

知識工作者不能沒有知識累積,而你的筆記就是知識庫,德國人發明的這個系統真的好但不易懂,讓我試著白話說說,你可用免費的 Notion1 開始累積你的知識2



Roam Research:不愧是元祖,它幾乎滿足每一項,全雲端,在 iOS 上雖然只能用行動網頁版,但也比沒有好了,可是它每個月要 $15 鎂!!或者 5 年 $500 鎂!!

Obsidian:免費,可滿足大部分 Roam Research 的功能,不過它只有 Mac, Windows, Linux 版在本機作業,沒有 Web 版和行動版。還有 Zettlr 也是如此。

Foam:免費,它幾乎達到 Roam Research 的大部分功能,但是它要先安裝 VS Code,再在其上建立模板,除了安裝過程有點 Geeky 外,沒有行動版、沒有 Chrome OS 版(編按:這是真的,因使用python程式,這在網頁上會有限制,詳VS市集說明)。

Scratch Book(編按:應為scrapbox):如同所有日本的軟體,很怪不好用(我覺得日本人的思維跟全世界不太一樣)。

RemNote3:目前免費,滿足一切要求!雖然還沒有行動版(Google Play 那個 RemNote App 不是筆記軟體,而是 flash card 記憶工具),不過有對行動瀏覽器最佳化,它是麻省理工學院的專案,很有趣,但界面很有「工程師」,學習有曲線,但很值得一用,有興趣請見下面專文

Which PKM App is Right For You?

items Obsidian Roam LogSeq description
UI 3 1 2+ best user interface for working with your text-based notes
VUC 1     visualizing usable connections between notes
backlinks   1 1 easiest, most intuitive, and most visual way to surface backlinks
Sidebar 3 2+ 1 less customizable, but more clearly functional
Block Ref   1 1 best for making powerful connections between atomic note elements across notes
MD 1     best implementation of standard Markdown formatting
Search/Query     1 most powerful search tools and best implementation of embedded queries
Daily Notes   1 1 most functional, clearly understood implementation of Daily Notes
Tasks     1 best implementation of task management features
Expandability 1     easiest and most powerful way to expand capabilities of the core application
Theming 1     easiest way to customize the look and feel of the application without needing to know CSS
Data Portability 1     most flexible for moving data in and out
Publishing and Sharing 1     easiest way to securely share contents from your PKM
Data Security 1   2+ most secure storage and syncing of your notes library
Mobile Experience 1++     best experience for working with your notes from an iPhone
Pricing 1 3–    





  1. Notion是一款整合了筆記、知識庫、資料表格、看板、日曆等多種能力於一體的應用程式,它支援個人使用者單獨使用,也可以與他人進行跨平台協同運作。Notion由Ivan Zhao、Simon Last於2016年在舊金山創立的。 維基百科。goto Notion官網。 

  2. 用 Notion 自製 Zettelkästen 卡片盒個人知識庫: Part 3. 市場產品分析,都有缺憾,by Uncle Leo2020 

  3. The all-in-one tool for thinking and learning. Sure, it’s a note-taking tool. But there’s also flashcards, PDFs, backlinks, and more - to help you study, stay organized, and think. RemNote 

  4. MIKE SCHMITZ(2020) Obsidian vs. Roam vs. LogSeq: Which PKM App is Right For You? article at The Sweet Setup, a website by Shawn Blanc and friends. See also: The Focus Course.