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Admin Guide

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for developers and system administrators who want to harden/configure Swirl for production use.


Configuring the Swirl Environment

New in version 1.8, Swirl uses django-environ to load important values such as hostname from a file called .env.

The file .env.dist contains expected defaults. If no .env file is created, then the script copy this file to .env prior to startup.


To configure a Swirl server to listen on a particular port, hostname, via HTTPS, etc., modify the .env file and then restart Swirl. There should never be a .env file in the Swirl repo, and when updating Swirl to a new version, no migration of these settings should be needed. They remain in .env.

The SWIRL_EXPLAIN item determines if Swirl will show the explain structure or not.

The SECRET_KEY is actually a salt used by Django. Swirl recommends generating a new one for production use.

Creating a Swirl Super User

To start over with a new database, delete or rename the db.sqlite3 file. Then run this command:

python setup

This will create a new, blank database. To create a Super User, run the following command:

python createsuperuser --email --username admin

Changing a Super User Password

If you already have an admin user, you can change the password with this command:

python changepassword admin

If you select a password that is too simple, Django will object. For more information see: django-admin and

Adding Normal Users

Use the Django Admin UI to add users:


Django Admin - Users

Permissioning Normal Users

There are four permissions – add, change, delete, and view – for each of the core Swirl objects: SearchProviders, Search, Result, and Query Transform.

Django Admin - Permissions

The following table shows how to configure these for various scenarios:

ScenarioSearchProviderSearchResultsQuery Transform
Search ONLYNONEAdd  
Search & View ResultsNONEAdd, ViewAdd, ViewAdd, View
Manage Search including re-runNONEALLALLALL
SearchProvider AdminALLAddViewView

Object Ownership

SearchProvider, Search, Result, and Query Transform objects are owned by, and private to, the Django user who creates them.

Shared SearchProviders and Query Transformations

Swirl supports shared SearchProviders (v. 1.7) and Query Transformations (v. 2.0). These defaults to “false” for all Users, except the Django Super User (admin) which defaults to “true”. This makes it easy to add users without having to duplicate SearchProviders or Query Transformations.

For installations with a large number of users, create groups with the desired permissions first, then assign each User to the appropriate group.

Deploying Swirl for Production Use

The Swirl application is designed to be deployed behind a reverse-proxy. There are many reasons for this:

  • Scalability: a reverse-proxy allows for the horizontal scaling of Swirl. By deploying multiple Swirl application VMs behind a reverse-proxy, the incoming connection demands can be handled by the reverse-proxy then disseminated to a pool of backend Swirl servers. If demand for Swirl increases, additional VMs can be provisioned on-demand. These VMs can also be turned down when the traffic drops below certain thresholds to save on hosting costs.

  • Security: Offloading the SSL/TLS overhead to a dedicated public endpoint such as a reverse-proxy alleviates the CPU load on the application server that serves up Swirl.

  • Performance: Using a reverse-proxy separates the task of serving up static content from the application server. This makes it possible to deploy Swirl with a content delivery network (CDN) which places static content close to the end user for a faster Swirl experience.

  • Availability: a reverse-proxy adds resiliency to any setup by spreading traffic across a backend pool of Swirl servers. The reverse-proxy monitors the pool of available backend servers and detects and removes failed servers from a pool of available ones.

Popular reverse-proxy projects/products include HA Proxy, Nginx, Azure Application Gateway and AWS Application Load Balancer.

Contact support to discuss this topic anytime.

Hardware Sizing

As of Swirl 2.5, the federation process is CPU-bound. To maximize core utilization, allocate four (4) times the number of Celery workers.

Swirl can be run continuously with minimal latency so long as:

(num_searches * num_searchproviders) <= num_cores

Contact support to discuss this topic anytime.

Upgrading Swirl

Please contact support for instructions on upgrading Docker containers!

  1. Update the swirl-search repository:
    git pull
  2. Run the install script:
  3. Setup Swirl:
    python setup
  4. Restart Swirl core, if running:
    python restart core

Consult the release notes for more information on each release.

Configuring Swirl

New in Swirl 1.8: SWIRL_EXPLAIN is now configured as an environment variable.

Swirl uses the following configuration items, defined in the swirl_server/

Configuration ItemExplanationExample
CELERY_BEATS_SCHEDULEDefines the schedule for the Search Expiration Service and Search Subscriber ServiceSee the linked sections.
SWIRL_DEFAULT_QUERY_LANGUAGEDetermines which stopword dictionary is loadedSWIRL_DEFAULT_QUERY_LANGUAGE = 'english'
SWIRL_TIMEOUTThe number of seconds to wait until declaring federation complete, and terminating any connectors that haven’t respondedSWIRL_TIMEOUT = 10
SWIRL_Q_WAITThe number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the Result Mixer after using the q= parameterSWIRL_Q_WAIT = 7
SWIRL_RERUN_WAITThe number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the Result Mixer when re-running a searchSWIRL_RERUN_WAIT = 8
SWIRL_SUBSCRIBE_WAITThe number of seconds to wait before timing out and reporting an error when updating a searchSWIRL_SUBSCRIBE_WAIT = 20
SWIRL_DEDUPE_FIELDThe field to use when detecting and removing duplicates with the DedupeByFieldPostResultProcessorSWIRL_DEDUPE_FIELD = 'url'
SWIRL_DEDUPE_SIMILARITY_MINIMUMThe minimum similarity score that constitutes a duplicate, when detecting and removing duplicates with the DedupeBySimilarityPostResultProcessorSWIRL_DEDUPE_SIMILARITY_MINIMUM = 0.95
SWIRL_DEDUPE_SIMILARITY_FIELDSA list of the fields to use when determining the similarity between documents when detecting and removing duplicates with the DedupeBySimilarityPostResultProcessorSWIRL_DEDUPE_SIMILARITY_FIELDS = ['title', 'body']
SWIRL_RELEVANCY_CONFIGDefines the relevancy score weights for important fieldsSee below
SWIRL_MAX_MATCHESConfigures the maximum number of matches for any given result, before being cut-off. This helps protect against favoring very long articles.SWIRL_MAX_MATCHES = 5
SWIRL_MIN_SIMILARITYConfigures the minimum threshold at which a query hit in a result will be scored. Lower values will increase recall but lower precision.SWIRL_MIN_SIMILARITY = 0.54


    'title': {
        'weight': 1.5
    'body': {
        'weight': 1.0
    'author': {
        'weight': 1.0

Note that all configuration names must be UPPER_CASE per the django settings convention.

Search Expiration Service

The Expirer service can automatically delete Search and their associated (linked) Result objects after a specified period of time - to ensure Swirl doesn’t retain everything ever searched.

By default, this service runs every hour. The frequency is defined in the Django settings:

    # Executes every hour
    'expire': { 
         'task': 'expirer', 
         'schedule': crontab(minute=0,hour='*'),

Temporary changes can also be made via the Django Console here:


Django console crontab page

If you change the crontab entry in the database and don’t change the CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE as well, that schedule will be restored if/when you restart Swirl.

Search Subscriber Service

When one or more Search objects have the subscribe property set to True, Swirl will periodically update that Search.

By default, the Subscriber service runs every four hours. The frequency is defined in the Django settings:

    # Executes every four hours
    'subscribe': { 
         'task': 'subscriber', 
         'schedule': crontab(minute=0,hour='*/4'),   # minute='*/10'

Temporary changes can also be made via the Django Console here:


Django console crontab page

If you change the crontab entry in the database and don’t change the CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE as well, that schedule will be restored if/when you restart Swirl.

Service Startup & Daemonization


For normal operations, use to start, stop or restart services. It is located in Swirl’s install directory (along with

Swirl’s control scripts were updated in version 2.5!

  • A default key was added to the services list, including debug, in swirl/
  • The celery-beats service was set to default: False
  • was modified to load only services with default: True

To use the subscribe or expiration features, celery-beats must be started (and stopped) separately:

python start celery-beats
  • To start services:
python start

One or more services may be specified, e.g.:

python start celery-beats
  • To check the status of Swirl:
python status

Swirl will report the current running services, and their pids:


Service: django...RUNNING, pid:1620
Service: celery-worker...RUNNING, pid:1625

  PID TTY           TIME CMD
 1620 ttys000    0:13.26 /Users/erikspears/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/bin/python3.11 /Users/erikspears/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/bin/daphne -b -p 8000 swirl_server.asgi:application
 1625 ttys000    0:40.70 /Users/erikspears/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/bin/python3.11 /Users/erikspears/.pyenv/versions/3.11.5/bin/celery -A swirl_server worker --loglevel INFO

Command successful!
  • To terminate services:
python stop
  • To restart services:
python restart

One or more services may be specified, e.g.:

python restart celery-worker consumer
  • To get help:
python help
  • To run in DEBUG mode:
python --debug start

This will switch from running Daphne to the built-in Django webserver (runserver) and will set the logging level to DEBUG.


The services invoked by are defined in swirl/ See the previous section for changes to the services definitions in version 2.5.


Note that writes the list of services and their associated pids to a file: .swirl

Here is an example of a .swirl file for a fully running system:

{"redis": 26365, "django": 26391, "celery-worker": 26424}

This file is read by the status and stop commands. Both commands invoke ps -p with the pids for the services to determine if they are actually running and display this information for you.

If you start or stop individual services, the .swirl file should only have the names and pids for running services.

In the event that the .swirl file is out of sync with the running processes, you may delete it, or edit it to match the actual running processes. Be sure to manually delete any running processes. You can find them as follows:

On OS/X or Linux:

ps -ef | grep python
ps -ef | grep celery
ps -ef | grep redis
  • When troubleshooting be sure to look at logs/*.log. Live services will continue writing to the appropriately named logfile.

  • If a service starts and then isn’t running a short time later, check the log files as there is likely an exception occurring.

  • To change startup incantations, services names, or default value for any service, edit the SWIRL_SERVICES variable in swirl/

        'name': 'redis',
        'path': 'retired : redis-server ./redis.conf',
        'default': False,
        'retired': True
        'name': 'django',
        'path': 'daphne -b -p 8000 swirl_server.asgi:application',
        'default': True,
        'retired': False
        'name': 'celery-worker',
        'path': 'celery -A swirl_server worker --loglevel INFO',
        'default': True,
        'retired': False
        'name': 'celery-beats',
        'path': 'celery -A swirl_server beat --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler',
        'default': False,
        'retired': False

Note that starts the services in the order specified, but terminates the first service last - with a longer delay and using a group signal to shut down.

Manually Starting Services

The exact incantations to start the services varies by Operating System. The following sections present them along with the expected output.

Mac OS/X or Linux

Run each command shown below in a separate terminal window, in the directory where you installed Swirl, e.g. swirl-search, in the order specified below.

Don’t run these commands in the swirl_server subdirectory! They won’t work there. If you aren’t sure, check that is present in your current directory.

As of Release 2.6, Swirl’s start-up process no longer starts redis. You must now have redis installed and running before starting Swirl.

  1. Setup Django
    cd swirl-search
    python makemigrations
    python makemigrations swirl
    python migrate
    python collectstatic
  2. Start Django Server
    cd swirl-search
    daphne swirl_server.asgi:application

    When Django is running the front page should load…
    Swirl Front Page

  3. Start Celery Worker
    cd swirl-search
    celery -A swirl_server worker --loglevel=info 
  4. Start Celery Beats This is only required if using the Search Expiration Service or the Search Subscription Service.
    celery -A swirl_server beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

Managing Django Users

Django Admin

Most users can be managed through the Django Admin, which is located here:


To Change a User’s Password

python changepassword <user_name>

Management Tools

Django Console

Django has a built-in web UI for managing users, groups, crontabs, and more.

Django console

The URL is: http://localhost:8000/admin/

Django dbshell

Django has a built-in shell for managing the database. You can run it in the swirl-search directory as follows:

./ dbshell

Wiping the Database

python flush

All Swirl objects will be deleted, once you confirm.

You must create a new Swirl Super User after doing this.


The open source sqlite-web project offers a solid web GUI!

pip install sqlite-web
sqlite_web my_database.db                   # makes it run locally http://localhost:8080/
sqlite_web --host my_database.db    # run it on the lan

Don’t forget to give it the path to db.sqlite3 in swirl-search when you invoke it.

Database Migration

If you change most anything in swirl/, you will have to perform a database migration. Detailing this process is beyond the scope of this document. For the most part, all you have to do is:

python migrate

For more information:

  • Migration is usually simple/easy if you are just adding fields or changing defaults
  • It’s a good idea to delete existing data before doing anything drastic like changing the name of an id or relationship - use sqlite-web (see above)!
  • If things go wrong:
    • Delete db.sqlite3
    • Delete all swirl/migrations/
    • Run: python flush
    • Then, repeat this process

Don’t forget to create a Swirl Super User after flushing the database!

Configuring Django

There are many values you can configure in swirl_server/

These include:

  • Hostname
  • Protocol
# PUT the FQDN first in the list below
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost']
PROTOCOL = 'http'

The FQDN that Swirl should listen on must be the first entry in the ALLOWED_HOST list.

  • Time Zone
TIME_ZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  • Celery Beats

The configuration for Celery-Beats is also here, in case you are using the Search Expiration Service or the Search Subscription Service:

    # Executes every hour
    'expire': { 
         'task': 'expirer', 
         'schedule': crontab(minute=0,hour='*'),
  • Database Provider
    "default": {
        "ENGINE": os.environ.get("SQL_ENGINE", "django.db.backends.sqlite3"),
        "NAME": os.environ.get("SQL_DATABASE", BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3"),
        "USER": os.environ.get("SQL_USER", "user"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("SQL_PASSWORD", "password"),
        "HOST": os.environ.get("SQL_HOST", "localhost"),
        "PORT": os.environ.get("SQL_PORT", "5432"),

To configure PostgreSQL as the Django back-end:

  1. Install PostgreSQL (if not already installed)
  2. Ensure that pg_config from the PostgreSQL distribution is in the PATH and runs from the command line
  3. Install the psycopg2 driver:
    pip install psycopg2

    Then follow the appropriate section of Configuring Django Database Back-Ends.

  4. Uncomment the PostgreSQL Connector in the following modules:
      # uncomment this to enable PostgreSQL
      # from swirl.connectors.postgresql import PostgreSQL
       ('ChatGPT', 'ChatGPT Query String'),
       ('RequestsGet', 'HTTP/GET returning JSON'),
       ('RequestsPost', 'HTTP/POST returning JSON'),
       ('Elastic', 'Elasticsearch Query String'),
       ('OpenSearch', 'OpenSearch Query String'),
       # Uncomment the line below to enable PostgreSQL
       # ('PostgreSQL', 'PostgreSQL'),
       ('BigQuery', 'Google BigQuery'),
       ('Sqlite3', 'Sqlite3'),
       ('M365OutlookMessages', 'M365 Outlook Messages'),
       ('M365OneDrive', 'M365 One Drive'),
       ('M365OutlookCalendar', 'M365 Outlook Calendar'),
       ('M365SharePointSites', 'M365 SharePoint Sites'),
       ('MicrosoftTeams', 'Microsoft Teams'),

Configuring Celery & Redis

Celery is used to execute a Swirl federated search. It uses Redis as a result back-end for asynchronous operation. Both of these systems must be configured correctly.

Celery is configured in at least three locations. They must be the same!

  1. swirl_server/
    app = Celery('swirl_server', 

    If this is setup correctly, you should see the backend setting appear when you run Celery from the command line:

    > transport:   amqp://guest:**@localhost:6379//
    - ** ---------- .> results:     rpc://
  2. swirl_server/ (Django settings):
# Celery Configuration Options
    # Executes every hour
    'expire': {
         'task': 'expirer',
         'schedule': crontab(minute=0,hour='*'),
    # Executes every four hours
    'subscribe': {
         'task': 'subscriber',
         'schedule': crontab(minute=0,hour='*/4'),   # minute='*/10'
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
# CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:6379//'

CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'

The file also contains the configuration for the Search Expiration Service and the Search Subscription Service.


The Django Secret Key

In swirl_server/, there is a configuration item for a SECRET_KEY. This is not really a big deal. If you change it, active users will have to login again. That’s it.

To change the one that is in the repo:

python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"

Swirl User & Group Support

You can use Django’s built-in authentication support, which adds User and Group objects, or implement your own. The following sections detail how to access these.

/swirl/users/List User objects; create a new one using the form at bottom
/swirl/users/id/Retrieve a User object; destroy it using the Delete button; edit it using the form at bottom
/swirl/groups/List Group objects; create a new one using the form at bottom
/swirl/groups/id/Retrieve a Group object; destroy it using the Delete button; edit it using the form at bottom

You can also edit these tables using the Django Console:

Django console user object

For more information, see: User authentication in Django


Log Information

All Swirl services write log files in the logs/ folder under swirl-search.

Here’s what to expect in each:

logs/redis.logContains infrastructure issues for the in-memory data storeNot involved in federation
logs/django.logContains the log of the Django container, which includes all HTTP activity API calls.Not involved in federation
logs/celery-worker.logContains the log of Celery tasksVery involved in federation, look for detailed information regarding errors in search.status or partial results
logs/celery-beats.logContains the log of the celery-beats service, which is only used by the Search Expiration and Subscription ServicesLook here for issues with subscription or expiration not working

From the Swirl root directory, try running:

python logs/

This will show you the collected, latest output of all logs, continuously.

As of version 2.5, Swirl now outputs a single log entry with each request at the default log level INFO:

2023-08-02 10:49:09,466 INFO     admin search 452 FULL_RESULTS_READY 32 2.2

Detailed logging is available in Debug mode: restart Swirl with the --debug flag to enable (or edit the file as outlined below).

Debug Mode

By default, Swirl ships in production mode. To put Django into DEBUG mode, modify swirl_server/, changing:

DEBUG = False


DEBUG = True

Then restart Django. Debug mode provides far more debugging information.

You can also configure the logger invoked at the top of each module. For example, to turn logging up to DEBUG, add the following incantation after the line ‘import logging as logger’:


For more information about logging, see: