Deep learning of S/T interpolation, CMAQ and WRF




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      在泛函分析中,捲積(又稱疊積(convolution)、褶積或旋積),是透過兩個函數 f 和 g 生成第三個函數的一種數學算子,表徵函數 f 與經過翻轉和平移的 g 的乘積函數所圍成的曲邊梯形的面積。如果將參加摺積的一個函數看作區間的指示函數,摺積還可以被看作是「滑動平均」的推廣。

  • 數位中介法沒有屏蔽的 AI 大數據大補帖 系列 第 3 篇 - Day3 深度學習基本名詞介紹阿柴2023
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Spatial/Temporal interpolation with machine learning

sources applications methods  
Li et al., (2011)1 mud content samples in the southwest Australian margin spatial interpolation RF 23 methods  
Zhang et al(2017)2 crowd flow prediction ST-ResNet  
Dixon et al., (2018)3 traffic volume and speed Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Modeling  
Helber et al., (2019)4 landuse interpolation and fusion deep convolutional neural networks  
Le et al., (2019)5 Seoul ConvLSTM  
Abirami and Chitra (2021)6 AQ in Delhi STAA-LSTM  
Shi and Wang(2021)7 cone pressure/sounding ensemble radial basis function network (RBFN)  
Kiessling(2021) wind Adaptive Random Fourier, NN, RF  
Leirvik and Yuan, (2021)8 solar radiation S/T interpolation RF and other 7 models  
Rendyk (2021) Evapotransporation, Temperature IDW, NN, Thin Plate Spline Regression, GAM, Triangulated Irregular Network, Ordinary Kriging, AutoKriging, Co-Kriging  
Wang et al., (2021)9 rainfall S/T interpolation deep learning regression models  
Melker Hoglund (2022)10 wind monitor sites interpolation neural network, random forest  
Hengl et al. (2022)11 temp at sites Ensemble Machine Learning  
Kirkwood et al.(2022)12 remote sensing interpolation Bayesian Deep Learning  
Kim et al., (2022)13 Korean House Prices NN, RF, IDW, and Kriging  
Brecht et al(2022) wind and traj. NN  
Zhou et al 2022 Frost Prediction ANN  
Zhang et al., (2022)14 PM2.5 Deep Geometric Spatial Interpolation  
Elbaz et al., 202315 Noem HRA ResNet+ConvLSTM  
Oliveira Santos et al., (2023)16 Houston ozone prediction GCNN, GraphSAGE

CMAQ and AI’s

作者年代 地區 應用 方法
Friberg et al., 201617 Georgia HRA CMAQ+weightted variance
Lyu et al., 201918 中國 NRT analysis CMAQ+ensemble deep learning
Eslami, 202019 德州 空品預報 CMAQ+CNN+EnKF
O’Neill et al., 202120 加州 森林火災 CMAQ+datafusion
Sayeed et al., 202121 南韓 AQ forecasting CMAQ+deep CNN
Sun et al., 202122 Bay Area AQ forecasting CMAQ+LSTM
Dharmalingam et al., 202223 Atlanta HRA CMAQ+RF
Ren et al., 202224 美陸 空品變遷 CMAQ+BEML
Hong et al., 202225 釜山 local scale predictions CMAQ+RNN+LSTM
Huang et al., 202226 北卡 source apportionment CMAQ + datafusion + CMBGC-Iteration
Jang et al., 202227 釜山 hr PM2.5 predictions CMAQ+datafusion
Huang et al., 202328 京津冀 emission adjustments and AQ forecasting nudging+exRT

WRF and AI’S

作者年代 地區 應用 方法
Jiang et al., (2018)29 - typhopon forecast DL
Jensen et al., (2019)30 (a tool) - CNN
Weyn et al., (2021)31 全球 DLWP, DLSEM CNN
Xu et al., 202132 16 locations para. testing deep ML
Hatfield et al., (2021)33 - climate predictions NN for 4dVAR
Uchôa da Silva et al., (2022)34 - convective prediction RF
Singh et al., (2023)35 India NWP DL,DLWP-CS
He et al., (2023)36 - finegrid prediction DL
Liu et al., (2023)37 - - NN for 3dVAR
Zhong et al., (2023)38 - - WRF–ML v1.0
Sayeed et al., 202139 南韓 NWP WRF+CNN

Weyne and Durran

  • MMM Seminar: Replacing Current NWP with Deep Learning Weather Prediction and Extensions to a Full Earth-System Model , Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Laboratory, 2023/3

Spatio-Temporal Graph general surveys

Ren’s survey(2020)

Ren, X., Li, X., Ren, K., Song, J., Xu, Z., Deng, K., Wang, X. (2020). Deep Learning-Based Weather Prediction: A Survey. Big Data Research 23, 100178. doi40

  • In this paper, we survey the state-of-the-art studies of deep learning-based weather forecasting, in the aspects of the design of neural network (NN) architectures, spatial and temporal scales, as well as the datasets and benchmarks. Then we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of DLWP by comparing it with the conventional NWP, and summarize the potential future research topics of DLWP.

Pytorch Utilization41

S/T Satellite data applications

  • reviewing on Satellite image time series (SITS) ML works by Moskolaï et al., 202144

Wang et al. survey (2022)

Wang, S., Cao, J., Yu, P.S. (2022). Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34, 3681–3700. doi 45

(Autoencoder (AE) and Stacked AE.)

Sahili and Awad(2023)

Sahili and Awad(2023)Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks: A Survey46

Jin et al.(2023) survey for Predictive Learning in Urban Computing

  • Jin, G., Liang, Y., Fang, Y., Huang, J., Zhang, J., Zheng, Y. (2023)47. Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Learning in Urban Computing: A Survey.arXiv:2303.14483

  1. Li, J., Heap, A.D., Potter, A., Daniell, J.J. (2011). Application of machine learning methods to spatial interpolation of environmental variables. Environmental Modelling & Software 26, 1647–1659. doi 

  2. Zhang, Junbo, Yu Zheng, and Dekang Qi. “Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks for Citywide Crowd Flows Prediction.” AAAI. 2017

  3. Dixon, M.F., Polson, N.G., Sokolov, V.O. (2018). Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Modeling: Dynamic Traffic Flows and High Frequency Trading.(pdf

  4. Helber, P., Bischke, B., Dengel, A., Borth, D. (2019). EuroSAT: A Novel Dataset and Deep Learning Benchmark for Land Use and Land Cover Classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 12, 2217–2226. doi 

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  16. Oliveira Santos, V., Costa Rocha, P.A., Scott, J., Van Griensven Thé, J., Gharabaghi, B. (2023). Spatiotemporal Air Pollution Forecasting in Houston-TX: A Case Study for Ozone Using Deep Graph Neural Networks. Atmosphere 14, 308. doi 

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  19. Eslami, E. 1985- (2020). Applications of Deep Learning in Atmospheric Sciences: Air Quality Forecasting, Post-Processing, and Hurricane Tracking (Thesis). 

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  21. Sayeed, A., Lops, Y., Choi, Y., Jung, J., Khan, A. (2021). Bias Correcting and Extending the PM Forecast by CMAQ up to 7 days using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Atmospheric Environment. doi 

  22. Sun, H., Fung, J.C.H., Chen, Y., Chen, W., Li, Z., Huang, Y., Lin, C., Hu, M., Lu, X. (2021). Improvement of PM2.5 and O3 forecasting by integration of 3D numerical simulation with deep learning techniques. Sustainable Cities and Society 75, 103372. doi 

  23. Dharmalingam, S., Senthilkumar, N., D’Souza, R.R., Hu, Y., Chang, H.H., Ebelt, S., Yu, H., Kim, C.S., Rohr, A. (2022). Developing air pollution concentration fields for health studies using multiple methods: Cross-comparison and evaluation. Environmental Research 207, 112207. doi 

  24. Ren, X., Mi, Z., Cai, T., Nolte, C.G., Georgopoulos, P.G. (2022). Flexible Bayesian Ensemble Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Local Ozone Concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56, 3871–3883. doi 

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  45. Wang, S., Cao, J., Yu, P.S. (2022). Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34, 3681–3700. doi 

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  47. Jin, G., Liang, Y., Fang, Y., Huang, J., Zhang, J., Zheng, Y. (2023). Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Learning in Urban Computing: A Survey.arXiv:2303.14483