞎編的吧?!」
  • 比較
    • 「過去我從未做過yum install cronie的動作,但cron卻正常運作,你這樣建議是正確的嗎?」
    • 「systemd-cron和cronie設定何管理有何不同?後者比較強大嗎?」
  • 更換角色


  • 國內一般對AI的法律問題尚表樂觀2。學生撰寫文章、報告、甚至學位論文,以及技術顧問的專業報告是否可以由ChatGPT代筆、或撰寫部分內容等等議題,在國內則尚無定論,但許多先進國家已經有法令禁止(如美國、歐盟3等等)、350位科技名人也聯名表達對後chatGPT時代人類的命運表達悲觀,應與爆發流行病及核武相提並論。4
  • 能辨識AI撰寫文本之線上服務AI:除了論文抄襲分析系統之外(如國內常用的Turnitin),能辨識是否文本來自於AI之產出,如2013年1月上線服務之GPTZero,以及ZeroGPT
  • GPTZero目前雖可以接受中文之文本,但似乎敏感性不高,對於句型沒有太多變化、較為死板的論文格式而言,其perplexity得分較低,容易被誤判為AI撰寫之文本,可能還需要更多字數之內容來加以訓練。
  • 相對而言,ZeroGPT對英文的敏感性較高些,但對中文的解析能力趨近於0
  • 另一同名類似網站zerogpt.cc表現與ZeroGPT略低一些,同樣不接受中文文本。




  • 目前仍以網頁瀏覽器型態提供對話框,並沒有行動版的app。網址為
  • 雖然github上有許多不錯的套件,然而也只是包裝官網、提供輔助輸入的簡單界面。
  • 如果有興趣,使用者可以考慮華人製作的ChatGPT Desktop Application(by Xin Chen at Shanghai, China)
    • win/mac皆需要管理者權限


  • 與AI互動的關鍵是彼此熟悉、包括有關溝通的背景、領域、心智能力、慣用語等等,需要有效律定。這點在AI領域稱之為prompt(暫譯為戲劇導演的「提詞」)。
  • github上獲得最佳好評的提詞集為f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts ,當中列有128個openAI可以扮演的角色,以及與使用者如何互動的說明,包括:
    • 使用者可能會提供的訊息
    • AI需要說明的重點
    • AI需要提交知識的格式:文章、摘要、要點、詩詞、程式碼等等
    • 使用者的知識水平
    • 如:(請AI幫忙看看要怎麼畫全球蒐集來的大氣CO2濃度圖)
  • 中文的提詞集錦:ChatGPT 指令大全
  • Contributed by: @devisasari
  • 使用者可以使用前述簡單的界面App,使用預設的提詞內容,也可以自行複製貼上官網的對話框,略作修改以符合需求。
  • 問過第1~2題、彼此測試之後,AI大致知道怎麼溝通,就可以放心問任何真正想問的問題了。




As a professor in environmental engineering, I’d be happy to help answer your question on the meaning of MLSS.

MLSS stands for “Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids,” which is a critical parameter in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) design and operation. MLSS refers to the concentration of suspended solids in the mixed liquor of the activated sludge process, which is a biological process that removes organic matter and nutrients from wastewater.

The MLSS concentration is typically measured in milligrams of suspended solids per liter of mixed liquor. Maintaining a sufficient MLSS concentration is critical for the effective treatment of wastewater in activated sludge systems, as it supports the growth of microorganisms that perform the biological treatment.

A typical MLSS concentration range for wastewater treatment plants is between 2,000 and 6,000 mg/L, although the actual range may vary depending on specific design and operational considerations.

Monitoring and controlling MLSS concentration is essential for achieving optimal treatment performance, avoiding solids washout and bulking, and minimizing operating costs. Regular sampling and analysis of MLSS, along with adjustments to aeration, sludge wasting, and other operational parameters, can help ensure that the WWTP is operating efficiently and effectively.


厭氧氨氧化 (Anammox):這種技術利用厭氧細菌將氨氧化成氮氣,從而實現氮的去除。相較於傳統的硝化-脫硝處理工藝,Anammox不需要外加碳源,因此節省了較多的能源。同時,由於Anammox處理過程中產生的污泥量較少,因此也需要較小的用地面積。

輪流曝氣-滯洪池 (SBR):SBR工藝是一種週期性的處理工藝,其中所有的處理過程(包括曝氣和沉降)都在同一個反應槽中進行。由於SBR處理系統沒有固定的進水和出水管道,因此可以更靈活地控制進水流量和水質,實現更好的去除效率。同時,SBR工藝也可以通過調整曝氣時長、周期等參數來節省能源。











ISO 14064和ISO 14067都是與減少溫室氣體排放和減少碳足跡相關的國際標準,但它們的內容和適用對象略有不同。

ISO 14064是一個由國際標準化組織(ISO)發布的標準,旨在為組織提供測量,監測和報告溫室氣體排放的指南。這包括測量和報告企業或組織的碳足跡。該標準由三個部分組成,包括測量和監測,驗證和報告。 ISO 14064的適用對象是任何組織,包括企業,政府和非政府組織,旨在評估和管理其溫室氣體排放。這包括通過監控排放量,發展計劃來減少排放量,並報告減排結果來減少溫室氣體排放的目標。

相比之下,ISO 14067是一個由ISO發布的標準,旨在為產品提供碳足跡的評估和報告方法。碳足跡是指從產品的生產,使用到處理和最終處置過程中產生的溫室氣體排放量。 ISO 14067包括碳足跡評估的方法,以及報告和驗證碳足跡。適用對象是生產和銷售產品的企業和組織,旨在評估和報告其產品的碳足跡。

因此,ISO 14064和ISO 14067的主要區別在於它們的範圍和適用對象。ISO 14064關注組織的整體溫室氣體排放,而ISO 14067則專注於產品的碳足跡評估和報告。


  • 問題:因山區沒有環保署的一般測站,PM2.5模擬結果很低(< 5μg/M3),不知道是否正確,

Please act as a professor in the domain of earth and environmental science. I am also a professial specialist in environment. You will provide knowledge from reviewing journal papers and textbooks. My first request is “How is the PM2.5 concentration level in Taiwan mountain regions?”

As an environmental science professor, I can provide some information on PM2.5 concentration levels in Taiwan’s mountain regions based on current research.

PM2.5 refers to fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, which is a major component of air pollution and has been linked to adverse health effects such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, Taiwan has made significant efforts to reduce PM2.5 pollution, including the implementation of air quality monitoring systems.

Based on a study published in the journal “Environmental Research Letters” in 2019, PM2.5 concentrations in Taiwan’s mountain regions were generally lower than those in urban and suburban areas. However, the study also found that PM2.5 concentrations in some mountain regions, particularly those near industrialized areas or major transportation routes, were elevated and could pose a health risk to local residents and hikers.

Another study published in the journal “Atmospheric Environment” in 2021 also found that PM2.5 concentrations in Taiwan’s mountain regions were generally lower than those in urban areas, but noted that the levels could still be influenced by long-range transport of air pollutants from other regions.

Overall, while PM2.5 concentrations in Taiwan’s mountain regions are generally lower than those in urban and suburban areas, they can still be affected by industrialization and transportation. Therefore, it is important to continue monitoring and reducing air pollution in these areas to protect public health and preserve the natural environment.




台灣環保署在全台設有多個監測站點,以監測空氣品質指標包括 PM2.5、PM10、臭氧、二氧化氮等等。每個測站的測量數據都會即時公布在環保署的空氣品質監測網站上,供民眾查詢。




Please act as a professor in the domain of earth and environmental science. You will provide knowledge from reviewing journal papers and textbooks. My first request is “Explain the reason for the existence of the ozone layer in the atmosphere”

Certainly, I’d be happy to explain the reason for the existence of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.

The ozone layer is a thin region within the Earth’s stratosphere that contains a relatively high concentration of ozone (O3) molecules. It exists primarily in the lower portion of the stratosphere, at altitudes between 10 and 50 kilometers (6 to 30 miles) above the Earth’s surface.

The reason for the existence of the ozone layer is due to the formation and destruction of ozone molecules in the stratosphere. Ozone is formed in the stratosphere by the interaction of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun with molecular oxygen (O2). This process is known as the ozone-oxygen cycle and can be summarized by the following series of reactions:

UV radiation splits molecular oxygen (O2) into individual oxygen atoms (O) These oxygen atoms then react with other oxygen molecules (O2) to form ozone (O3) Ozone absorbs UV radiation, converting it into heat, and preventing it from reaching the Earth’s surface

This process results in the formation of a relatively high concentration of ozone in the stratosphere, which acts as a protective shield against harmful UV radiation from the Sun. The presence of the ozone layer is critical to life on Earth, as prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts, and other health problems in humans, and can also damage plant and animal life.

However, in recent decades, human activities have led to the depletion of the ozone layer, particularly in the polar regions, due to the release of certain chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which can catalyze the destruction of ozone molecules. This depletion has raised concerns about the long-term effects of increased UV radiation on human health and the environment, leading to the development of international agreements such as the Montreal Protocol to phase out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.

Explain the term of AOD used in the atmosperic science.

Certainly! AOD stands for Aerosol Optical Depth, which is a measure of how much light is scattered or absorbed by aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the air, which can include dust, smoke, and other pollutants, as well as natural sources such as sea salt and pollen.

AOD is typically measured using remote sensing techniques, such as satellite-based instruments or ground-based sensors, which measure the amount of light that is transmitted through the atmosphere. AOD is calculated by comparing the amount of light transmitted through the atmosphere to the amount that would be transmitted if the air were completely clear. A higher AOD value indicates that more light is being scattered or absorbed by aerosols in the atmosphere, which can have significant impacts on climate and air quality.

AOD is an important parameter in atmospheric science because it is closely related to the concentration and composition of aerosols in the atmosphere. It is often used to estimate the amount of particulate matter in the air, which can have significant impacts on human health and the environment. AOD is also used in climate models to estimate the impact of aerosols on the radiation budget of the Earth, which can affect the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth’s surface and the amount of energy that is radiated back into space.

Overall, AOD is an important tool for understanding the impact of aerosols on the atmosphere, and for improving our ability to model and predict changes in climate and air quality.

Please act as a professor in the domain of earth and environmental science. You will provide knowledge from reviewing journal papers and textbooks. My first request is “What is the relationship between settelite AOD and ground-level PM2.5 concentration?”

Certainly! There is a close relationship between satellite-derived Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and ground-level concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). PM2.5 refers to airborne particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, which are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs and cause a range of health problems, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Numerous studies have shown that AOD can be used as a proxy for estimating PM2.5 concentrations at the surface, particularly in regions where ground-based monitoring is limited or non-existent. AOD is closely related to the mass concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere, and can be used to estimate the total amount of aerosols in the air column between the satellite sensor and the ground.

One of the key advantages of using satellite-based AOD measurements for estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentrations is that satellite data can provide spatially continuous coverage over large areas, including remote and inaccessible regions, which are often poorly served by ground-based monitoring networks. In addition, satellite data can provide a long-term record of aerosol concentrations, which can be used to study trends and changes in air quality over time.

However, there are some limitations to using AOD as a proxy for PM2.5 concentrations. One limitation is that AOD is sensitive to the vertical distribution of aerosols in the atmosphere, and can be affected by factors such as cloud cover, atmospheric moisture, and aerosol size distribution. In addition, AOD does not provide information on the composition or toxicity of the aerosols, which can vary depending on their source and chemical makeup.

Overall, while there are some limitations, the relationship between satellite-derived AOD and ground-level PM2.5 concentrations has been shown to be robust, and has been used extensively in air quality research and policy-making.

Show me the examples of air quality research or policy-making situations you just said, especially in Eastern Asia.

Certainly! Air quality research and policy-making related to satellite-derived AOD and ground-level PM2.5 concentrations have been particularly important in Eastern Asia, where rapid economic development and urbanization have led to high levels of air pollution and associated health impacts.

One example of air quality research in Eastern Asia is the study of long-term trends and changes in air quality over time. For example, a study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters in 2021 used satellite data to analyze changes in PM2.5 concentrations in China from 1998 to 2018, and found that while air quality has improved in many regions over the past decade, there are still large areas with high levels of pollution.

Another example of air quality research in Eastern Asia is the use of satellite data to understand the sources and transport of air pollution. For example, a study published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics in 2020 used satellite data to investigate the sources and transport of PM2.5 pollution in China, and found that much of the pollution is generated locally, but can also be transported from other regions and even from neighboring countries.

In terms of policy-making, satellite data on AOD and PM2.5 concentrations have been used to develop air quality monitoring systems and to inform policy decisions related to pollution control and public health. For example, in China, the government has developed a national air quality monitoring network that includes both ground-based and satellite-based measurements, and uses this data to develop air pollution control policies and to issue public health advisories during periods of high pollution.

Another example of policy-making related to satellite data is the use of AOD measurements to estimate the health impacts of air pollution. For example, a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2020 used satellite data to estimate the health impacts of PM2.5 pollution in South Korea, and found that air pollution was responsible for a significant number of premature deaths and other health impacts.

Overall, air quality research and policy-making related to satellite-derived AOD and ground-level PM2.5 concentrations have been critical in Eastern Asia, where air pollution is a major public health and environmental concern.

Please traslate into Chinese(tradition ).

當然!關於使用衛星AOD和地面細顆粒物(PM2.5)濃度之間的關係,已經有很多研究顯示兩者之間存在著密切的關係。 PM2.5指的是直徑小於2.5微米的空氣中顆粒,足夠小以深入肺部並引起一系列健康問題,包括呼吸和心血管疾病。

許多研究表明,AOD可以用作在地面估算PM2.5濃度的代理,特別是在地面監測受限或不存在的地區。 AOD與大氣中氣溶膠的質量濃度密切相關,可以用來估算衛星傳感器與地面之間的空氣柱中的氣溶膠總量。




  1. Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, see topic@github、and Official Site 

  2. 科技法制變革論壇今登場 聚焦人工智慧治理趨勢,經濟日報2023/05/29 

  3. 生成式 AI 的法律迷霧:ChatGPT 等工具好方便,但相關風險你承受得了嗎?天下雜誌換日線法律白話文國際站陳冠瑋2023/02/21 

  4. Statement on AI Risk, AI experts and public figures express their concern about AI risk. Center of AI Safety, 2023