



  • GIS用作CMAQ或其他模式模擬結果的顯示界面,雖然有些大材小用,也有其應用上的必要性。
    • 如早期因為跨平台模式教學沒有適合的顯示軟體,而必須使用到QGIS來繪製等值圖。
    • 其他既有系統架構如GMOS SDI1資訊架構、雲端網頁處理及服務系統2、ICARUS DSS3等等,都是使用圖台服務系統成為模式及分析工具的案例。
  • GIService在提供遠端使用者地理資訊的過程中,為不可或缺的重要伺服器。常用的免費軟體有MapServerGeoServer等2款。前者適用大型數據如NASA就是其最早的支持者、後者則為中小型機構所愛用。
  • GeoServer可以直接讀取自帶網格經緯度座標的nc檔
    • 目前運作的案例多為UCAR的氣候檔案分析以及NetCDF Java之toolsUI、
    • 也可以自nc檔中地理座標相關屬性計算網格座標,並將格柵資訊、在指定範圍、指定解析度,進行圖磚製作,啟動WMS或向量檔的TMS服務,前者格式如png,jpeg,後者格式也包括了geojson等等。
    • 尚無WRF、CMAQ等模式IO之應用。主要的理由是GIS系統的約定是LL網格系統,等間距的格柵檔案需要轉換格點系統(resampling or regrid)。


  • GeoServer基本上是平行化接受使用者(也包括本地圖磚製作)的呼叫,使用超過一個以上的核心、也可以限定平行作業的上限數。實則java只是使用單一個pid進行運送,並沒有傳統同步運作的形式。
  • 記憶體需求量大。
    • 以IMac 16GB記憶體而言,執行node.js再執行geoserver的start.jar,記憶體就可以達到8成,將會對其他記憶體較大的作業造成排擠。
    • 以node03 DEC工作站而言,平時記憶體最大6G、加上start.jar會再加上1.5G,對於夜間下載分析工作(get_all.cs)而言,平時記憶體(Cach)使用即超過9成,geoserver工作不適合放在夜間運作時段。



  • 通用start.jar
  • MacOS: brew install geoserver


  • modify start.ini
    • Connector port to listen on:jetty.http.port=8080
    • Connector host/address to bind
$ cat ~/MyPrograms/geoserver/geoserv.cs
n=$(ps -ef|grep start.jar|grep java|wc -l)
if ! [[ $n -eq 1 ]];then
  d=$(date +%Y%m%d)
  ./ >& $GEOSERVER_HOME/../logs/$d.log


# geoserver
0 * * * * ~/MyPrograms/geoserver/geoserv.cs


  • first time: admin/geoserver


NetCDF plugin

  • How to install NetCDF plugin to GeoServer
  • gis.stackexchange
  • copyprogramming
  • 目前wrf/CMAQ等nc檔皆為等間距座標系統,不符合GIS之等經緯度系統(網格點的經緯度必須為1維),無法應用。
There was an error trying to connect to store Do you want to save it anyway?

Original exception error:

Failed to create reader from file:///nas2/cmaqruns/2022fcst/grid09/cctm.fcst/daily/ and hints Hints: LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT = true REPOSITORY = org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogRepository@44015fa4 FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING = http GRID_COVERAGE_FACTORY = GridCoverageFactory TILE_ENCODING = null COMPARISON_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-8 STYLE_FACTORY = StyleFactoryImpl FEATURE_FACTORY = org.geotools.feature.LenientFeatureFactoryImpl@646811d6 FILTER_FACTORY = FilterFactoryImpl EXECUTOR_SERVICE = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@5434c827[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER = true


  • toolsUI是UCAR提供的NetCDF Java程式庫之一
  • NetCDF Java 程式庫的目標在於實現數據的通用化,即通用數據模型(CDM),用於將 netCDF 文件與各種數據格式(例如 netCDF、HDF、GRIB)進行轉換對接。除了基本數據的訪問,CDM使用檔案中的 metadata(元數據、數據的描述信息)來提供更高層次的接口、充分使用檔案中的屬性數據,以便使用地球科學特定功能,特別是在座標空間中提供地理定位、和切割出特定空間的數據子集等。
  • toolsUI-5.5.3.jar:下載點
  • 目前適用格式以COARDS協定為主、不適用m3 convention。


TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34264 (0x85d8) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34735 (0x87af) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34736 (0x87b0) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34737 (0x87b1) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 42112 (0xa480) encountered.
TIFF Directory at offset 0xc0 (192)
  Image Width: 92 Image Length: 131
  Tile Width: 512 Tile Length: 512
  Bits/Sample: 64
  Sample Format: IEEE floating point
  Compression Scheme: None
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Tag 34264: 0.030598,0.000000,0.000000,119.226797,0.000000,0.027813,0.000000,21.775621,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000
  Tag 34735: 1,1,0,7,1024,0,1,2,1025,0,1,1,2048,0,1,4326,2049,34737,7,0,2054,0,1,9102,2057,34736,1,1,2059,34736,1,0
  Tag 34736: 298.257224,6378137.000000
  Tag 34737: WGS 84|
  Tag 42112: <GDALMetadata>
  <Item name="DESCRIPTION" sample="0" role="description">pm</Item>
  • sf:sfdem
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 33550 (0x830e) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 33922 (0x8482) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34735 (0x87af) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34737 (0x87b1) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 42112 (0xa480) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 42113 (0xa481) encountered.
=== TIFF directory 0 ===
TIFF Directory at offset 0x4d9ce (317902)
  Image Width: 634 Image Length: 477
  Tile Width: 256 Tile Length: 256
  Bits/Sample: 32
  Sample Format: IEEE floating point
  Compression Scheme: AdobeDeflate
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Tag 33550: 30.000000,30.000000,0.000000
  Tag 33922: 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,589980.000000,4928010.000000,0.000000
  Tag 34735: 1,1,0,7,1024,0,1,1,1025,0,1,1,1026,34737,33,0,2049,34737,8,33,2054,0,1,9102,3072,0,1,26713,3076,0,1,9001
  Tag 34737: UTM Zone 13, Northern Hemisphere|clark66|
  GDAL Metadata: <GDALMetadata>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULES_COUNT" sample="0">5</Item>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULE_RGB_0" sample="0">0.000000e+000 1.000000e+003 255 255 255 0 255 0</Item>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULE_RGB_1" sample="0">1.000000e+003 1.200000e+003 0 255 0 255 255 0</Item>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULE_RGB_2" sample="0">1.200000e+003 1.400000e+003 255 255 0 255 127 0</Item>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULE_RGB_3" sample="0">1.400000e+003 1.600000e+003 255 127 0 191 127 63</Item>
  <Item name="COLOR_TABLE_RULE_RGB_4" sample="0">1.600000e+003 2.000000e+003 191 127 63 0 0 0</Item>

  GDAL NoDataValue: -9.99999993381581251e+36
  Predictor: none 1 (0x1)



  • 使用图像镶嵌插件组织并发布时间序列栅格数据
  • tutorial
  • How to add date and time to a geotiff to enable time dimension in geoserver?
    • Geoserver offers the Image Mosaic plugins, which allows either mosaicing or making time series. This pages shows how to build such a time series:
    • Basically, it consists in having all the tif in a single repository, and creating at least two configuration files:
      • defining the rules for extracting the date from the filename, and
      • indicating to geoserver how to create the index table.
      • The third file is needed only to create entries in PostGIS (else geoserver will create a shapefile).
    • Creating a new datastore is quite straightforward. A time parameter can then be passed to the WMS to select a specific image.

RESTful calling geoserver

  • Importer REST API examples
    • Mass configuring a directory of shapefile
    • by curl

publish a GeoTiff file in GeoServer with curl tool

curl -u admin:geoserver -v -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -d \
  </coverageStore>' \
  • put tiff
curl -u admin:geoserver -v -XPUT -H "Content-type: image/tiff"  \
--data-binary @taiwan2.tif   \


  • 雖然geoserver並不是為了展示成果,而是對外提供圖檔服務,然而檢視過程仍然需要使用正確的顏色設定。


  • 基本上geoserver內raster等值區間、顏色等等、是由具有個別命名的style檔案所控制的。
  • 由主畫面Data->Style進入Manage the Styles published by GeoServer,可以新增、刪除、產生、複製、上傳既有style、或直接修改既有的設定。
  • raster範例如dem,格式為SLD(StyledLayerDescriptor)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:ogc=""
  xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""
      <Title>Simple DEM style</Title>
      <Abstract>Classic elevation color progression</Abstract>
              <ColorMapEntry color="#AAFFAA" quantity="0" label="values" />
              <ColorMapEntry color="#00FF00" quantity="1000"/>
              <ColorMapEntry color="#FFFF00" quantity="1200" label="values" />
              <ColorMapEntry color="#FF7F00" quantity="1400" label="values" />
              <ColorMapEntry color="#BF7F3F" quantity="1600" label="values" />
              <ColorMapEntry color="#000000" quantity="2000" label="values" />
level color name
1 AAFFAA Mint Green/淡綠色
2 00FF00 鮮绿色/綠色/Ford Green
3 FFFF00 Yellow/鮮黃
4 FF7F00 Dark Orange/橙色
5 BF7F3F shade of brown/Brandy Punch
6 000000 Black/黑

leaflet.js 之呼叫

xml parsing

格式紀錄在GetCapabilities內:Welcome -> GeoServer Web Map Tile Service -> WMTS(內部ip)


<ows:LowerCorner>-103.87100615361031 44.37021187004215</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>-103.62932676908186 44.50162561960653</ows:UpperCorner>


<ResourceURL format="image/jpeg" resourceType="tile" template="{style}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileRow}/{TileCol}?format=image/jpeg"/>
  • substute into index.js
    • {style}:dem
    • {TileMatrixSet} = EPSG:900913
    • {TileMatrix} = EPSG:900913:30
    • {z}=30


  • demo instance sf:sfdem
var osm = L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}?format=image/jpeg', {
            attribution: 'Map data &copy; 2013 OpenStreetMap contributors'
        var map ='map', {
            center: [44.4, -103.7,],
            zoom: 13
  • AQM:newCV instance
var osm = L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}?format=image/png'
  • 注意
    1. EPSG:4326似乎與leaflet不合,無法計算出正確的x,y值,必須使用EPSG:900913
    2. 中心點(lat,lon)必須精確到小數點1位,可以由geoserver->Tile Caching->Tile Layers之預覽由滑鼠得到。
    3. 測試之網頁:

Time Support in GeoServer WMS

  • within a single Layer see support
  • may use relative time, and Reduced accuracy times

post a vector file on leaflet map

<script src="leaflet.ajax.min.js"></script>
        var geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON.AJAX("COUNTY_MOI_1090820.geojson");
        var myStyle =
        color: 'black',
            weight: 3
  • Notes
    1. setStyle seems useless
    2. (TODO) line color, line width, transparaency need further modifications
    3. (TODO) mouse hovers and clicks may be further defined.

  1. Global Mercury Observation System Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI),in presentation of Nicola Pirrone(2011) 

  2. Zhang, C., Di, L., Sun, Z., Lin, L., Yu, E., Gaigalas, J. (2019). Exploring cloud-based Web Processing Service: A case study on the implementation of CMAQ as a Service. Environmental Modelling and Software 113. 

  3. UPCOM, KARTEKO, ARTEMIS, AUTH (2021). Report on the design of technical framework and system architecture of the ICARUS DSS, WP7: Motivating citizens towards the vision in Integrated Climate forcing and Air Pollution Reduction in Urban Systems(ICURAS). 

  4. Calvin Metcalf(2016) leaflet-ajax, download site